Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

and that somehow makes gay marriage normal for humans?

if a male dog humps your leg, does that make leg humping normal for humans?

you libs are idiots.

I wasn't commenting on the normality of it, I was commenting on your idiotic statement regarding the animal kingdom.

But since you asked. Yes, such large observations of it in the wild means it is normal for a species to display homosexual behavior. Unless you think all of these animals are just making deviant liberal choices?

Oh, and I'm not a liberal (or a conservative, or an anything).

As has been explained numerous times already, the use of the word "normal" is deliberately misleading. Scoliosis, cleft palates, micro encephalopathy and numerous other birth defects are all "normal." That doesn't make them healthy or beneficial to the species.
Being born with eyes that see is Normal. They are naturally occurring Congenital Birth Defects. Normal means they happen 51% of the time, as in, normally people who post here are stupid which makes you extra-normal.
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I wasn't commenting on the normality of it, I was commenting on your idiotic statement regarding the animal kingdom.

But since you asked. Yes, such large observations of it in the wild means it is normal for a species to display homosexual behavior. Unless you think all of these animals are just making deviant liberal choices?

Oh, and I'm not a liberal (or a conservative, or an anything).

As has been explained numerous times already, the use of the word "normal" is deliberately misleading. Scoliosis, cleft palates, micro encephalopathy and numerous other birth defects are all "normal." That doesn't make them healthy or beneficial to the species.
No, they aren't not. Being born with eyes that see is Normal. They are naturally occurring Congenital Birth Defects. Normal means they happen 51% of the time, as in, normally people who post here are stupid which makes you extra-normal.

That made no sense whatsoever.
As has been explained numerous times already, the use of the word "normal" is deliberately misleading. Scoliosis, cleft palates, micro encephalopathy and numerous other birth defects are all "normal." That doesn't make them healthy or beneficial to the species.
No, they aren't not. Being born with eyes that see is Normal. They are naturally occurring Congenital Birth Defects. Normal means they happen 51% of the time, as in, normally people who post here are stupid which makes you extra-normal.

That made no sense whatsoever.
You got one right, I had to fix it. Good on you.
There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage. Clearly the statement of validity is the end. For liberals, not to be recognized and validated by the collective is the most dire thing that can happen to you.

The above is a false statement:

1. Without Civil Marriage there is no tax free transfer of real property to a spouse when the other spouse is deceased and relief from the resulting tax liabilities. Only Civil Marriage does that. You can still transfer property, there may just be tax consequences.

2. Without Civil Marriage there is no exemption from the Estate Tax applicable to the sale of a primary home, only Civil Marriage does that. (When a home is sold a single person can claim up to $250,000 in an exemption, $500,000 for a Civilly Married couple. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse can still claim the married exemption for up to two years after the death if the home is sold. This cannot be duplicated with a power of attorney.)

3. Without Civil Marriage there is no spousal privilege in the case of a criminal prosecution.

4. Without Civil Marriage there is no burial for a spouse in a National Cemetery next to a spouse who was an honorably serving veteran of the United States.

5. Without Civil Marriage there is no assumed parenthood upon the birth of a child. A $50 marriage license does, for non-Civilly Married couples it would require a formal adoption costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

6. Civil Marriage establishes family relationship recognized under the Family Medical Leave Act so that a person can care for their spouse (or be cared for by them) in times of medical emergency.

7. Without Civil Marriage there is tax penalty for employer provided health insurance for a spouse of the same gender. (Same-sex Civilly Married couples are charged this extra tax on employer benefits where Different-sex Civilly Married couples are not.)

8. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship under Social Security whereby the surviving spouse can receive benefits at the working spouses rate if higher then their own.

9. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship where a spouse can then sponsor their spouse for immigration purposes.

10. Not being Civilly Married allows for other relatives to step in and challenge a will under probate court and in some states allows those family members to over ride the decrees of the will.​

Really? If I die tomorrow she can do anything she wants with my body, my funds, my property (not true in all states). And she can watch me kill you, cut you up into little pieces, cook and eat the parts I like, have sex with what I don't, and bury the rest in the backyard. If caught law enforcement can't compel to even say so much as she ever heard of of you let alone watch me kill, eat, have sex with, and bury you.

That's just one of the things you are granted, by default, with a Marriage License. So, name that contract for gays that does the same thing, gives your spouse the same benefits and protections? I'll give you a hint, there isn't one.

Gays need gay marriage so they can kill and mutilate people and their partners can't be compelled to testify against them?

