Funding of the Wall to be a State of the Union Demand

Because the Republicans are part of the problem. They can't get over Trump steam rolling the 12 of them.
So you dumb Drumpf supporters actually thought he would get a wall past congress without the help of his own party? I'm stunned at your stupidity.
Of course I thought the Republicans would pass a bill with the chump change needed.

This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Democrats have chosen their Little Big Horn hill to make their 2020 stand on if they don’t give him what he wants.

As we see with the current Go Fund Me for building the wall, Americans want it and want it now.

Art of The Deal:

Anxious over the image of shutting down the government four days before Christmas, the White House and congressional Republicans shifted the budget fight over border wall funding to February to make it the focus of President Trump’s State of the Union.

With the administration under fire in some conservative quarters for “caving in” after making repeated threats to shut the government down Friday if a deal for more wall funding wasn’t cut, officials Wednesday afternoon pushed back, claiming it is part of a broader plan to heighten the war with Democrats over securing $5 billion for border security.

“It’s not a retreat, it’s actually a bigger attack,” said a Trump adviser.

The shutdown date was pushed back to Feb. 8, after Trump is scheduled to give his State of the Union to a joint sitting of Congress. It is always the biggest speech of the year.

“The date after the State of the Union gives the president the biggest visible platform,” said another source familiar with the agreement cut today. “This positions us to have the fight when we have the most visibility,” added the source.

Wall funding to be State of the Union demand, direct challenge to Pelosi

Yes. Most Americans want the wall and we will see how well the Dem's do in 2020 if they refuse to fund it.
If most americans wanted the wall the repub dominated congress would have funded it already. No one wants the wall except the orange carnival barker and the marks he conned into voting for him by claiming Mexico would pay for the wall.

600 miles already built, if Mexicans voted for Republicans the entire wall would of been built under Obama.

That 700 miles was built before Drumpf was in office and only in spots where it made sense. No one is going to fund a 30ft monument to stupidity on our southern border.

Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:
Call it what you want.
But they should pay a penalty for removing 26 billion from our economy.
If you dont see that as damaging to our economy you're a complete moron.
As long as they earned the money and it isn't stolen I don't see how it is any of your business what they do with it. We sure don't need more taxes.

Do you realise just how stupid you sound?
We dont need more tax revenue? How the fuck do you think we ended up with a 21 trillion deficit?
They take advantage of our gov assistance programs and then send the money they earn back to mehico while providing nothing in return.
You're a complete dumbfuck .....or a beaner.

Everything you posted is a lie. "Illegals" add to the national GDP. They pay 15% withholding taxes, which go into government coffers and doesn't come back. The figures you posted are the costs of services used by illegal, but your figures don't the contribution of withholding taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, and all of the millions of dollars they contribute to the GDP and the national tax base. Some studies say that the US is actually MAKING more money off the illegals than they cost.

Are you really this gullible? It's not the illegal immigrants who are driving the deficit. It's Trump's Tax Cuts and the military.

Look...I know you've only been paying attention for three years and being an oldlady has slowed down you mental capacity.

That fucks the local economy as well as our tax base.
Not to mention they use our gov assistance programs.
You know every once in a while you show signs of intelligence but this is ridiculous!!!
Genius, you replied to Dragon Lady's post, not mine.

So in conclusion....
Draglady is a moron.
So you dumb Drumpf supporters actually thought he would get a wall past congress without the help of his own party? I'm stunned at your stupidity.
Of course I thought the Republicans would pass a bill with the chump change needed.

This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yes. Most Americans want the wall and we will see how well the Dem's do in 2020 if they refuse to fund it.
If most americans wanted the wall the repub dominated congress would have funded it already. No one wants the wall except the orange carnival barker and the marks he conned into voting for him by claiming Mexico would pay for the wall.

600 miles already built, if Mexicans voted for Republicans the entire wall would of been built under Obama.

That 700 miles was built before Drumpf was in office and only in spots where it made sense. No one is going to fund a 30ft monument to stupidity on our southern border.

Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

Of course I thought the Republicans would pass a bill with the chump change needed.

This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.

This makes you mad doesn't it?

If most americans wanted the wall the repub dominated congress would have funded it already. No one wants the wall except the orange carnival barker and the marks he conned into voting for him by claiming Mexico would pay for the wall.

600 miles already built, if Mexicans voted for Republicans the entire wall would of been built under Obama.

That 700 miles was built before Drumpf was in office and only in spots where it made sense. No one is going to fund a 30ft monument to stupidity on our southern border.

Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

First you said I was a Dem. Why are you backpedaling now?

I dont care if 100k stupid people disagree with me. They are stupid so why would they agree with someone that is intelligent?
This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.

