Gatekeeping 101 (Muslims in or out)

Should we let more muslims into the U.S>???

  • NO. We're better without them

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • YES, diversity is a good thing even with a few occasional terror attacks

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Non-issue, we will assimilate any group within 3-generations

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
What we should end, is not muslim immigration, it's the asinine "family reunification" practices where we let people in without any examination at all, if they have family here. It's called chain migration and we have it. Painfully.
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They are involved with terrorism.

And neither are 99.9% of Muslims.
I don't know about you, but if one in a thousand are involved with terrorism I sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Ok, so more than 1 in 1000 gun owners are criminals. Let's ban guns.

More than 1 in 1000 men commit violent rape, let's ban men.

More than 1 in 100 Americans are behind bars. Let's ban Americans.

New idea, let's go by Ron Paul's idea. ok? Stop bombing, terrorizing and occupying Middle Eastern countries. That will actually solve the problem.


How many times have I said the most Repugnant-can are as Fascist as the Depot-crats?

Your RED colors are flying high.

There's no difference between the two parties, and no difference between the sheep that compose both of them. They are Engines of Destruction, demolishing your freedoms every day!

Let's see:

First Amendment --> Freedom of Religion, under attack by Repugs. Freedom of Speech, under attack by Depot-crats (political correctness). Freedom of the press, killed a long time ago. Freedom of peaceful assembly, killed by Obama and the FBI declaring OWS a terrorist organization. Right to petition a redress of grievances, killed by over-expansion of Sovereign Immunity.

Second Amendment --> Destroyed by Democrats

Third Amendment (the anti-police state Amendment) --> killed by Drones flying over our skies.

Fourth Amendment --> Killed by Bush's Patriot Act

Amendments 5-8, killed by Obama's NDAA

Ninth Amendment (the most important AMendment) - Declared irrelevant by the think tanks of both parties.

Tenth Amendment - Dual Sovereignty is dead. The only powers that the States or People have are those that the Federal Government graces them with as a privileged, that can be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time by big government.

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And neither are 99.9% of Muslims.
I don't know about you, but if one in a thousand are involved with terrorism I sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Ok, so more than 1 in 1000 gun owners are criminals. Let's ban guns.

More than 1 in 1000 men commit violent rape, let's ban men.

More than 1 in 100 Americans are behind bars. Let's ban Americans.

New idea, let's go by Ron Paul's idea. ok? Stop bombing, terrorizing and occupying Middle Eastern countries. That will actually solve the problem.

First of all, you're engaging in a straw man. No one is suggesting we ban Muslims, what we're suggesting is we not let them immigrate until the war on terroism is over. Second of all, one incident involving one terrorist can potentially affect a large segment of the population. It's safe to say with terrorism the stakes are higher than any of the analogies you listed.
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And neither are 99.9% of Muslims.
I don't know about you, but if one in a thousand are involved with terrorism I sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Ok, so more than 1 in 1000 gun owners are criminals. Let's ban guns.

More than 1 in 1000 men commit violent rape, let's ban men.

More than 1 in 100 Americans are behind bars. Let's ban Americans.

New idea, let's go by Ron Paul's idea. ok? Stop bombing, terrorizing and occupying Middle Eastern countries. That will actually solve the problem.
If those statistics as regards guns (especially legal), violent rapists and prisoners were true (and the are not), I would admit that we would have a very pressing and real problem and something would need to be done about it.

Likewise, since you say that one in a thousand Muslims are terrorists, I don't think they should be allowed in this country. A very simple solution, especially contrasted with the others you suggest. There is no way I would accept a thousand terrorist per million of any demographic.
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Check the poll results. Keep the coxuckers OUT.

So if a majority of people felt we should ban guns, that trumps the Constitution, eh?

Ever since the bombing, some on the Right have been whining about the media blaming right wingers and painting all right wingers with the same brush.

Now what are you assholes doing? The very same thing to Muslims.

Hypocrites. How can you stand the stench of yourselves?
Well, on the upside, when the conservative base forces the GOP to piss all over immigration reform, they will lose more and more seats in the house and senate.

I know it's somewhat cynical, but this horrible crime and the revelation about the last name and possible religious affiliation of the suspect, is bringing out a whole new level of Tea Bagger hate and xenophobia.

