Gas Prices More Than Double Under Obama: $1.84 To $3.85...

Democraps have blocked new oil refineries for decades.

You're an idiot that is countered everytime you say something stupid.

Big Oil bought up all the independent refineries so they could control the price.

They know what they are doing.
As the Obama Adminstration policy wrecks the dollar, oil is more attractive.

This isn't hard.

The commodity that is traded in dollars is more attractive when the dollar goes to shit and takes more of it to buy?

Are you sure it's not because there is likely another war coming?


You really don't understand any of this, and just post to hear yourself talk.
Since you seem to understand it all, can you please explain to us dumb ones why gasoline prices under president bush reached the highest prices for gasoline in our history, even higher than Obama....your chart shows $4.12 average under president Bush in July of 2008 before the banking crisis, housing bust and wall street crash?

Was President bush/the fed "printing" money back then to stave off the depression/ recession he left us with back then? and what are the reasons for gasoline rising from $1.75 when bush took office to his high of $4.12 per gallon in 2008?

Truly, this is hard to understand???

here is the gasoline chart to go with the oil chart

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never said it was bush's fault...just trying to understand if the sole reason for gasoline prices going up after the stock market crash, the housing bubble burst and the banking crisis is the fed printing money under Obama.... then what exactly caused them to go from $1.75 when President bush began to a high of $4.12 under president Bush? Were we printing money by the bull loads back then as well?
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The right wing nutz sure think Obama is a supreme power if he is responsible for all that is wrong with the USA in only 3 years.
Average retail gasoline prices have more than doubled under President Obama, according to government statistics, rising from $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.

The average gasoline price is calculated by the Energy Information Agency, and shows that over the past 43 months of President Obama’s term retail gasoline prices have more than doubled, rising from an average of $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.

Rising gasoline prices were particularly prevalent in August, which saw a 9.0 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for gasoline, a rise that almost entirely accounts for the general increase in prices seen by families across the country over the past month.

In other words, the recent spike in prices for all goods – tracked by the government’s Consumer Price Index – can be almost entirely accounted for by the rise in gasoline prices. Prices in the economy rose by 0.6 percent overall in August.

“The seasonally adjusted increase in the all items index was the largest since June 2009. About 80 percent of the increase was accounted for by the gasoline index, which rose 9.0 percent and was the major factor in the energy index rising sharply in August after declining in each of the four previous months,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in a press release announcing the new CPI figures for August...

Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85 |
Oh for the love of fucking god. What were they during the Bush years? It was below 2.20 for what? 6 months out of 96?

I'm sorry.... But this is aimed at the morbidly stupid. My opinion.

It's brought to you from the intellectually dishonest, for the morbidly stupid.
The right wing nutz sure think Obama is a supreme power if he is responsible for all that is wrong with the USA in only 3 years.

Average retail gasoline prices have more than doubled under President Obama, according to government statistics, rising from $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.

The average gasoline price is calculated by the Energy Information Agency, and shows that over the past 43 months of President Obama’s term retail gasoline prices have more than doubled, rising from an average of $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.

Rising gasoline prices were particularly prevalent in August, which saw a 9.0 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for gasoline, a rise that almost entirely accounts for the general increase in prices seen by families across the country over the past month.

In other words, the recent spike in prices for all goods – tracked by the government’s Consumer Price Index – can be almost entirely accounted for by the rise in gasoline prices. Prices in the economy rose by 0.6 percent overall in August.

“The seasonally adjusted increase in the all items index was the largest since June 2009. About 80 percent of the increase was accounted for by the gasoline index, which rose 9.0 percent and was the major factor in the energy index rising sharply in August after declining in each of the four previous months,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in a press release announcing the new CPI figures for August...

Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85 |
Oh for the love of fucking god. What were they during the Bush years? It was below 2.20 for what? 6 months out of 96?

I'm sorry.... But this is aimed at the morbidly stupid. My opinion.

It's brought to you from the intellectually dishonest, for the morbidly stupid.

:lol::lol: so in conclusion we can surmise that the left wing loons don't like eatin what they done dished..



never said it was bush's fault...just trying to understand if the sole reason for gasoline prices going up after the stock market crash, the housing bubble burst and the banking crisis is the fed printing money under Obama.... then what exactly caused them to go from $1.75 when President bush began to a high of $4.12 under president Bush? Were we printing money by the bull loads back then as well?

Never said you did but the fact of the matter the majority of the left tried to blame Bush for high gas prices and now when the right gives the left some of what they dished out back then the defense from the left is Bush this and Bush that some of which comes from the President himself so pardon me for having some fun with it.
The right wing nutz sure think Obama is a supreme power if he is responsible for all that is wrong with the USA in only 3 years.

Oh for the love of fucking god. What were they during the Bush years? It was below 2.20 for what? 6 months out of 96?

I'm sorry.... But this is aimed at the morbidly stupid. My opinion.

It's brought to you from the intellectually dishonest, for the morbidly stupid.

:lol::lol: so in conclusion we can surmise that the left wing loons don't like eatin what they done dished..

Left wing? What the hell... Not one of us in those replies is left wing. Not even the guy that the other three of us have a problem with. That's my perception anyway... I could be wrong.

