Fulton County DA wants a trial the day before Super Tuesday? Yep, its just radical activism

Fani is going to have to hire many lawyers to try this case, she will need a ton of funding.. REPUBLICANS you know what to do. Hehehe
She is not on trial. He is.
Republicans are walking away in droves, many of you are simply not noticing.

Trump is getting less and less funding from his supporters.
Nobody in their right mind can look at this and say.. “oh wow, what a coincidence?”

This leftist guy not only wants to time up the trial for obvious political reasons, but he also is trying to charge every lawyer under Trump to intimidate others..

There is no reason to believe this is credible, and they aren’t trying to hide it at all either.

She's a racist too. Do you thinks she'd be doing this if Trump were black?

I see a big gap in our justice system. As it stands now, a case must go up the appeal chain before it is heard.

There should be a way for the Supreme Court to step in when it sees a violation of the Constitution, such as when the current Administration approves a weaponized DOJ to block its political opponent with bogus and numerous indictments.
How many times must you get an F in Constitution and Rule of Law to really go study and come up with a better grade?
She's a racist too. Do you thinks she'd be doing this if Trump were black?
Great, call her racist, slut.
Imitate your master in every way, every word he uses.

It keeps getting him in hot water. It will do the same to you if you are ever in the same kind of situation with the law.
Sure. When you find a prosecutor who thinks there's enough evidence to indict Joe on something then have at.
Whataboutism with on evidence. Zero on Joe and Hunter.

Next !!!!
You cant address why the defense should not be given the same amount of time as the prosecution had to prepare a case.

You are not for equity,
Excellent point. What next? The DOJ will go after Republicans after spending two years building a case against them - and then demand they go to trial in five months?

Trump should get 2.5 years to prepare his defense. He shouldn’t have to be sidelined by preparing for a trial scheduled for the day before the most important primary day. Instead, he should be able to spend the next year campaigning, and then AFTER the election get another year to prepare for his defense (if he doesn’t win, that is).
Excellent point. What next? The DOJ will go after Republicans after spending two years building and then demand they go to trial in five months?

Trump should get 2.5 years to prepare his defense. He shouldn’t have to be sidelined by preparing for a trial scheduled for the day before the most important primary day. Instead, he should be able to spend the next year campaigning, and then AFTER the election get another year to prepare for his defense (if he doesn’t win, that is).
You read Trump's posts and you get the same knowledge he has.

Except that his lawyers know best, and they do know that it is not how the system has ever worked.

Which is why the Monday conference is OFF.
That little Marxist bitch is going to get smacked down HARD!!!!
I love that you think that. I'm not sure what you've seen from Trump and company that screams competence to you but the fact that they do is an endless source of amusement. Thank you. 😄

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