Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama

Oh lets look at the facts again- and the facts are cruel

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

You think having kids languish in foster care, waiting for what you consider to be 'the ideal circumstance' is preferable to allowing the child to be adopted by a single parent or a homosexual couple- now that is cruel

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

You think kids aging out of the system- to live on the streets- is preferable to allowing these kids to be adopted by single parents or homosexual parents- now that is really cruel.

Facts and Statistics

The vast majority of these children were born- and abandoned- by their biological- and heterosexual parents.

The 'mom and dad' which you consider 'ideal' abandoned these kids.

So you think that the only 'ideal' situation is to make them wait for another 'mom and dad' and to hell with how many years it takes or if they end up being abandoned by the that is cruel.
Ha, ha, that website is bunk, its a meta-analysis of a study. Studies that did not include children adopted into homosexual lifestyles.

Not valid at all.

Data vs. your obtuse personal opinion. I wonder which carries more validity? That study is certainly more valid than your claims of speaking for 99% of Americans and all children. lol.
I wonder the same thing, so post the data, from the source, not from an adoption agency, post the real data and the real study, but you never saw the data or real study, you would not even know where to begin to look.

We just get an adoption website that tells editorializes studies and data.

Of course I made no claim about numbers waiting to be adopted, did I? So it is not my opinion vs my data.

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud.
I am glad I hurt you enough, stymied your posts enough, that all you can do now is steal from me. No imagination can indicate no intelligence. Making a claim of Abandonment and attempting to use Studies and Data that never mention Abandonment is simply fraud.
What kind of ego makes you think that you can actually "hurt" someone here? Is it the same ego that makes you think you can speak for adopted children?
Ha, ha, that website is bunk, its a meta-analysis of a study. Studies that did not include children adopted into homosexual lifestyles.

Not valid at all.

Data vs. your obtuse personal opinion. I wonder which carries more validity? That study is certainly more valid than your claims of speaking for 99% of Americans and all children. lol.
I wonder the same thing, so post the data, from the source, not from an adoption agency, post the real data and the real study, but you never saw the data or real study, you would not even know where to begin to look.

We just get an adoption website that tells editorializes studies and data.

Of course I made no claim about numbers waiting to be adopted, did I? So it is not my opinion vs my data.

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud.
I am glad I hurt you enough, stymied your posts enough, that all you can do now is steal from me. No imagination can indicate no intelligence. Making a claim of Abandonment and attempting to use Studies and Data that never mention Abandonment is simply fraud.
View attachment 36653

So what does the AFCARS Report say?

Okay- so the facts are this 101,666 children were waiting to be adopted in 2012.

You think it is preferable for those children not to be adopted- and stay in foster care without any parents- than allowing them to have parents who are homosexual.

14% of those kids waited 5 years or more to be adopted.

As I said, too young to understand, this study confirms. The study was not able to capture the complex dynamics of gender and sexual development? As the Author states. I kind of do not know why this study was offered?

Despite its strengths, some limitations of the study should be noted. At the time of data collection, children were still young (M ¼ 3 years). The process of coming to understand adoption and developing an adoptive identity will unfold as the children grow older, and some children in the sample were probably too young to understand their adoptive status (Grotevant, Dunbar, Kohler, & Lash Esau, 2007). Our study was not likely to have captured other complex dynamics of gender and sexual development that will emerge as children age
What kind of ego makes you think that you can actually "hurt" someone here? Is it the same ego that makes you think you can speak for adopted children?

Oh, not just adopted children. ALL children. And 99% of the population.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series
Probably for the same reason it subsidizes male on female buttfucking as long as it is done within a marriage. And it does.
But that provides the option of hetero intercourse that creates babies. Homos don't.

Sorry you are confused by the biology.

buttfucking- whether by male to a female or male to a male- will never create babies.

Nor should the State be subsidizing any sex of any kind.

At most, the State should be supporting relationships between couples that benefit the state.
That would be traditional heterosexual couples with moral values, a trait gays lack.

Moral values? Like wanting to shoot people based solely on their skin color? Sorry, but your moral compass stopped spinning a longtime ago. Now you are just a hypocrite.
As a southern conservative patriot with tradional southern values, I will always be a upstanding moral citizen.
All true conservative Southerners reject you as offal kicked into the gutter.

For shame.
My Southern-born mother and her brothers had a saying for the Steve_Ms of the South: "Quality have nothing to do with people like that."
Ha, ha, that website is bunk, its a meta-analysis of a study. Studies that did not include children adopted into homosexual lifestyles.

Not valid at all.

Data vs. your obtuse personal opinion. I wonder which carries more validity? That study is certainly more valid than your claims of speaking for 99% of Americans and all children. lol.
I wonder the same thing, so post the data, from the source, not from an adoption agency, post the real data and the real study, but you never saw the data or real study, you would not even know where to begin to look.

We just get an adoption website that tells editorializes studies and data.

Of course I made no claim about numbers waiting to be adopted, did I? So it is not my opinion vs my data.

