Funny that the left are insisting on wanting the Mueller report made public.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

I want it made public too.

You entirely sure you want them made public you dumb liberal losers?

Fuck liberals are fucking stupid.

Make the entire report public...along with all the un-redacted testimony and evidence about the illegal FISA Request documents, all of the conspirators' text messages and e-mails....

The Dems / snowflakes only want certain things brought to light, not all.
I'm all for it.

Release what's not classified or legally unavailable to every American who wants to read it.
Yes, we want it public now.... we want facts, not spin... it will help us all.... there are too many loose ends that we need the facts on.
Make the entire report public...along with all the un-redacted testimony and evidence about the illegal FISA Request documents, all of the conspirators' text messages and e-mails....

The Dems / snowflakes only want certain things brought to light, not all.
You'll never read it, so it makes no difference.

You will parrot what manufactured bullshit you are told to parrot.

I want it made public too.

You entirely sure you want them made public you dumb liberal losers?

Fuck liberals are fucking stupid.


Not quite sure why so many want the report made public. My guess is all the "experts" will read it and start whining (again) that a t wasn't crossed or an I wasn't dotted, and what that really means. Nevertheless, will the public reading the report change anything....absolutely not.
Make the entire report public...along with all the un-redacted testimony and evidence about the illegal FISA Request documents, all of the conspirators' text messages and e-mails....

The Dems / snowflakes only want certain things brought to light, not all.
You'll never read it, so it makes no difference.

You will parrot what manufactured bullshit you are told to parrot.
You are such a demented hypocritical fuck stick.

With your best fucking explanation, explain that.
I want it made public too.

You entirely sure you want them made public you dumb liberal losers?

Fuck liberals are fucking stupid.

After hearing for years about the 'Blue State' is it hard to believe the left doesn't trust Trump appointees, the Red State, to be open and honest?
Notice democrats don't add "without redactions". Who is the FBI kidding when they blot out segments of documents and cite "national security"? There are no freaking secrets left and they are obviously in a desperate game of CYA. The Russians and certainly the Brits probably know more about the FBI's attempted coup than most Americans.

I want it made public too.

You entirely sure you want them made public you dumb liberal losers?

Fuck liberals are fucking stupid.


What they're demanding is for the AG to break the law.
Why wait for the facts? Spin works much faster. Facts are all messy and require thought and understanding.

"We Want Chants"
"We Want Chants"
"We Want Chants"
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Common tactic on the Left. Demand something that you know will not and cannot happen (existing laws prevent it), then whine that the other side is not being "transparent."

This is the party - lest we forget - that spent the first half of the weekend strategizing about how, despite the fact that this long-anticipated report destroys the Russia Collusion meme that they had bet so heavily on, they would play it as a defeat for Trump.
Make the entire report public...along with all the un-redacted testimony and evidence about the illegal FISA Request documents, all of the conspirators' text messages and e-mails....

The Dems / snowflakes only want certain things brought to light, not all.

Let it all come out! Let it fly!
In the meantime, D-Schiff wants more indictments? OK - perp-walk his ass for admitting he leaked classified!
Common tactic on the Left. Demand something that you know will not and cannot happen (existing laws prevent it), then whine that the other side is not being "transparent."

This is the party - lest we forget - that spent the first half of the weekend strategizing about how, despite the fact that this long-anticipated report destroys the Russia Collusion meme that they had bet so heavily on, they would play it as a defeat for Trump.

Bullshit. Existing laws do not prevent it.

Barr released a 4 page summary and took it upon himself to declare Trump not guilty of Obstruction.

Only a true Trumpster would consider that to be a satisfactory conclusion.
Barr released a 4 page summary and took it upon himself to declare Trump not guilty of Obstruction.
MUELLER reported NO OBSTRUCTION...because there was none.

....but the same butt-hurt losers who have been lying, denying, justifying the exposed traitors want us to listen to them claiming Trump is still 'guilty'?!


You still have not accepted the 2016 election results. You won't accept the Mueller report results. You WILL remain a JOKE with zero credibility as long as you keep the proven / exposed false narrative alive. If the Democrats keep pushing it then it will mean their political collapse in 2020.
Barr released a 4 page summary and took it upon himself to declare Trump not guilty of Obstruction.
MUELLER reported NO OBSTRUCTION...because there was none.

Mueller CAN'T indict a sitting president as per DOJ guidelines and Mueller did not report "no obstruction" you fucking fake news spreading dummy.

Mueller specifically left Obstruction question open, presumably for CONGRESS to review. Barr's letter says as much when it states that Trump has not been exonerated by Mueller.
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