Shit kicking rednecks will burn Quran's and possibly commit hate crimes.

Hate begets hate.

Moderates, independents, women, minorities, and young voters will be pushed further away from the GOP.

The tent gets smaller.

Check the poll results. Keep the coxuckers OUT.

So if a majority of people felt we should ban guns, that trumps the Constitution, eh? Ever since the bombing, some on the Right have been whining about the media blaming right wingers and painting all right wingers with the same brush. Now what are you assholes doing? The very same thing to Muslims. Hypocrites. How can you stand the stench of yourselves?

The Constitution is "not a suicide pact". We have every right to keep muslims out if we decide to. We're not all gullible idealists.

muslims have zero to do with the 2nd , i.e. no correlation, so stop whining about some bullshit Constitutional argument. There is none.

Foreigners have no argument to be allowed into the US, none.
Well, on the upside, when the conservative base forces the GOP to piss all over immigration reform, they will lose more and more seats in the house and senate.

I know it's somewhat cynical, but this horrible crime and the revelation about the last name and possible religious affiliation of the suspect, is bringing out a whole new level of Tea Bagger hate and xenophobia. Shit kicking rednecks will burn Quran's and possibly commit hate crimes. Hate begets hate.

Moderates, independents, women, minorities, and young voters will be pushed further away from the GOP. The tent gets smaller.

Keep drinking the Kool-Ade. We'll see in 2014 won't we, just like the MSM's recently well played and well funded gun control hand <g>. IMHO more soccer mom's will vote for more security than for idealistic terrorist sympathizers .
Check the poll results. Keep the coxuckers OUT.

So if a majority of people felt we should ban guns, that trumps the Constitution, eh?

Ever since the bombing, some on the Right have been whining about the media blaming right wingers and painting all right wingers with the same brush.

Now what are you assholes doing? The very same thing to Muslims.

Hypocrites. How can you stand the stench of yourselves?

This is why I call them Repugnantcans. They are as evil and vile as the Depot-crats. They only care about the Constitution when it effects them.

They are denying that 1 in every 100 Americans lives behind bars. lololol

For the first time in the nation&#8217;s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report.
Growth in IncarcerationGraphic
Growth in Incarceration
Text of the Report (

Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in local jails. The number of American adults is about 230 million, meaning that one in every 99.1 adults is behind bars.

Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

The report, from the Pew Center on the States, also found that only one in 355 white women between the ages of 35 and 39 are behind bars but that one in 100 black women are.

The report&#8217;s methodology differed from that used by the Justice Department, which calculates the incarceration rate by using the total population rather than the adult population as the denominator. Using the department&#8217;s methodology, about one in 130 Americans is behind bars.

Either way, said Susan Urahn, the center&#8217;s managing director, &#8220;we aren&#8217;t really getting the return in public safety from this level of incarceration.&#8221;

But Paul Cassell, a law professor at the University of Utah and a former federal judge, said the Pew report considered only half of the cost-benefit equation and overlooked the &#8220;very tangible benefits &#8212; lower crime rates.&#8221;

In the past 20 years, according the Federal Bureau of Investigation, violent crime rates fell by 25 percent, to 464 for every 100,000 people in 2007 from 612.5 in 1987.

&#8220;While we certainly want to be smart about who we put into prisons,&#8221; Professor Cassell said, &#8220;it would be a mistake to think that we can release any significant number of prisoners without increasing crime rates. One out of every 100 adults is behind bars because one out of every 100 adults has committed a serious criminal offense.&#8221;

Ms. Urahn said the nation cannot afford the incarceration rate documented in the report. &#8220;We tend to be a country in which incarceration is an easy response to crime,&#8221; she said. &#8220;Being tough on crime is an easy position to take, particularly if you have the money. And we did have the money in the &#8216;80s and &#8216;90s.&#8221;

Now, with fewer resources available, the report said, &#8220;prison costs are blowing a hole in state budgets.&#8221; On average, states spend almost 7 percent on their budgets on corrections, trailing only healthcare, education and transportation.

In 2007, according to the National Association of State Budgeting Officers, states spent $44 billion in tax dollars on corrections. That is up from $10.6 billion in 1987, a 127 increase once adjusted for inflation. With money from bonds and the federal government included, total state spending on corrections last year was $49 billion. By 2011, the report said, states are on track to spend an additional $25 billion.