Well, that is a unique argument. I'm sure you've just won the serial killer support. I would guess most of them don't bother to vote though.
Boy you really are just a literal dummy aren't you? Even a pretty straightforward, if morbid, example of how powerful a marriage license passes right over your tiny head. Moving on.

Liberals never said what you said, do you?
There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage. Clearly the statement of validity is the end. For liberals, not to be recognized and validated by the collective is the most dire thing that can happen to you.

The above is a false statement:

1. Without Civil Marriage there is no tax free transfer of real property to a spouse when the other spouse is deceased and relief from the resulting tax liabilities. Only Civil Marriage does that. You can still transfer property, there may just be tax consequences.

2. Without Civil Marriage there is no exemption from the Estate Tax applicable to the sale of a primary home, only Civil Marriage does that. (When a home is sold a single person can claim up to $250,000 in an exemption, $500,000 for a Civilly Married couple. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse can still claim the married exemption for up to two years after the death if the home is sold. This cannot be duplicated with a power of attorney.)

3. Without Civil Marriage there is no spousal privilege in the case of a criminal prosecution.

4. Without Civil Marriage there is no burial for a spouse in a National Cemetery next to a spouse who was an honorably serving veteran of the United States.

5. Without Civil Marriage there is no assumed parenthood upon the birth of a child. A $50 marriage license does, for non-Civilly Married couples it would require a formal adoption costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

6. Civil Marriage establishes family relationship recognized under the Family Medical Leave Act so that a person can care for their spouse (or be cared for by them) in times of medical emergency.

7. Without Civil Marriage there is tax penalty for employer provided health insurance for a spouse of the same gender. (Same-sex Civilly Married couples are charged this extra tax on employer benefits where Different-sex Civilly Married couples are not.)

8. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship under Social Security whereby the surviving spouse can receive benefits at the working spouses rate if higher then their own.

9. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship where a spouse can then sponsor their spouse for immigration purposes.

10. Not being Civilly Married allows for other relatives to step in and challenge a will under probate court and in some states allows those family members to over ride the decrees of the will.​


I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.
As has been explained numerous times already, the use of the word "normal" is deliberately misleading. Scoliosis, cleft palates, micro encephalopathy and numerous other birth defects are all "normal." That doesn't make them healthy or beneficial to the species.
And if we use the left's definition of normal it's perfectly normal for human parents to eat the children or leave one on the roadside to give the others a better shot at survival.
There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage. Clearly the statement of validity is the end. For liberals, not to be recognized and validated by the collective is the most dire thing that can happen to you.

The above is a false statement:

1. Without Civil Marriage there is no tax free transfer of real property to a spouse when the other spouse is deceased and relief from the resulting tax liabilities. Only Civil Marriage does that. You can still transfer property, there may just be tax consequences.

2. Without Civil Marriage there is no exemption from the Estate Tax applicable to the sale of a primary home, only Civil Marriage does that. (When a home is sold a single person can claim up to $250,000 in an exemption, $500,000 for a Civilly Married couple. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse can still claim the married exemption for up to two years after the death if the home is sold. This cannot be duplicated with a power of attorney.)

3. Without Civil Marriage there is no spousal privilege in the case of a criminal prosecution.

4. Without Civil Marriage there is no burial for a spouse in a National Cemetery next to a spouse who was an honorably serving veteran of the United States.

5. Without Civil Marriage there is no assumed parenthood upon the birth of a child. A $50 marriage license does, for non-Civilly Married couples it would require a formal adoption costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

6. Civil Marriage establishes family relationship recognized under the Family Medical Leave Act so that a person can care for their spouse (or be cared for by them) in times of medical emergency.

7. Without Civil Marriage there is tax penalty for employer provided health insurance for a spouse of the same gender. (Same-sex Civilly Married couples are charged this extra tax on employer benefits where Different-sex Civilly Married couples are not.)

8. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship under Social Security whereby the surviving spouse can receive benefits at the working spouses rate if higher then their own.

9. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship where a spouse can then sponsor their spouse for immigration purposes.

10. Not being Civilly Married allows for other relatives to step in and challenge a will under probate court and in some states allows those family members to over ride the decrees of the will.​


I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.

its worse than societal validation------what they want is government mandated societal validation-----------Orwell and Rand accurately predicted where our society is going.
There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage. Clearly the statement of validity is the end. For liberals, not to be recognized and validated by the collective is the most dire thing that can happen to you.