This makes you mad doesn't it?

View attachment 235823
Pictures dont make me mad.
Of course I thought the Republicans would pass a bill with the chump change needed.

This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

The fake conservatives have been totally silent about Trump's spending. That tells you all their whining about Obama's spending was sheer hypocrisy.

It makes one wonder what DO they actually fucking stand for.

Trump has proven time and time again they don't stand for Traditional Family Values™, they don't stand for a balanced budget or fiscal conservatism, they aren't for transparency, and they sure as shit don't want to see the swamp drained.

And then they are baffled and upset and cry crocodile tears when Trump gets himself held hostage due to his record spending.

They'll tell you it was the negro's fault he was shot over a broken tail light. "He shouldna run!"

But Trump spending a record amount of money and getting himself into such a bind that the Democrats can hold him hostage over a measly $5 billion? Gee whillickers those darned Democrats are traitors!
the Democrats can hold him hostage over a measly $5 billion?
I don't know what that means. Could Trump, himself, without Congress's approval, take 5B out of another program, and put it toward the wall?
What do you mean?

What he means is what he accidentally admitted...the Democrats are trying to hold us hostage.
This is why I keep calling you dumb. No one wants a wall.
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:
600 miles already built, if Mexicans voted for Republicans the entire wall would of been built under Obama.

That 700 miles was built before Drumpf was in office and only in spots where it made sense. No one is going to fund a 30ft monument to stupidity on our southern border.

Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

First you said I was a Dem. Why are you backpedaling now?

I dont care if 100k stupid people disagree with me. They are stupid so why would they agree with someone that is intelligent?

How is one stupid that cares / defends US law?
That 700 miles was built before Drumpf was in office and only in spots where it made sense. No one is going to fund a 30ft monument to stupidity on our southern border.

Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

First you said I was a Dem. Why are you backpedaling now?

I dont care if 100k stupid people disagree with me. They are stupid so why would they agree with someone that is intelligent?

How is one stupid that cares / defends US law?
Easy. They support a wall to stupidity. :rolleyes:
Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:
And get busted trying. I'll take any reduction we can get. Plus, when the word gets out down south, they will quit coming

Build it, and they WILL NOT come

Noboady last I checked wants root canals either. But sometimes you have to do what is needed.

Of course you don't want a wall. Because you want illegals to vote. Saturate our entitlement system.

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:

It takes determination, and slows them down before border patrol arrives

You just don't give a fuck about Americans..

True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:
And get busted trying. I'll take any reduction we can get. Plus, when the word gets out down south, they will quit coming

Build it, and they WILL NOT come

They get busted now and it hasnt stopped them. No they wont quit coming. They know the US needs their labor and its easy money for them.
Yup the common theme with you.. Democrat party over safety of America, from the wall to Eric holder judge shopping in banning Muslims to asylum..

Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

First you said I was a Dem. Why are you backpedaling now?

I dont care if 100k stupid people disagree with me. They are stupid so why would they agree with someone that is intelligent?

How is one stupid that cares / defends US law?
Easy. They support a wall to stupidity. :rolleyes:

How is it stupid to defend America? Let us guess your great great great grandfather was Arnold?
True but a wall isnt needed. Its an eyesore and waste of tax payer money that could be spent on improving conditions for homeless vets.

An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:

It takes determination, and slows them down before border patrol arrives

You just don't give a fuck about Americans..

View attachment 235824
Of course it takes determination. No it doesnt slow them down.

There are a lot of americans I dont give a fuck about. Tell me something new.
Except I'm not a dem. I am an Independent. :rolleyes:

Oh please you're a libtard and 100,000 people now disagree with you...7 million bucks in 3 days to build the wall

First you said I was a Dem. Why are you backpedaling now?

I dont care if 100k stupid people disagree with me. They are stupid so why would they agree with someone that is intelligent?

How is one stupid that cares / defends US law?
Easy. They support a wall to stupidity. :rolleyes:

How is it stupid to defend America? Let us guess your great great great grandfather was Arnold?
A wall doesnt defend america. It just sits there looking stupid.
An eyesore? The whole border is a cesspool. I take it you live on the border and would have to look at it every day?

Yes an eye sore. No I dont live on the border but I sympathize with those that would have to be reminded of Drumpfs stupidity everyday.
Yep, especially those wetbacks that can't get over it

If they cant get over it they will go under or through it. :rolleyes:
And get busted trying. I'll take any reduction we can get. Plus, when the word gets out down south, they will quit coming

Build it, and they WILL NOT come

They get busted now and it hasnt stopped them. No they wont quit coming. They know the US needs their labor and its easy money for them.
And I hope we can start doing something about that. Hire an illegal and lose your business license


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