It cost an average of $23,876 dollars to imprison someone in 2005, the most recent year for which data were available. But state spending varies widely, from $45,000 a year in Rhode Island to $13,000 in Louisiana.

The cost of medical care is growing by 10 percent annually, the report said, and will accelerate as the prison population ages.

About one in nine state government employees works in corrections, and some states are finding it hard to fill those jobs. California spent more than $500 million on overtime alone in 2006.

The number of prisoners in California dropped by 4,000 last year, making Texas&#8217;s prison system the nation&#8217;s largest, at about 172,000. But the Texas legislature last year approved broad changes to the corrections system there, including expansions of drug treatment programs and drug courts and revisions to parole practices.

&#8220;Our violent offenders, we lock them up for a very long time &#8212; rapists, murderers, child molestors,&#8221; said John Whitmire, a Democratic state senator from Houston and the chairman of the state senate&#8217;s criminal justice committee. &#8220;The problem was that we weren&#8217;t smart about nonviolent offenders. The legislature finally caught up with the public.&#8221;

He gave an example.

&#8220;We have 5,500 D.W.I offenders in prison,&#8221; he said, including people caught driving under the influence who had not been in an accident. &#8220;They&#8217;re in the general population. As serious as drinking and driving is, we should segregate them and give them treatment.&#8221;

The Pew report recommended diverting nonviolent offenders away from prison and using punishments short of reincarceration for minor or technical violations of probation or parole. It also urged states to consider earlier release of some prisoners.

Before the recent changes in Texas, Mr. Whitmire said, &#8220;we were recycling nonviolent offenders.&#8221;
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First of all, you're engaging in a straw man. No one is suggesting we ban Muslims, what we're suggesting is we not let them imigrate until the war on terrorism is over. Second of all, one incident involving one terrorist can potentially affect a large segment of the population. It's safe to say with terrorism the stakes are higher than any of the analogies you listed.

The War of Terrorism will be over when the United States ends its Reign of Terror in the Middle East.

Do you know how many people die violent deaths in the United States, that are not terrorist related?

Again, this could be largely solved by ending the pseudo "War on Drugs." i.e. Prohibition 2.0


The largest stakes are the increase of Government Police Power. Democide is the number one killer in history.
Before we get into the mess the EU is in, that being that France will be 46% muslin by 2030, lets think about stopping muslim immigration. There simply is no compelling reason to let them in. Are a few bad apples worth less "diversity"????

Muslim populations by country: how big will each Muslim population be by 2030? | News |

You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?"

Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

Owning guns is protected by the 2nd Amendment. There is no constitutional right for Muslims to immigrate.
You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?" Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

The US is a sovereign country and has every right to say who does and does not get to become citizens. If a certain population is profiled as violent or criminal, we have every right to exclude them. Your Constitutional argument makes no sense, it only applies to citizens, not foreign nationals.

You want to ban ALL Muslim immigration, solely because they are Muslims. That criteria is a violation of the First Amendment.

Nope. The First Amendment doesn't protect the right of any foreigner to immigrate.
Learn to read the links you post.
France won't be 46% Muslim by 2030.

Apparently the same level of comprehension as those that said only 4% of Americans favor gun control!!!

Within a generation or two Muslim families will be indistinguishable from other Americans.

They already are. An American is an american, protected by the same rights under the constitution as anyone else (except for political special interests anyway which is another topic). There are generations of Muslim Americans in my city.

Foreigners aren't Americans. They have no First Amendment rights.
Nope. The First Amendment doesn't protect the right of any foreigner to immigrate.

But this is the slippery slope.

1) If you ban LAW ABIDING MUSLIMS from coming to the United States, the terrorists will still manage to infiltrate. Look how many peaceful illegal aliens make it over the border.

2) After that, when the next terrorist attack occurs, we'll put all the "Muslims" into internment the FEMA concentration camps, including anyone else who "might be a terrorist." That would would mean any Tea Party activist, OWS organizer, Ron Paul supporter, etc.

3) Some of them would resist and they would simply start exterminating them all.

You're going down the dangerous path that ALWAYS leads to democide.

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