The above is a false statement:

1. Without Civil Marriage there is no tax free transfer of real property to a spouse when the other spouse is deceased and relief from the resulting tax liabilities. Only Civil Marriage does that. You can still transfer property, there may just be tax consequences.

2. Without Civil Marriage there is no exemption from the Estate Tax applicable to the sale of a primary home, only Civil Marriage does that. (When a home is sold a single person can claim up to $250,000 in an exemption, $500,000 for a Civilly Married couple. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse can still claim the married exemption for up to two years after the death if the home is sold. This cannot be duplicated with a power of attorney.)

3. Without Civil Marriage there is no spousal privilege in the case of a criminal prosecution.

4. Without Civil Marriage there is no burial for a spouse in a National Cemetery next to a spouse who was an honorably serving veteran of the United States.

5. Without Civil Marriage there is no assumed parenthood upon the birth of a child. A $50 marriage license does, for non-Civilly Married couples it would require a formal adoption costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

6. Civil Marriage establishes family relationship recognized under the Family Medical Leave Act so that a person can care for their spouse (or be cared for by them) in times of medical emergency.

7. Without Civil Marriage there is tax penalty for employer provided health insurance for a spouse of the same gender. (Same-sex Civilly Married couples are charged this extra tax on employer benefits where Different-sex Civilly Married couples are not.)

8. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship under Social Security whereby the surviving spouse can receive benefits at the working spouses rate if higher then their own.

9. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship where a spouse can then sponsor their spouse for immigration purposes.

10. Not being Civilly Married allows for other relatives to step in and challenge a will under probate court and in some states allows those family members to over ride the decrees of the will.​


I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.

I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Some of the items can't be reproduced at all, a semblance of some things might be reproducible at significantly higher cost and to a lesser degree through contract law - but not for the equivalant cost of the $50 Civil Marriage licensed.

Hope that helps.

Now, from a legal status, do you acknowledge that "There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage." is incorrect?

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I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Is "rat fuck" another new sexual orientation that muslim and christian cake bakers will have to depict on a wedding cake? I only ask because "queer" is such a broad term and I remember the cult awhile back being into sacraficing rodents in their rectums to experience more sexual pleasure. Remember that LGBT craze awhile back? I do. PETA does. Did PETA ever get involved in that one? I forget. They're leftist leaning and probably didn't want to get persecuted for heresy so...yeah...probably not..

As to a compelling government reason to not legitimize this cult by forcing others to abandon their faith to worship it's shifting, undefined and twisted values... about the law in California forcing kids to "integrate" their morality to accomodate the worshipping of the LGBT messiah Harvey Milk. You know, the pedophile who liked his victims as "young waifs with substance abuse problems"? Marriage elevates a person to top-tier status to adopt orphans. Street orphans was what the LGBT messiah lurked and preyed on to take home and sodomize, while officiating as their father figure. I'd say any state government that takes the protection of its adoptable orphans seriously has a deeply defendable interest in denying marriage to members of such a social movement, a cult properly, who will not denounce and even defend a serial pedophile of orphans he "adopted"...

Then there's the sudden spike in the spread of HIV in boys ages 13-24 just in the same years the great evangelical push to make gay normal via marriage and a rainbow media blitz that is on the verge of saturation. Monkey see, monkey do when it comes to normalizing gayness via marriage is really taking a toll on the young men in this country. Just since gay marriage has started to force itself on the sovereign states via fascist judicial fiat, are the same years 13-24 year old boys have seen a 21% increase in new HIV cases...

There are plenty of reasons for a government to object to the forceful advances of a cult that has unacceptable values and a messiah who was a pedophile.
The above is a false statement:

1. Without Civil Marriage there is no tax free transfer of real property to a spouse when the other spouse is deceased and relief from the resulting tax liabilities. Only Civil Marriage does that. You can still transfer property, there may just be tax consequences.

2. Without Civil Marriage there is no exemption from the Estate Tax applicable to the sale of a primary home, only Civil Marriage does that. (When a home is sold a single person can claim up to $250,000 in an exemption, $500,000 for a Civilly Married couple. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse can still claim the married exemption for up to two years after the death if the home is sold. This cannot be duplicated with a power of attorney.)

3. Without Civil Marriage there is no spousal privilege in the case of a criminal prosecution.

4. Without Civil Marriage there is no burial for a spouse in a National Cemetery next to a spouse who was an honorably serving veteran of the United States.

