Fun Survey/Question.OJ Set Free In October.What Would Be An Ideal Job For OJ Simpson?,Maybe Retail?

:2up: As we all know by now, OJ will be set free,,,more like,,cut loose back to Florida come October. Well, he really needs to go back to work? Yes?
OK, maybe not. But just for fun, when you take into consideration what he did in the 90's and along with that Hotel Debacle where "OJ Just Wanted His Stuff Back",,what job would you love to see him in, or maybe a really bottom of the barrel job that would be a great punishment for his crimes. :rolleyes:
This one would be somewhat ideal for OJ.
Any major retailer, like the ones we see at the malls. And OJ can work the Kitchen Accessories section. Now think about, what kind of "Kitchen Tool" do all of us have to chop our vegetables?
Can you see yourself at Macys/JC Penny shopping for a few kitchen items, and OJ was there? what would you ask him? :laugh:

He will make a "killing" signing autographs.......
kinda hard to sign autographs if ur wearing a thick bandaid
:2up: As we all know by now, OJ will be set free,,,more like,,cut loose back to Florida come October. Well, he really needs to go back to work? Yes?
OK, maybe not. But just for fun, when you take into consideration what he did in the 90's and along with that Hotel Debacle where "OJ Just Wanted His Stuff Back",,what job would you love to see him in, or maybe a really bottom of the barrel job that would be a great punishment for his crimes. :rolleyes:
This one would be somewhat ideal for OJ.
Any major retailer, like the ones we see at the malls. And OJ can work the Kitchen Accessories section. Now think about, what kind of "Kitchen Tool" do all of us have to chop our vegetables?
Can you see yourself at Macys/JC Penny shopping for a few kitchen items, and OJ was there? what would you ask him? :laugh:

he gets a pension from the NFL. why would you think he is going to take a job? he's 70 years old.

or is it that because he's black he should be standing on his feet selling you crap?

Jesus Jillian, do you ever lighten up?
The OP said this was for fun.

I'm sorry, is racism funny?

sorry. you're too disgusting to be amusing.

Excuse me ?
How about going back and re-reading the OP, and then explain the racism part.

I swear to god you people are fucking insane.
Ideal job for OJ?

Pumping out septic tanks.
in what city? detroit?

A small Texas town.

well after he pumps out the poop,,,mostly from racist white people,,,where does he drive it to? where does he dump it?

San Francisco needs fertilizer to grow pot.
maybe OJ can be the next new member on Sesame St? Maybe they can create a character for OJ? Maybe a nutty glove or large shoe salesman?
Walmart greeter. "Welcome to Walmart. Get your stuff and get out, or I'll kill you."
Walmart greeter. "Welcome to Walmart. Get your stuff and get out, or I'll kill you."
Wal-Mart Greeter: Welcome To Wal-Mart, and may I direct you to the kitchen knife center where today we are having a "Half Slice"....oops,,sorry,,,I meant a half-price sale on all Chopping knives under 15 inches of length !!!
Restaurateur "Welcome to OJ's house of fine dining. Eat here or I'll kill you."

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