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud.
I am glad I hurt you enough, stymied your posts enough, that all you can do now is steal from me. No imagination can indicate no intelligence. Making a claim of Abandonment and attempting to use Studies and Data that never mention Abandonment is simply fraud.
What kind of ego makes you think that you can actually "hurt" someone here? Is it the same ego that makes you think you can speak for adopted children?
Still fishing? Try a troll line.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series
Data vs. your obtuse personal opinion. I wonder which carries more validity? That study is certainly more valid than your claims of speaking for 99% of Americans and all children. lol.
I wonder the same thing, so post the data, from the source, not from an adoption agency, post the real data and the real study, but you never saw the data or real study, you would not even know where to begin to look.

We just get an adoption website that tells editorializes studies and data.

Of course I made no claim about numbers waiting to be adopted, did I? So it is not my opinion vs my data.

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud.
I am glad I hurt you enough, stymied your posts enough, that all you can do now is steal from me. No imagination can indicate no intelligence. Making a claim of Abandonment and attempting to use Studies and Data that never mention Abandonment is simply fraud.
View attachment 36653

So what does the AFCARS Report say?

Okay- so the facts are this 101,666 children were waiting to be adopted in 2012.

You think it is preferable for those children not to be adopted- and stay in foster care without any parents- than allowing them to have parents who are homosexual.

14% of those kids waited 5 years or more to be adopted.
Thank you, finally you are a bit reasonable. Now what, you do not want to quote what you linked to as a basis for a discussion?

Either way, thanks, its a long document, it will be few minutes before I am able to tell you if this is something you can rely on to make your argument.

LOL- if by reasonable, you mean presenting the exact same facts I have always presented- yes- I am being reasonable.

I will point out the contrast between the 'documents' you provide- and the documents I have provided.

To 'prove' that homosexuals are the majority in Palm Springs- you cite a gay tourist website....that doesn't provide any source for that information.

But when I provide a 'fact' sheet from an adoption advocacy group- which has links to the actual documents- that you considered not to be a valid source of information. Even though the fact sheet actually had the sources for its information.

And finally- if you are really 'pro-adoption'- why are you suspicious of a pro-adoption advocacy group?

These people want to get children adopted- and speak about the real tragedy of children in America who are not adopted for years and years.
So you have a few outliers, Elektra.

So what?

Our GOP has hundreds of thousands of Log Cabin Republican homosexuals who firmly believe in marriage equality.

Why do you think hetero-fascism has been steadily lose traction in the Party?
Data vs. your obtuse personal opinion. I wonder which carries more validity? That study is certainly more valid than your claims of speaking for 99% of Americans and all children. lol.
I wonder the same thing, so post the data, from the source, not from an adoption agency, post the real data and the real study, but you never saw the data or real study, you would not even know where to begin to look.

We just get an adoption website that tells editorializes studies and data.

Of course I made no claim about numbers waiting to be adopted, did I? So it is not my opinion vs my data.

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud.
I am glad I hurt you enough, stymied your posts enough, that all you can do now is steal from me. No imagination can indicate no intelligence. Making a claim of Abandonment and attempting to use Studies and Data that never mention Abandonment is simply fraud.
View attachment 36653

So what does the AFCARS Report say?

Okay- so the facts are this 101,666 children were waiting to be adopted in 2012.

You think it is preferable for those children not to be adopted- and stay in foster care without any parents- than allowing them to have parents who are homosexual.

14% of those kids waited 5 years or more to be adopted.

As I said, too young to understand, this study confirms. The study was not able to capture the complex dynamics of gender and sexual development? As the Author states. I kind of do not know why this study was offered?

Despite its strengths, some limitations of the study should be noted. At the time of data collection, children were still young (M ¼ 3 years). The process of coming to understand adoption and developing an adoptive identity will unfold as the children grow older, and some children in the sample were probably too young to understand their adoptive status (Grotevant, Dunbar, Kohler, & Lash Esau, 2007). Our study was not likely to have captured other complex dynamics of gender and sexual development that will emerge as children age

You have provided nothing to support your claim

That makes your post and yourself a fraud
Oh, thank you, Elektra, for reminding me of that amazing character, Electra or Êlektra, in Greek mythology.

Your brilliance is dimming on this issue as are the the sisters in The Pleiades. All Elektras burn out quickly.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

Remember how Elektra keeps talking about 'forcing' children into a 'gay' lifestyle- here are the words of one of those children:

Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.

When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents

Elecktra would deny these children these parents- and cousins- and grandparents and aunts and uncles- and their 4 dogs.....just because well just because she doesn't approve of the parents.


Okay- so the facts are this 101,666 children were waiting to be adopted in 2012.

And every year over 20,000 kids are aged out of the system- and are on their own- no family- no support system.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

And then there's young man:

And these dozen kidlets;

And this dozen kids;

And this very eloquent young man

And these dozens of kids;

All of which you choose to ignore. But a rational person wouldn't.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

And then there's young man:

And these dozen kidlets;

And this dozen kids;

And this very eloquent young man

And these dozens of kids;

All of which you choose to ignore. But a rational person wouldn't.

Those kids were probably beaten into submission by their gay parents at a early age to accept the vile gay lifestyle. From what I've read, lots of kids are speaking out on the horrors of being raised by same sex parents
With all those adoptive children so few are available to heterosexual couples that they adopt children from foreign countries.

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