Gas Hits $8.50 in California

That doesn’t answer the question. How is does working amount to someone else taking care of you?
Well if you are truly working and taking care of yourself, what is the problem? Yes you are self responsible if you are working a job to support yourself so why are you whining about that? You brought up the wage not me.
Well if you are truly working and taking care of yourself, what is the problem? Yes you are self responsible if you are working a job to support yourself so why are you whining about that? You brought up the wage not me.
$7.25 / hour doesn’t afford housing anywhere in the US. What are you conservatives doing to fix that?
You asked this earlier, and it was answered. The entire pro-business environment of Republicans ultimately aids the working poor. That is why, under TRUMP, we saw the lower-income wages increase for the first time in decades! That is why we saw all-time record low unemployment for minorities.

To you, and to all leftists, ”legislation” is only handouts. You might have just as well asked “when was the last time Republicans devised direct handouts for the working poor”?
What policy did the former 1-term president enact? Seems to me he was just living off of President Obama's economy and played the trickle down econ fantasy with taxes.
Liberals thinks

1) business owners are all the evil rich.

2) business owners aren’t able to pay more - and do - when the government lets them keep more of their own earnings.
If there keeping their earnings how is that paying more to....
Liberals thinks

1) business owners are all the evil rich.

2) business owners aren’t able to pay more - and do - when the government lets them keep more of their own earnings.
No. This liberal thinks conservatives are simply greedy. Business owners don’t pay more because taxpayers have been subsidizing their labor costs. Make no mistake, that shit will end.

Raise the minimum wage.
$7.25 / hour doesn’t afford housing anywhere in the US. What are you conservatives doing to fix that?
What are you Dims doing to change jobs if they don't pay what you want? Some jobs pay more than others goofy. I thought we agreed that a person who isnt happy with his/her job can go get another one, right? Are their legs broken?
What policy did the former 1-term president enact? Seems to me he was just living off of President Obama's economy and played the trickle down econ fantasy with taxes.
He lowered corporate taxes to something in line with other developed countries and reduced regulations. That’s why businesses were doing better and lower-income earners saw their wages rise for the first time in decades.
No. This liberal thinks conservatives are simply greedy. Business owners don’t pay more because taxpayers have been subsidizing their labor costs. Make no mistake, that shit will end.

Raise the minimum wage.
And raise all the prices to consumers.
No. This liberal thinks conservatives are simply greedy. Business owners don’t pay more because taxpayers have been subsidizing their labor costs. Make no mistake, that shit will end.

Raise the minimum wage.
Hahahahaha being lectured on being greedy hahahahahahaha
No. This liberal thinks conservatives are simply greedy. Business owners don’t pay more because taxpayers have been subsidizing their labor costs. Make no mistake, that shit will end.

Raise the minimum wage.
A business owner is greedy for wanting to have enough of a net income after paying expenses and staff so he can provide for his own family? Driving businesses out of business with lots of regulations and high taxes will end up hurting the lower-income.

Your problem is that any policy that helps lower-income that is NOT a straight handout is something you object to.
Hurts senior citizens most of all. Libs don’t care if seniors have to eat dog food as long as they can give more handouts to the lower-middle class who could earn for themselves.
Too lazy to move on to another job that offers pay they like, or do the work to get the qualifications or certifications those jobs require. And whine, whine, whine.
He lowered corporate taxes to something in line with other developed countries and reduced regulations. That’s why businesses were doing better and lower-income earners saw their wages rise for the first time in decades.
The former 1-term president's corporate tax break just went to stock buy backs and CEO compensation, not to any workers.

BTW conservative what makes or break a business is not a tax rate, it's customers. And low income wages increased under President Obama's 2-Terms.

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