Game Over For Obama


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Doesn't look good when even the Washington Post says it may be game over for Obama.

Does the health-care fumble mean game over for Obama?

Four times he mentioned fumbling — both the Web site and his promise that people could keep their health plans if they liked them. “These are two fumbles on something that — on a big game, which — but the game’s not over,” he said.

In a narrow sense, that’s probably true: There may well be enough time to salvage Obamacare.

But on the broader question of whether Obama can rebuild an effective presidency after this debacle, it’s starting to look as if it may be game over.

The record for recent second-term presidents is not good: Reagan had Iran-contra, Clinton had impeachment and Bush had Katrina and Iraq. Once a president suffers a blow such as Obama is now suffering with his health-care law — in which the public not only disapproves of a president’s actions but starts to take a negative view of him personally — it is difficult to recover.

This week’s Quinnipiac University poll found Obama’s job-approval rating at its lowest ever, 39 percent. More ominous: Only 44 percent say Obama is honest and trustworthy, while 52 percent say he is not; that’s the first time more thought him untrustworthy than trustworthy. Polls show Obama’s personal favorability rating has dropped in tandem.

We have seen this before. After the flubbed response to Katrina in 2005, George W. Bush’s honest-and-trustworthy rating fell below 50 percent for the first time, and it never returned. Bill Clinton began his second term with 42 percent calling him honest and trustworthy; he soon slipped into the 20s in Post polling and stayed there.

The loss of trust will make even harder the already uphill effort to persuade Congress to enact other items on his agenda, such as immigration reform and a comprehensive budget deal. House Speaker John Boehner this week dashed hopes of immigration legislation getting through Congress anytime soon, saying the House wouldn’t even negotiate with the Senate over an immigration bill that chamber had passed.

Also this week, House and Senate conferees meeting to discuss the budget they have been assigned to produce acknowledged they had given up hope for a far-reaching agreement.

“As someone who’s been naive enough to believe that we could actually do a larger deal,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told his fellow conferees, “at least getting something done for a year or two would, I think, have an extraordinarily positive effect.”

Obama, in his Thursday news conference, spoke of regaining his clout as part of the game. His game plan: “My intention in terms of winning back the confidence of the American people is just to work as hard as I can, identify the problems that we’ve got, make sure that we’re fixing them.”

“There are going to be ups and downs during the course of my presidency,” Obama said. “I think I said early on when I was running, I am not a perfect man and I will not be a perfect president.”
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There's an undertone of panic in the words of the conservatives here.


So, Obama is doomed yet another time? Golly, we've never heard that before. Must be true this time, because things are totally different from all the other times he was doomed.
So, Obama is doomed yet another time? Golly, we've never heard that before. Must be true this time, because things are totally different from all the other times he was doomed.

Loosing your insurance cuts to the quick, intimately.

Unlike a Solyndra or Fast and Furious
Obama made himself a one-issue President. If the PPACA isn't looked on favorably then he may not be personally doomed but his legacy will be. Too early to call though, we'll know more in January when the people who have employer sponsored coverage react to their changes, if they're not happy then Obama will be toxic and no one will give him any political cover for the rest of his term.
There's an undertone of panic in the words of the conservatives here.


So, Obama is doomed yet another time? Golly, we've never heard that before. Must be true this time, because things are totally different from all the other times he was doomed.


That's a Washington Post article. The Post has been one of Obama's chief sycophants for years....but maybe not so much now that he has been caught red-handed telling repeated bald faced LIES to all of the American people as part of a scheme to perpetrate a massive FRAUD on the country.

No American should ever trust him again. And the only reason there is no talk of impeachment yet, is because he is black and no one has the stomach for impeaching the first black president.

But he is a narcissistic ass, a proven liar, a socialist, and, apparently completely incompetent. The only person who ever knew less about what is going on around him was Sgt. Shultz of Hogan's Heroes.
Obamacare will not only doom obama's legacy, it will be the undoing of liberalism and the left wing of the dem party for years.

It is but one more example that proves that liberalism does not work, never has, never will.

freedom works, always has, always will.
ACA is forcing the mainstream Dems and Pubs to work together, forcing the extremists of the far right and far left with their radical agendas to rage and impotence.
Bump in the road at best but certainly not a 'game over' IMO.

The rats in the House that had to turn on him - 39? - are just trying to save their asses in upcoming elections, hoping being able to say they supported the Republican bill makes folks forget they voted for BarryCare without knowing what the hell they were approving. Tough sell to many but the mass of the Dims low information dopes will buy it.

The takers and/or the low info idiots on the left simply know who's running the gravy train and what its hauling. And that's all that matters to them.
The youth is going to put down their Xbox controllers and come out en masse for some of this charisma.

ObamaCare: dropped full time to 30 hours a week and knocked 5 million into the ranks of uninsured, that's greatness
He can continue what he's been doing throughout his Presidency.
Going on the road all the time.
Well he's good at making speeches...
"If you like your plan,If you like your doctor you can keep them"

Well then again maybe not.....

He can always stay at home and help Michelle with her workouts...
There's an undertone of panic in the words of the conservatives here.


So, Obama is doomed yet another time? Golly, we've never heard that before. Must be true this time, because things are totally different from all the other times he was doomed.

What's he done for you ? Put some credits on your Ebt card :lol::lol::lol::lol:
obama's concern should be, like it is for all other presidents, his legacy, what did he do during his term. If he isn't running again, plenty of other democrats are and it is up to the president in his second term to protect them. Every one of obama's attempted major policies has failed. He failed to get gun control, failed to get his health care policies, immigration reform is dead. His sole accomplishment is the advancement of gay rights to the detriment of the entire country.

During his term in office the nation has become more divided and more bitterly divided. Likely the rift is permanent, total, and will continue to widen for years to come until the nation's integrity finally fails.

During the obama years, his foreign policy has completely failed to the point where we have lost our allies and made enemies of former friends. He has done what no one else has ever done, make the United States look weak and foolish to the world.
Certainly this is Obama's lowest point to date. The question becomes is this a trend or an anomaly?

Obviously the RW echo chamber would prefer this to be a trend and they have history on their side when it comes to 2nd terms. The impending attempt to impeach AG Holder looks like a partisan political stunt to try and re-use the same impeachment strategy that worked for 2000. The recent attempt to crash the economy was as if they were hoping to turn 2014 into a repeat of 2010 with the jobless voters in the midst of another recession venting their anger on the party in power.

So yes, tying the current ACA troubles to Katrina and labeling it as a "disaster" fits the pattern of not letting any "crisis go to waste" without taking the most partisan political advantage out of it.

The potus is definitely on the ropes but to count him out may be a little premature. There are no vivid pictures of people stranded on rooftops without food and water for days on end. The public has a limited appetite for manufactured scandals in DC. If the website is up and running and there are 500k people enrolled next month it will start to fade in my opinion.

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