5. Without Civil Marriage there is no assumed parenthood upon the birth of a child. A $50 marriage license does, for non-Civilly Married couples it would require a formal adoption costing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

6. Civil Marriage establishes family relationship recognized under the Family Medical Leave Act so that a person can care for their spouse (or be cared for by them) in times of medical emergency.

7. Without Civil Marriage there is tax penalty for employer provided health insurance for a spouse of the same gender. (Same-sex Civilly Married couples are charged this extra tax on employer benefits where Different-sex Civilly Married couples are not.)

8. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship under Social Security whereby the surviving spouse can receive benefits at the working spouses rate if higher then their own.

9. Civil Marriage establishes a family relationship where a spouse can then sponsor their spouse for immigration purposes.

10. Not being Civilly Married allows for other relatives to step in and challenge a will under probate court and in some states allows those family members to over ride the decrees of the will.​


I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.

I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Some of the items can't be reproduced at all, a semblance of some things might be reproducible at significantly higher cost and to a lesser degree through contract law - but not for the equivalant cost of the $50 Civil Marriage licensed.

Hope that helps.

Now, from a legal status, do you acknowledge that "There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage." is incorrect?


That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.
I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.

I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Some of the items can't be reproduced at all, a semblance of some things might be reproducible at significantly higher cost and to a lesser degree through contract law - but not for the equivalant cost of the $50 Civil Marriage licensed.

Hope that helps.

Now, from a legal status, do you acknowledge that "There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage." is incorrect?


That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.
Someone is going to answer a question? Here? The stars much be aligned.
I'll address your points, but tell me seriously that you believe in your heart that these are the reasons that gays want government marriage, it isn't about societal validation.

I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Some of the items can't be reproduced at all, a semblance of some things might be reproducible at significantly higher cost and to a lesser degree through contract law - but not for the equivalant cost of the $50 Civil Marriage licensed.

Hope that helps.

Now, from a legal status, do you acknowledge that "There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage." is incorrect?


That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.

I gave you my answer. At a population of about 360,000,000 people in the United States and using a conservative 5% figure that means there are potentially 18,000,000 homosexuals in this country.

For some it's absolutely about equal treatment under the law, for others it can be about "social validation". For me, it's about the reason I cited.

You made a claim that is untrue, now you are diverting and and trying to make it about me instead of showing how all those things can be done for the same $50 cost of a Civil Marriage license (and some or all of the items I listed can be recreated at all)

You've had your answer, it's not my problem that you don't like it.

I absolutely don't give a rat fuck about "social validation".

On the other hand I absolutely demand from my government that it treat ALL citizens equally under the law when in like situations unless there is a compelling government interest to justify doing so. In this case like situations are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in same-sex relationship being treated differently than law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adults in different-sex relationship for no other reason then a desire to institute/maintain discriminatory, capricious, and invidious laws.

Some of the items can't be reproduced at all, a semblance of some things might be reproducible at significantly higher cost and to a lesser degree through contract law - but not for the equivalant cost of the $50 Civil Marriage licensed.

Hope that helps.

Now, from a legal status, do you acknowledge that "There is nothing marriage provides gays they can't get without marriage." is incorrect?


That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.

I gave you my answer. At a population of about 360,000,000 people in the United States and using a conservative 5% figure that means there are potentially 18,000,000 homosexuals in this country.

For some it's absolutely about equal treatment under the law, for others it can be about "social validation". For me, it's about the reason I cited.

You made a claim that is untrue, now you are diverting and and trying to make it about me instead of showing how all those things can be done for the same $50 cost of a Civil Marriage license (and some or all of the items I listed can be recreated at all)

You've had your answer, it's not my problem that you don't like it.


It's more like 1%-3% at the most.
For about a century now, we heteros have demanded the government give us all kinds of cash and prizes for being married. We have demanded more and more gifts from the government. Gimme, gimme, gimme. We put all those presents in our laws.

Then along come the homos and they ask for those same legal bennies if they get married. And we heteros are like, "These queers think they are special! Can you believe the nerve of them asking for the exact same gifts we demanded and get from the government?"

Why, it is right there in the Holy Bible! "And God spake. Thou shalt not give fags a Social Security spouse death benefit even if they hast payest into Social Security all their lives as everyone else."

Isaiah something or other.
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That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.

I gave you my answer. At a population of about 360,000,000 people in the United States and using a conservative 5% figure that means there are potentially 18,000,000 homosexuals in this country.