I certainly wouldn't consider any of them RTM's. You make a case for yourself though... o.0
The right wing nutz sure think Obama is a supreme power if he is responsible for all that is wrong with the USA in only 3 years.

Oh for the love of fucking god. What were they during the Bush years? It was below 2.20 for what? 6 months out of 96?

I'm sorry.... But this is aimed at the morbidly stupid. My opinion.

It's brought to you from the intellectually dishonest, for the morbidly stupid.

:lol::lol: so in conclusion we can surmise that the left wing loons don't like eatin what they done dished..


Thanks for admitting that this OP is dishonest garbage. :thup:

Good luck coming up with evidence that I attacked the Bush administration over gas prices in a similar fashion.


never said it was bush's fault...just trying to understand if the sole reason for gasoline prices going up after the stock market crash, the housing bubble burst and the banking crisis is the fed printing money under Obama.... then what exactly caused them to go from $1.75 when President bush began to a high of $4.12 under president Bush? Were we printing money by the bull loads back then as well?

Never said you did but the fact of the matter the majority of the left tried to blame Bush for high gas prices and now when the right gives the left some of what they dished out back then the defense from the left is Bush this and Bush that some of which comes from the President himself so pardon me for having some fun with it.

If the gasoline hikes that occurred the previous decade were NOT from QE, then why did they rise so much under President Bush?

If memory serves me....the reason why Dems were suspicious of the Bush Cheney presidencies was because they both had oil connections and a long life of being connected to the oil industry, so it seemed as if they could have "benefited" from the higher oil and gas prices and higher profits with cheney's retirement invested in it? Or it appeared as though they had no concern towards the oil prices rising because their friends and family would benefit.....This may or may NOT be true....I'm not truly certain if that is even possible, but that was the concern.

As far as I am aware, Obama does not have these same oil connections as Bush and Cheney with friends and family so there is no connection that can be made with him allowing this for the benefit of these friends and it for good or for worse, LESS of a concern by Dems.
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never said it was bush's fault...just trying to understand if the sole reason for gasoline prices going up after the stock market crash, the housing bubble burst and the banking crisis is the fed printing money under Obama.... then what exactly caused them to go from $1.75 when President bush began to a high of $4.12 under president Bush? Were we printing money by the bull loads back then as well?

Never said you did but the fact of the matter the majority of the left tried to blame Bush for high gas prices and now when the right gives the left some of what they dished out back then the defense from the left is Bush this and Bush that some of which comes from the President himself so pardon me for having some fun with it.

If the gasoline hikes that occurred the previous decade were NOT from QE, then why did they rise so much under President Bush?

If memory serves me....the reason why Dems were suspicious of the Bush Cheney presidencies was because they both had oil connections and a long life of being connected to the oil industry, so it seemed as if they could have "benefited" from the higher oil and gas prices and higher profits with cheney's retirement invested in it? Or it appeared as though they had no concern towards the oil prices rising because their friends and family would benefit.....This may or may NOT be true....I'm not truly certain if that is even possible, but that was the concern.

As far as I am aware, Obama does not have these same oil connections as Bush and Cheney with friends and family so there is no connection that can be made with him allowing this for the benefit of these friends and it for good or for worse, LESS of a concern by Dems.
I see so because Bush and Cheney had family and friends in the oil business then that somehow makes them responsible for gas prices if were going by that logic then I believe Obama and Biden should be held accountable for the high cost of legal fees as both are lawyers and have connections in the business.
Bernanke just virtually guaranteed that they will skyrocket regardless of demand with permanent

Obama is not 100% at fault ... but his decision to shutdown gulf oil production by not issuing permits hasn't helped. His decision to promote insane energy alternatives hasn't helped.
Buildings and their construction consume more energy than transportation or industrial applications, and because buildings are responsible for the largest portion of greenhouse emissions, they have the largest impact on man-made climate change. The AIA has proposed making buildings carbon neutral by 2030, meaning that the construction and operation of buildings will not require fossil fuel energy or emit greenhouse gases, and having the U.S. reduce CO2 emissions to 40 to 60% below 1990 levels by 2050.[38]

When President Carter created the U.S. Department of Energy in 1977, one of their first successful projects was the Weatherization Assistance Program.[39] During the last 30 years, this program has provided services to more than 5.5 million low-income families. On average, low-cost weatherization reduces heating bills by 31% and overall energy bills by $358 per year at current prices. Increased energy efficiency and weatherization spending has a high return on investment.[40]

The “Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007” has a significant impact on U.S. Energy Policy. It includes funding to help improve building codes, and will make it illegal to sell incandescent light bulbs, as they are less efficient than fluorescents and LEDs.[3]

Energy policy of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>>> well then let's nationalize the oil industry and control the price.

I disagree 100%.

But ... lets take your point of view that the government is more trustworthy than the market place to allocate resources and meet customer demands.

You need to first has a representative democracy before you nationalize anything. We don't.

The prices controls, under your proposal would probably wind up applying only to the politically well connected, the inner party faithful would receive gas coupons at the expense of those who don't vote a particular way come election day.

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