Fusion GPS Transcript released...it's bad for Republicans

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The Derp

Gold Member
Apr 12, 2017
Some of the key points of the Simpson Transcript:

  1. Steele went to Rome, gets debriefed by the FBI, and learns in the debriefing that the FBI, in September 2016, has a "voluntary" source inside the Trump campaign. So this means the Fusion GPS Steele Dossier did not prompt the FBI investigation. We can speculate that the voluntary source inside the Trump campaign was most likely George Papadopolous. (Transcript pages 175-176)

  2. Simpson was handed Manafort's contemporaneous notes from the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with the Russians. In those notes is a reference to a Cypriot holding company to engage in inward investment into Russia, along with the note "active sponsors of the RNC," Dick Cheney's press secretary, and finally, adoptions. The rot seems to infect the GOP as well as Trump, making this a larger criminal conspiracy and would explain why Republicans were trying to levy criminal accusations against Steele and Simpson - they were uncovering that the conspiracy didn't stop at Trump. (Transcript pages 261-264)

  3. Carter Page lost money with the Russians, was really mad about sanctions, and apparently had been an espionage suspect under investigation by the FBI FOR YEARS preceding the election. (Transcript pages 240-242)

  4. Fusion GPS concluded early in their investigation that Trump has serious ties to Russian organized crime, including money in his companies from "Kazakhstan, among other places, and that some of it you just couldn't account for." (Transcript pages 67-70)

  5. The very first memo within the dossier discusses that Trump and his inner circle accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin. (Transcript pages 154-155)
Basically, they concluded that Trump is most likely a kompromat of Russia, and the GOP knew about it and went along with it.
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