Gay ‘cure’ therapy outlawed in Hawaii

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meanwhile, we have people that are actually committing child abuse by raising kids to be gay and transgendered
That is simply idiotic! Where do you get that crap from? If you're referring to enlightened parents who give their children permission to be who they are and to find their own identity - it is a far cry from what your implying
So what if the treatment is controversial or even ineffective.

An illegitimate government is one that spreads its tentaes where they don't belong at any rate.
Its a con job. A fraud on the poor souls paying for it. Like those bigger cock tablets advertised on the net.
You think people should be protected from learning from their mistakes, the way I learned with the bigger cock tablets?

How lovely our world would be when it's oh so sterile.
So what if the treatment is controversial or even ineffective.

An illegitimate government is one that spreads its tentaes where they don't belong at any rate.
Its a con job. A fraud on the poor souls paying for it. Like those bigger cock tablets advertised on the net.
You think people should be protected from learning from their mistakes, the way I learned with the bigger cock tablets?

How lovely our world would be when it's oh so sterile.
Government should regulate businesses that are con jobs. If you are advertising 9 inches for £60 then that is what you should be giving. The casual consumer would have no way of knowing if the process was effective or not. Common sense doesnt always get the job done.
If we are going to ban treatments because they are not effective....

There seems to be your problem. It's not being banned because it's "ineffective." The problem is that it's harmful. Acupuncture may be ineffective, but there's no substantial harm. Heroin is an effective treatment for pain. However there is substantial harm associated with heroin as treatment and consequently is illegal.
meanwhile, we have people that are actually committing child abuse by raising kids to be gay and transgendered
That is simply idiotic! Where do you get that crap from? If you're referring to enlightened parents who give their children permission to be who they are and to find their own identity - it is a far cry from what your implying

I am talking about parents that socialize their kids to be gay from the time they are toddlers and parents that feed their kids hormone pills

You are correct, it is crazy

And it is child abuse as well, those people should be shot, or locked up at a minimum

Happy reading
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So what if the treatment is controversial or even ineffective.

An illegitimate government is one that spreads its tentaes where they don't belong at any rate.
Its a con job. A fraud on the poor souls paying for it. Like those bigger cock tablets advertised on the net.
You think people should be protected from learning from their mistakes, the way I learned with the bigger cock tablets?

How lovely our world would be when it's oh so sterile.
Government should regulate businesses that are con jobs. If you are advertising 9 inches for £60 then that is what you should be giving. The casual consumer would have no way of knowing if the process was effective or not. Common sense doesnt always get the job done.
So what if the treatment is controversial or even ineffective.

An illegitimate government is one that spreads its tentaes where they don't belong at any rate.
Its a con job. A fraud on the poor souls paying for it. Like those bigger cock tablets advertised on the net.
You think people should be protected from learning from their mistakes, the way I learned with the bigger cock tablets?

How lovely our world would be when it's oh so sterile.
Government should regulate businesses that are con jobs. If you are advertising 9 inches for £60 then that is what you should be giving. The casual consumer would have no way of knowing if the process was effective or not. Common sense doesnt always get the job done.
Do conversion therapists know they're running a scam?

Are they running a scam?
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Its a scientific FACT that you can catch Gay off a toilet seat. Why dont the fundies concentrate on that ?
Not if you use one of those tissue-thin toilet gaskets.
Are they medicated ?
The sad thing is that American school kids who show a reluctance to go along with the left wing slant on education and might show a tendency to become republicans are often prescribed personality altering drugs even though the side effects might include "thoughts of suicide" (or murder?)
If they are stone cold born that way then any form of conversion therapy would never work. I think the big gay fear is that since it sometimes Does work then the practice needs to be prohibited. I am born white, no conversion attempts can change that.
That’s what being “born” some way really is.
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Oh, you mean like forcing a young woman to bear a child as a result of a rape? You mean those types of laws that are tested at the polls in a bunch of Red States?
Same sex rape does not result in pregnancy. You might benefit from some therapy, or at least some basic education. LOL
Same sex rape does not result in pregnancy. You might benefit from some therapy, or at least some basic education.
So how the fuck does a young woman get pregnant from a same sex rape, asswipe? You're pathetic attempt to get attention FAILED!

Do you really think playing stupid boosts your IQ or gives you a woody? The therapy indicated for you is a course of reading comprehension and a high, high colonic to clear you cranial passages, shit head!
Of course, no one should be forced into conversion classes.

That would be like telling a left-handed person that s/he must learn to use the right hand.


But if a person wants gentle and kind counseling about possibly leading a celibate life, s/he should have that option.