For some it's absolutely about equal treatment under the law, for others it can be about "social validation". For me, it's about the reason I cited.

You made a claim that is untrue, now you are diverting and and trying to make it about me instead of showing how all those things can be done for the same $50 cost of a Civil Marriage license (and some or all of the items I listed can be recreated at all)

You've had your answer, it's not my problem that you don't like it.


It's more like 1%-3% at the most.
Major Metropolitan Areas by Total Population:
Rank City GLB GLB%
1 New York City – Northern New Jersey – Long Island, NY 568,903 2.6%
2 Los Angeles – Long Beach, CA – Santa Ana, CA 442,211 2.7%
3 Chicago–Naperville–Joliet, IL 288,478 3.1%
4 San Francisco – Oakland – Fremont, CA 256,313 3.6%
5 Boston – Cambridge, MA – Quincy, MA 201,344 3.4%
6 Washington, D.C. 191,959 2.5%
7 Dallas – Fort Worth – Arlington, TX 183,718 3.5%
8 Miami – Miami Beach – Fort Lauderdale 183,346 4.7%
9 Atlanta – Marietta, GA – Sandy Springs, GA 180,168 4.3%
10 Philadelphia – Camden, NJ – Wilmington, DE 179,459 2.8%
Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2.5% is probably a pretty good number nationally.

And on a personal note, and this is so great, I've always hated Bripat's avatar, so I ad-blocked and it went away. Much better.
I gave you my answer. At a population of about 360,000,000 people in the United States and using a conservative 5% figure that means there are potentially 18,000,000 homosexuals in this country.

For some it's absolutely about equal treatment under the law, for others it can be about "social validation". For me, it's about the reason I cited.

You made a claim that is untrue, now you are diverting and and trying to make it about me instead of showing how all those things can be done for the same $50 cost of a Civil Marriage license (and some or all of the items I listed can be recreated at all)

You've had your answer, it's not my problem that you don't like it.


It's more like 1%-3% at the most.
Major Metropolitan Areas by Total Population:
Rank City GLB GLB%
1 New York City – Northern New Jersey – Long Island, NY 568,903 2.6%
2 Los Angeles – Long Beach, CA – Santa Ana, CA 442,211 2.7%
3 Chicago–Naperville–Joliet, IL 288,478 3.1%
4 San Francisco – Oakland – Fremont, CA 256,313 3.6%
5 Boston – Cambridge, MA – Quincy, MA 201,344 3.4%
6 Washington, D.C. 191,959 2.5%
7 Dallas – Fort Worth – Arlington, TX 183,718 3.5%
8 Miami – Miami Beach – Fort Lauderdale 183,346 4.7%
9 Atlanta – Marietta, GA – Sandy Springs, GA 180,168 4.3%
10 Philadelphia – Camden, NJ – Wilmington, DE 179,459 2.8%
Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2.5% is probably a pretty good number nationally.

And on a personal note, and this is so great, I've always hated Bripat's avatar, so I ad-blocked and it went away. Much better.

Gays tend to congregate in major cities, so the average for the entire country is considerably less. More like 2%, at the most.
That wasn't the question that I asked. Answer mine first.

I gave you my answer. At a population of about 360,000,000 people in the United States and using a conservative 5% figure that means there are potentially 18,000,000 homosexuals in this country.

For some it's absolutely about equal treatment under the law, for others it can be about "social validation". For me, it's about the reason I cited.

You made a claim that is untrue, now you are diverting and and trying to make it about me instead of showing how all those things can be done for the same $50 cost of a Civil Marriage license (and some or all of the items I listed can be recreated at all)

You've had your answer, it's not my problem that you don't like it.


It's more like 1%-3% at the most.

It doesn't make any difference, they are Americans entitled to their civil rights.
For about a century now, we heteros have demanded the government give us all kinds of cash and prizes for being married. We have demanded more and more gifts from the government. Gimme, gimme, gimme. We put all those presents in our laws.

Then along come the homos and they ask for those same legal bennies if they get married. And we heteros are like, "These queers think they are special! Can you believe the nerve of them asking for the exact same gifts we demanded and get from the government?"

Why, it is right there in the Holy Bible! "And God spake. Thou shalt not give fags a Social Security spouse death benefit even if they hast payest into Social Security all their lives as everyone else."

Isaiah something or other.

a legal civil union gives them all of those rights--------this is not about rights, its about forced societal validation of a deviant lifestyle.

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