Game of Thrones (HBO)

300 pages into IV....What the fucking fuck do I fucking care about the fucking Greyjoys...Good fucking grief!

OK I'll say it here now, if he doesn't circle back to the Starks by Book VII, this is going to be a complete fucking jerkoff of a literary experience.

God do I miss Frodo
do yall realize the season finale is tomorrow? i didnt....


i iz sad
Season Finale.

My wife, who didn't read the books, had to ask me a few times what was going on. I read the books and didn't feel I had any great knowledge because they've decided to take a route that looks like they will condense books 3-7 into the next season. I loved the scene with Drogo, telling Dany that he'd tell the Great Stallion to "go fuck himself"

I liked Jager and Arya.

Robb got married to a non-Frey...ain't that something?
(1) Greyjoy didn't find Bran and Rickon, so he killed the random children at the barn and presented a hoax in order to save face. Killing children will backfire on him. Always does. For the record I was correct!
(2) Greyjoy is mistaken by the backing of his new found family. No one comes to his aid, yet he rallied the North in the Faux child murder. Also Correct
(3) Meanwhile, Bran and Rickon find willing and able allies and go back and take Winterfell killing every last one of Greyjoy's men in brutal fashion and the Boy's Wolves rip Greyjoy to pieces. Both children lose their childhood forever! I am revising this one: The commander who sends his bastard takes Winterfell and Greyjoy is injured by lives, disowned by his blood family and hunted by his adopted family. The fate of Bran and Rickon is unknown, but the Starks believe them to be dead. OK wrong on so many accounts. That bastard takes Winterfell, but Greyjoy was betrayed by his own men (shouldn't have listened to that one asshole! Bran and Rickon's fate was known!
(4) The Older Baratheon brother attacks from the sea. At first sight of all the ships Joffery hides like a coward and the city starts getting smashed. Tyrion takes charge as the Boy-King flees the city. Tyrion uses that secret weapon and wins the batttle which looked lost. I was close. Tyrion takes over from the beginning and used a secret weapon to help out in the beginning. And Joffery stayed longer than I predicted, but he still fled. I didn't see Tywin coming. I thought he was further away
(5) Joffery took flight with the wrong men and they end up killing him. Wrong on this one.
(6) Meanwhile, Tywin gets his first victory against the Robb and pushes him back, but in the battle Arya and Gentry escapes. Robb finds comfort in the arms of the nurse they keep showing and he quickly proposes to her, breaking the oath he made with one old guy. I was close here, Tywin gets his first victory but against Barthone bother, Arya and Gentry do escape, just in a different manner and Robb gets with the nurse and breaking his oath
(7) Joffery's younger kinder brother takes over and is a finally the puppet king Cersi wanted. I still think this will happen, when Joffery gets killed
(8) To Lady Starks dismay Sansa is now promised to the Littlefinger. Who says he will turn overs Sansa for Lady Stark's hand in marriage. How you like that twist? Could still happen! The scene where Littlefinger is getting praised makes this more likely. Esp with him promising to help her escape. What better way then getting protect her.
(9) Regardless of Tyrion's leadership that won the battle, Cersi pins Joffery's murder on Tyrion and Tyrion must go into hiding. It appears Tyrion isn't going to get any of the credit So heartless, not only did he not get any of the credit (nor Bron for that matter) they stripped him of his position, his power, stripped his allies of their power and paid off his small army of savages! I feel for the little guy, but I have a feeling he will bounce back!
(10) A desperate Lady Stark then must make a risky deal with Jayme. She will release him if he agrees to free Sansa and kills Littlefinger. I called this, but maybe not to kill Littlefinger
(11) Daryn seems to be in a tough spot in which she is forced to marry the Big Black guy in order to be Queen of Qarth. Which she agrees in order to get her dragons back, to which she gets her dragons back. However it's a planned manuver to become the sole ruler of the Qarth, to which she accomplishes when her knight kills the Black King. She rallies the city as their new Queen - the Mother of Dragons. Then at the end of the season we see what appears to be shedded skin of the dragons and shadows of larger dragons making louder noises. She now has her army, ships, home base city and larger dragons! Whatever, I don't know where the Dary plotline is going. Wrong, so shoot me!
(12) Jon Snowe is taken prisoner, but they have mercy on him for having mercy on the redhead. He ends up getting close to her and they fall in love with each other. He finally finds peace with himself. As he decides to leave the Knight-watch and start a life North of the wall with the red-head, the Knight-Watch attacks the village and kills nearly all of the red-head's people. Snowe's loyalty is questioned and he and the red-head are taken prisoner. Some happened and some could happen!

Future Predictions:
(1) I believe in battle the knight traveling with Tywin was the gay brother of the wife of the younger Barthone brother. I could be wrong, but it looked like him. His sister wants to be "The Queen." Maybe an arrangement to fight along side Tywin in exchange for marriage to Joffery? I mean marriage in Game of Throne land seems to be only for political advantage. What advantage is to that Lanisters is Sansa? None, but marriaging the gay guy's hot sister would be bring significant advantage. What a call! OK not a tough call after seeing the gay knight with Tywin

(2) Jayme, keeps harassing the tough female knight and she finale agrees to fight him. She wins and seriously injures him, but doesn't kill him. He decides to agree to freeing Sansa. Sansa is promised to one of Joffery's guards, which horrifies her. Before the marriage, Jayme lives up to the oath and helps her escape, but not before she poisons Joffery's food, killing Joffery and the Queen. Joffery younger brother takes over and Cersi has her puppet king.
All could happen! I stick by it

(3) Tyrion might not get the respect of the nobles, but his leadership on during the siege gets the respect of the common people (and Tywin)!
Maybe not Tywin, since he help strip him of his power, but the bald guy with no cock stated the people remind what he did!

