Gaetz Bombshell!

Oh goodness - Buh Bye Mattie! :bye1:
17????? same age as Clintons closet whore....
So what?...if she were 12 the age Biden likes them then you would have something....
Get some fresh air. You are overdosing on Rupert Murdoch misinformation and hate. Or whatever internet crazy....
Wiki says the Daily Beast is categorized as a "high end tabloid"


The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast is a liberal website run by far-left anti-Tea Party activist John Avlon.[1] Founded by liberal media figure Tina Brown, the website has become infamous for its history of false reporting. On January 30, 2015, The Daily Beast declared that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had decided to run for the U.S. presidency in 2016. The website was left humiliated less than two hours later when Governor Romney announced that he had decided to not run for the presidency.[2] On February 27, 2015, The Daily Beast claimed that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state's universities. The next day, that claim was proven to be a lie and as a result the website retracted the claim, although the author of the claim refused to apologize.[3] In the immediate aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, The Daily Beast falsely identified the brother of one of the terrorists as one of the perpetrators.[4]
The executive editor of the website, Noah Shachtman, has claimed that anyone who stays at a hotel owned by Donald Trump or visits a resort owned by Trump is "supporting racism & neo-fascism."[5]
Why in the hell would they compose a letter with evidence of a crime?

Because Big Left knows that retards like DrLove aka BlueAnon will fall for fake news like this wholeheartedly.

I agree Q -
It’s time for Mr Garland to look into Roger Stone’s pardon selling racket and find out how much of that money went to da Mob Boss ...
Going rate appears to have been 250k.
Well, unfortunately for Gaetz, this is one that should be fairly easy to prove. It's been said that he took an underage girl on a plane trip across state lines. If that is true, all they have to do is ask for the airline he and the girl rode on to provide their records of his travel with her as records like that can be requested legally. If those records show he did that, then kick him out of Congress and put his ass in jail.
Wiki says the Daily Beast is categorized as a "high end tabloid"


The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast is a liberal website run by far-left anti-Tea Party activist John Avlon.[1] Founded by liberal media figure Tina Brown, the website has become infamous for its history of false reporting. On January 30, 2015, The Daily Beast declared that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had decided to run for the U.S. presidency in 2016. The website was left humiliated less than two hours later when Governor Romney announced that he had decided to not run for the presidency.[2] On February 27, 2015, The Daily Beast claimed that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state's universities. The next day, that claim was proven to be a lie and as a result the website retracted the claim, although the author of the claim refused to apologize.[3] In the immediate aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, The Daily Beast falsely identified the brother of one of the terrorists as one of the perpetrators.[4]
The executive editor of the website, Noah Shachtman, has claimed that anyone who stays at a hotel owned by Donald Trump or visits a resort owned by Trump is "supporting racism & neo-fascism."[5]

Source ^ ConservoPedia :lol:
Daily Beast is the leftwing equivalent of GatewayPundit...... until it's covered in more reputable sources it falls in the category of "any day now".

But it's popcorn worthy....

Well, unfortunately for Gaetz, this is one that should be fairly easy to prove. It's been said that he took an underage girl on a plane trip across state lines. If that is true, all they have to do is ask for the airline he and the girl rode on to provide their records of his travel with her as records like that can be requested legally. If those records show he did that, then kick him out of Congress and put his ass in jail.

Ten year minimum. Don’t think even Rich Daddy Gaetz can get Baby out of this one!
This is not turning out to be a good week for the Trump dynasty. Newsmax just had to settle an out of court case with the CEO of Dominion and had to make a public apology for the misinformation that almost cost him his life from berserking Trumpets...
Really? They settled it out of court and admitted to it?
Daily Beast is the leftwing equivalent of GatewayPundit...... until it's covered in more reputable sources it falls in the category of "any day now".

But it's popcorn worthy....

View attachment 485739
That's like saying a guy taking a leak behind the bushes in the party host's back yard, is the same as a dude taking a dump in the punch bowl.

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