Gay issue What say you to this.

I would argue that while Jesus wouldn't have stoned the sinner he certainly would just let it slide. The one thing Jesus repeatedly said was "go and sin no more".
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.
i didn't know you was the gatekeeper....
My sister and I disagree on the issue of whether people should be forced to serve gay events. She recently posted this in defense of her pro gay stance. What say you to what she posted.

The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.
You are nothing on this, little buddy. Whine and shine on.
My sister and I disagree on the issue of whether people should be forced to serve gay events. She recently posted this in defense of her pro gay stance. What say you to what she posted.

The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.
This fool is now believing in the OT where we wasn't before. Too many of the Church of Christ memberships are simply foolish.
The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.

The Bible also says judgment is reserved for God and we should love even our enemies.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.

The Bible also says judgment is reserved for God and we should love even our enemies.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.
The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.

The Bible also says judgment is reserved for God and we should love even our enemies.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.

I see your point of view. But let's just suggest, for the sake of argument, that all those Bible passages are problematic. In fact, I would argue that they are. Let's not go into debating each verse because it's been done on these boards 1,000 times and no one ever changes anyone's mind so let's not go that path. But just for the point of the argument, we accept that those verses are problematic for whatever reason. Now we go to a homosexual and encourage him to "pray away the gay" so to speak. He finds a love for God and repents, but spends the rest of his life unhappy and unfulfilled because he denies his own feelings for other men. Then we die and go to God and say "hey did you see how I saved that man from the sin of homosexuality?" and God says "you know all those verses are problematic right?" Well now what we have done is made this guy's life miserable for no reason. This is why I try my best to leave things like this between God and the individual.

I completely understand what you are saying and if you believe the Bible is against homosexuality,then trying to save someone from that sin is an act of love. I get it. It's just not a jump I am willing to make
My sister and I disagree on the issue of whether people should be forced to serve gay events. She recently posted this in defense of her pro gay stance. What say you to what she posted.

and that's all i have to say bout that
"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
A lot of people hate them because of how the militant gay mafia treats everyone who doesn't bow down and worship the same sex gods. Or should I say su... never mind.

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