(4) Robb Stark breaks the oath and marries the nurse. The old man who oath was broken, sends assassins, who successful kill Robb!
I was told that Robb gets killed, but not how. I convince the Frey plays a huge roll when Cat Stark states Frey is a dangerous man to cross. I think the Frey sends message that he accepts the King of the North's decision and then ironically abushes as Robb is crossing the bridge heading home (the same bridge he made the oath to cross in the first place) and Robb is murdered.

(5) Dary, who the hell knows.
Dary gets the boat she desires with the Qarth riches she now possesses. I think she still waits in order for her dragons to grow strength and to recruit an army!

(6) Arya, decides not to return home and instead runs off with Gentry.
Wrong so far. I think she will eventually take up Jaquen's offer when she finds out Robb is murdered and become a deadly assassin!

(7) I stick by my prediction above on Snowe
I am wrong, he gains respect when he kills his nighwatchman POW!
I thought it was awesome. The story keeps evolving and getting better. Greyjoy was taken down and his humbling fate is left for next season. The Stark youngsters are alive. The Jaquen scene was very cool and foreshadowed what Arya will eventually become (Ollie you correct, might be the best character in the show). The heart goes out for Tyrion, but you know he will scheme his way back to the top in season 3. Robb makes all the right moves, but the one he makes for love is probably what gets him killed. The undead army was cool (I am a zombie freak), I can't wait for the showdown next season. For some reason, I believe the Wildlings that Snow is with views the undead army as just as much of a threat as Snowe does. I think they assist the Nightswatch in that battle.

Lastly, Dary. That was awesome! Finally some bite to her bark. The creepy scorcer thought he led Dary into a trap in which he would inprison her for entirety, yet she turned the tables on killed him! Then she took the "King of Qarth" on locked him in the empty chamber. Leaving the Dary as the sole power in Qarth! Nice!

Best characters:
Major Ones:

They finally figured out that the characters have to explain shit that buried in the books. The scene where Jaqen tells Arya to meet him again on Braavos if she wants to become a Faceless Man (assassin) was something that's been needed for the past 2 seasons.


Valar mogorulis
sometimes the series and book just exhaust me.....i was rather confused last night....and i read the damned books

I called my nephew probably 100 pages into book one, whining. I couldn't tell anybody apart, the hopping viewpoint confused me, etc. He reassured me - keep going. It will be well worth it.

Yeah. He was right. But I had to re-read books 1-3 before he released four, and I probably should re-read at least four again before reading five. I doubt that I will though (and obviously, I haven't prioritized it because I have it on my Kindle and am only probably 20 pages in.)
sometimes the series and book just exhaust me.....i was rather confused last night....and i read the damned books

I am biting the bullet and going to find time to read it. My brother-in-law is lending me book 1.

A movie is never better than the book and since this is the best series to come along in a while, I am look foward to the book.
sometimes the series and book just exhaust me.....i was rather confused last night....and i read the damned books

I am biting the bullet and going to find time to read it. My brother-in-law is lending me book 1.

A movie is never better than the book and since this is the best series to come along in a while, I am look foward to the book.

We're gonna miss you, since we're likely to never see you again. Try to swing through and say hey.

NOT joking.
Don't worry, boys and girls. The author of the books was American. So for Season 3, Larry the Cable Guy is gonna be Lord of Light. Zorro World Peace threw that elbow and got hisself killed off, so that little, stocky, black pirate guy is gonna sail in and doink the light-skinned priestess, since Stannis was choking her like a chicken, and we know that ain't right.

There's fights, there's shaggy business, there's more fights. Toilets are invented, and people read until they're contented.

About a week later, she gives birth to a shadow assassin, played by Eddie Griffin. Eddie takes a few weeks, but he kills the crap out of everybody but Denaerys and her doggies, and she gets over on the Iron Throne, the end. Of that season.

Everybody shags up a bunch of bastards, the whole thing repeats, until the inbred tards royally warm the planet, by the end of the song, and the ice melts, north of the wall. The zombies become Zionists, and they develop a taste, for brains, and they move in on everybody's territory, for some good head, and to hell with the Torah.

Try to tell a zombie, 'hey, Arabs and Accadians and everybody descended from Abraham of Ur is a Semite,' zombies don't listen! 'Me zombie, me eat BRAINS!' Assholes. Try this, schmuckina the zombie lover of Roudy:

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

Jews Not Zionists
For season 4, the zombies and the inbred bastards bonk up a load of kids, they settle in the New World, they grow up stupid, they vote for Obamney, he wins, he fucks up in a sackrace, and Denaerys has to sick her dragons on the whole boatload.

Any ice they didn't melt in season 3 boils, and the seas become hot, and new inbred bastard-zombies have to breathe H2S, in water about 36 C.

Volcanoes erupt, and Larry has to move, to fantasyland, on Mars. Denaerys and her doggies don't give a shit, since they don't burn the hell up, in all the fire. But there's nothing to eat, so her dragons eat her and each other, and the last one chokes on a bone and flops.

I'm not a troll, bitches; I write stuff, which you read.

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