Gabbard Says 'Move On!'

She was an interesting character to me before I found out she was yucking it up with Assad
Meh, Assad is a human being and if Tulsi was over in Syria on a fact gathering mission, then her yucking it up is just part of that mission.

Assad is a monster, I'll give you, but sometimes you need to actually speak to the dragon.

How is Assad a "monster"? He has protected Christians in his country and is nothing like the lamestream media has attempted to portray him as.

Assad is known to have used chemical weapons on his own people, and you ask me why I think he is a monster?


When I am faced with the possibility of a huge staged and choreographed event as theorized by the anti-Federalis propose vrs possible staged urban settings where people say things plausibly under pressure from the local authoritarian government to exhonerate them, I have to go with the latter being easier and more plausible.

The Federalis are poorly organized and incompetent at the highest levels, while the lower levels of the government are much more competent. I know this because I have worked with them for the last thirty some odd years.

Our government cannot pull off the kind of deception required for a 9-11 Truther theory to hold water. Same goes with this false flag attack theory.

The Feds would be ratting on each other over night for fear that someone else would rat first and beat them to it. Look at how this Russia conspiracy hoax is collapsing with very little pressure from the lap dog GOP.

Yes, the top Federal bureaucrats are snakes and might try something like this if they could get away with it.

But they know that they cant and so they dont.

The problem with the Arab world is we simply don’t know what is real and what’s staged.
She was an interesting character to me before I found out she was yucking it up with Assad
Meh, Assad is a human being and if Tulsi was over in Syria on a fact gathering mission, then her yucking it up is just part of that mission.

Assad is a monster, I'll give you, but sometimes you need to actually speak to the dragon.

How is Assad a "monster"? He has protected Christians in his country and is nothing like the lamestream media has attempted to portray him as.

Assad is known to have used chemical weapons on his own people, and you ask me why I think he is a monster?


That is highly disputed.


By batshit crazy people.

Nah...UN inspectors will find what they are told to find. I'll take Putin's word first..
The Rebels and Isis both used the gas hoping to draw bombing raids in on Assad.
That worked until Putin brought in a few S4 units....hmm not so bat shit crazy after all.

She was an interesting character to me before I found out she was yucking it up with Assad
Meh, Assad is a human being and if Tulsi was over in Syria on a fact gathering mission, then her yucking it up is just part of that mission.

Assad is a monster, I'll give you, but sometimes you need to actually speak to the dragon.

How is Assad a "monster"? He has protected Christians in his country and is nothing like the lamestream media has attempted to portray him as.

Assad is known to have used chemical weapons on his own people, and you ask me why I think he is a monster?


Think of the most utterly bizarre conspiracy theory involving the US government you can possibly think of, and that’s not half as nutty as what Crazy Dale believes.

Diogenes' Middle Finger: One Does Not Simply ‘Move On’ From A Coup
Now that Robert Mueller’s report dropped a MOAB on the Russia Collusion narrative, some nice folk on the right are calling for ‘moving on’ and healing. Hard pass, thanks. When former Director of the CIA John Brennan, otherwise known as patient zero for the what can only be called a soft coup, now wishes to blame years of treasonous behavior on ‘bad intel’ and skate by – it’s definitely NOT time to move on. It’s time to make sure each and every co-conspirator is exposed and held accountable.
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She can't be very smart if she's a lying democrat and running against Trump. He'll slaughter her if she even get's the nomination.
You might be surprised.

Trumps antagonistic personality is his Achilles heel.

A decent moderate Dimocrat could beat him methinks, very plausibly.
She can't be very smart if she's a lying democrat and running against Trump. He'll slaughter her if she even get's the nomination.
You might be surprised.

Trumps antagonistic personality is his Achilles heel.

A decent moderate Dimocrat could beat him methinks, very plausibly.

Do you consider your antagonist personality an Achilles heel.?
The Wiki on her has little problematic positions, other than the pro-choice and 'Assault weapon ban' broiler plate all Dimocrats have to subscribe to to stand a chance at the national level.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
You dont like her though. You'll chear when trump starts with his trollish and bigoted bullshit towards her. Dont kid yourself.
Like your venom for and visious bigoted attacks towards John McCain in 2008 and your sudden love for him when he died. That lady is what she is. But McCain was a fraud mole.
Tulsi, Tulsi, Tulsi… To be honest I don't know that much about her... I do know a little bit about the Democratic Party of the Banana Republic of Hawaii... She worked her way through the machine with some ass kissing and kicking... She is not afraid of standing her ground which is what it took for her to gain the position she has... She throws her Military Cred around just about right... I still would not vote for her as of right now... Its been close to thirty years since I voted for a Democrat and that was just a local Barrister I knew that was running for Judge back in Indiana...

JimBowie1958 Dood… Did you cut your mustache off? You look different...
She was an interesting character to me before I found out she was yucking it up with Assad
Meh, Assad is a human being and if Tulsi was over in Syria on a fact gathering mission, then her yucking it up is just part of that mission.

Assad is a monster, I'll give you, but sometimes you need to actually speak to the dragon.

How is Assad a "monster"? He has protected Christians in his country and is nothing like the lamestream media has attempted to portray him as.
So did Saddam...but......
The more I hear from this lady the more I like her.

She is one of the few Dims left running for POTUS that is as honest as she is intelligent and not part of the Social Marxist scam.

Tulsi Gabbard Tells Dems to ‘Move Beyond’ Mueller Report: ‘Could Have Even Led to Civil War’ | Breitbart

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a 2020 presidential candidate, said on Monday evening that it is time for Democrats to “move beyond” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion report, which she said “could have even led to civil war.”
“What we know is that Mueller reported that his investigation revealed no such collusion. Now we all need to put aside our partisan interests and recognize that finding the president of the United States not guilty of conspiring with a foreign power to interfere with our elections is a good thing for America,” Gabbard said in a statement. “If the president of the United States had been indicted for conspiring with Russia to interfere with and affect the outcome of our elections, it would have precipitated a terribly divisive crisis that could have even led to civil war.”​

Gabbard added that she “strongly supported Mueller being allowed to complete his investigation” and argued that “the American people should be allowed to see Mueller’s report,” which Attorney General William Barr revealed on Sunday did not “did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated” with the Russians.​
Perfectly sensible. I'm not sure the Democrats are going to let her get very far.
She was an interesting character to me before I found out she was yucking it up with Assad
Meh, Assad is a human being and if Tulsi was over in Syria on a fact gathering mission, then her yucking it up is just part of that mission.

Assad is a monster, I'll give you, but sometimes you need to actually speak to the dragon.

How is Assad a "monster"? He has protected Christians in his country and is nothing like the lamestream media has attempted to portray him as.
So did Saddam...but......
But, “what”?

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