Gatekeeping 101 (Muslims in or out)

Should we let more muslims into the U.S>???

  • NO. We're better without them

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • YES, diversity is a good thing even with a few occasional terror attacks

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Non-issue, we will assimilate any group within 3-generations

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
Before we get into the mess the EU is in, that being that France will be 46% muslin by 2030, lets think about stopping muslim immigration. There simply is no compelling reason to let them in. Are a few bad apples worth less "diversity"????

Muslim populations by country: how big will each Muslim population be by 2030? | News |

You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?"

Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

Owning guns is protected by the 2nd Amendment. There is no constitutional right for Muslims to immigrate.

Freedom of religion is a constitutional right, and that means that people can't be barred from immigration soley because of their religion.
You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?"

Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

Owning guns is protected by the 2nd Amendment. There is no constitutional right for Muslims to immigrate.

Freedom of religion is a constitutional right, and that means that people can't be barred from immigration soley because of their religion.

Wrong, asshole. The constitution doesn't protect foreigners who aren't on U.S. soil.
There is no right to immigrate to the US. This soveriegn nation could collectively choose to exclude them from coming in any longer. So there is no paralell with the RKBA.

Now I don't think excluding muslims is a rational response.

These 2 boston bombing assholes might have used their "religion" as their excuse, but it seems like they were just douchebags who couldn't fit in and enjoy life here, just like any other muzbot sociopath who used religion as an excuse to commit murder. They didn't come here just to kill people like many actual terrorists did. They came here as kids, before 9/11, and I doubt they ever thought back then they would end up where they are.

I have very little respect for this cult of slavery and death as practiced by sand dwelling bastards who force women to dress like ninjas and screw everything with a hole in it.

The muslims who've escaped to western civilization don't fit into that catagory, and we don't need to make knee jerk reactions about them. There are plenty of muslims who drink beer, eat pork sausage, love their wives and kids and would rather die than sully their religion by killing innocent people. These people live by the same moral values the rest of us do (well not the libs, they have no morals).

then please explain the existence of CAIR and other muslim groups that support the Muslim Brotherhood and jihad...

then please explain the existence of CAIR

I can't explain the existence of those assholes. Their existence defies all logic and reason in a nation that values the lives of the majority of it's people.

Maybe I've been infected as well with some brain worm along the way, or maybe I just reject easy conclusions.

Hopefully it will help me loose weight.
There is no right to immigrate to the US. This sovereign nation could collectively choose to exclude them from coming in any longer. So there is no parallel with the RKBA.

Now I don't think excluding muslims is a rational response.

These 2 boston bombing assholes might have used their "religion" as their excuse, but it seems like they were just douchebags who couldn't fit in and enjoy life here, just like any other muzbot sociopath who used religion as an excuse to commit murder. They didn't come here just to kill people like many actual terrorists did. They came here as kids, before 9/11, and I doubt they ever thought back then they would end up where they are.

I have very little respect for this cult of slavery and death as practiced by sand dwelling bastards who force women to dress like ninjas and screw everything with a hole in it.

The muslims who've escaped to western civilization don't fit into that category, and we don't need to make knee jerk reactions about them. There are plenty of muslims who drink beer, eat pork sausage, love their wives and kids and would rather die than sully their religion by killing innocent people. These people live by the same moral values the rest of us do (well not the libs, they have no morals).

then please explain the existence of CAIR and other muslim groups that support the Muslim Brotherhood and jihad...

then please explain the existence of CAIR

I can't explain the existence of those assholes. Their existence defies all logic and reason in a nation that values the lives of the majority of it's people.

Maybe I've been infected as well with some brain worm along the way, or maybe I just reject easy conclusions. Hopefully it will help me lose weight.

Part of my point is that until terrorism wanes, if it ever does, we need to keep the problem to a manageable level. The FBI can't track too many effectively. Hell, the FBI shouldn't have to. They should not be allowed into the US in the first place.

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