There are some gay people who for any number of reasons may not wish to express their sexuality in a physical manner.

Thoughtful counseling might be helpful to them.
Notice that grooming children for sexual activity with an adult is still legal. Even encouraged. What could be better for a boy than the loving attentions of an older man? It's what the boy scouts have become all about.
meanwhile, we have people that are actually committing child abuse by raising kids to be gay and transgendered
That is simply idiotic! Where do you get that crap from? If you're referring to enlightened parents who give their children permission to be who they are and to find their own identity - it is a far cry from what your implying

I am talking about parents that socialize their kids to be gay from the time they are toddlers and parents that feed their kids hormone pills

You are correct, it is crazy

And it is child abuse as well, those people should be shot, or locked up at a minimum

Happy reading
Have you ever seen I am Jazz? Now that is child abuse. The poor boy will suffer from that abuse his entire life.
I guess the democrat "cure " therapy for minors to change their political affiliation is still legal
Not if your name is Kanye West, he didn't even switch. He just had an opinion liberals didn't agree with, and he gets death threats. Liberal tolerance on full display.
Gay 'cure' therapy outlawed in Hawaii

The Governor of Hawaii has signed a law outlawing gay ‘cure’ therapy for minors.

The US state has become the latest to outlaw the use of so-called conversion therapy to attempt to change the sexuality of minors.

Performing gay ‘cure’ therapy on minors is already is illegal in 11 US states and counting, as well as Switzerland, Malta, Taiwan, two Canadian provinces, and the Australian state of Victoria.

Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.

More good news but there is still a long way to go in protecting kids.

If we really want to protect kids, we should remove them from dysfunctional homes anchored by whack-job LefTard ‘parents’.

“Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”

Just like attempts to force pedofiles to “repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”
Next up, the normalization of pedophilia...yep, it’s in the pipeline folks...BANK ON IT!
Gay 'cure' therapy outlawed in Hawaii

The Governor of Hawaii has signed a law outlawing gay ‘cure’ therapy for minors.

The US state has become the latest to outlaw the use of so-called conversion therapy to attempt to change the sexuality of minors.

Performing gay ‘cure’ therapy on minors is already is illegal in 11 US states and counting, as well as Switzerland, Malta, Taiwan, two Canadian provinces, and the Australian state of Victoria.

Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.

More good news but there is still a long way to go in protecting kids.

If we really want to protect kids, we should remove them from dysfunctional homes anchored by whack-job LefTard ‘parents’.

“Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”

Just like attempts to force pedofiles to “repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”
Next up, the normalization of pedophilia...yep, it’s in the pipeline folks...BANK ON IT!
But right wing dogma states that parents know best ?
meanwhile, we have people that are actually committing child abuse by raising kids to be gay and transgendered

You don't raise somebody to be gay. You either are or you aren't.

You don’t honestly believe that do you?
What percentage of fags are ‘born’ gay and what percentage have made a conscience CHOICE to act on a weird, unnatural, deviant, sexual desire?
Gay 'cure' therapy outlawed in Hawaii

The Governor of Hawaii has signed a law outlawing gay ‘cure’ therapy for minors.

The US state has become the latest to outlaw the use of so-called conversion therapy to attempt to change the sexuality of minors.

Performing gay ‘cure’ therapy on minors is already is illegal in 11 US states and counting, as well as Switzerland, Malta, Taiwan, two Canadian provinces, and the Australian state of Victoria.

Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.

More good news but there is still a long way to go in protecting kids.

If we really want to protect kids, we should remove them from dysfunctional homes anchored by whack-job LefTard ‘parents’.

“Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”

Just like attempts to force pedofiles to “repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.”
Next up, the normalization of pedophilia...yep, it’s in the pipeline folks...BANK ON IT!
But right wing dogma states that parents know best ?

GOOD parents usually do know what’s best for their children...BUT, we’re talking about LefTard parents and all the indecency, immorality and filth they support...get it now?
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Horseshit! Conversion therapy is child abuse. They are shamed, coerced and brain washed into believing that being gay is a disease and that they need to be , and can be cured. To believe otherwise is beyond stupid!
That is your opinion. Some people believe that aversion therapy to cure someone of fear of heights is abusive. That is opinion too. Meanwhile, those who wish to undergo that or any therapy should be permitted to do so. Your feeeelings on other people's business are not a factor.
It is not just my opinion. It is supported by science. All of the credible mental health organization have concluded that it is dangerous pseudoscience that endangers children who are impressionable and easily coerced. Why do you think that many states are banning it? What the fuck is wrong with you .? We are talking about children!
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