Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama

People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.
If we get some children raised by straight couples who had unpleasant upbringings....can we condemn all straight parents then?

Hey Katzndogz.....from your own link:

Most of the children of gays and lesbians who have filed court briefs in gay marriage cases say their parents’ inability to marry has deprived them of legal protections and hampered them from living their otherwise-typical lives. (Associated Press)
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

And then there's young man:

And these dozen kidlets;

And this dozen kids;

And this very eloquent young man

And these dozens of kids;

All of which you choose to ignore. But a rational person wouldn't.

Those kids were probably beaten into submission by their gay parents at a early age to accept the vile gay lifestyle. From what I've read, lots of kids are speaking out on the horrors of being raised by same sex parents

We definitely know that children are certainly beaten into submission from early on by racist parents to adopt the vile beliefs and life styles of the KKK, the NBPP, the Aryan church followings.

We know that so many people speak out and reject those life styles.
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
Since you homo marriage proponents like to misuse the word equality so much, I have one question for you to answer; why should the general public be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking? Simple question. What's your answer?
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?

Marriage isn't about sex. As demonstrated by all the infertile and childless folks that are allowed to marry or remain married.

So the entire premise of your argument is invalid. A classic 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.
Then how can homosexual marriage be defined as homosexual marriage if it isn't about homosexuality? Root word, sex.
Because there is no such thing as 'homosexual marriage' – or 'gay marriage,' for that matter.

There is only one marriage contract law written by the states and administered by state courts, where two equal, consenting adult partners agree to enter into a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex, it makes no difference.

This is why it's un-Constitutional for states to deny same-sex couples access to marriage contract law they're currently eligible to participate in.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

And then there's young man:

And these dozen kidlets;

And this dozen kids;

And this very eloquent young man

And these dozens of kids;

All of which you choose to ignore. But a rational person wouldn't.

Those kids were probably beaten into submission

No reason to presume that anyone else treats their children like you treat yours.
With all those adoptive children so few are available to heterosexual couples that they adopt children from foreign countries.

Well that raises two questions

a) why are so many children being abandoned by their heterosexual parents? and

b) why are 100,000 American children a year awaiting adoption, and 33,000 of them waiting 3 or more years- why aren't heterosexual couples adopting those children rather than adopting from overseas?

Hey- I am a heterosexual and I haven't adopted any kids- I am in awe of those who have stepped up and adopted those kids tossed away by their biological parents.
How will the SCOTUS rule that SSM should be allowed, but continue making incest marriages, polygamy, not also be legal?
The likely ruling by the Supreme Court won't 'allow' same-sex couples to marry, they already possess that right as enshrined in the 14th Amendment; rather, the Supreme Court will invalidate (by reversing the Sixth Circuit) state measures violating same-sex couples' right to equal protection of the law.

That's not the case with siblings wishing to marry or three or more persons wishing to marry, because state marriage contract laws aren't written to accommodate siblings or more than three persons, hence no civil rights violation.

Acknowledging the protected liberty of same-sex couples to access marriage law in no way 'changes' marriage, nor is marriage 'redefined'; same-sex couples are marrying in Alabama today in accordance with that state's current marriage law, where the state legislature has neither rewritten or amended the law.

In order to allow three or more persons to marry, for example, the state legislature would need to rewrite or amend existing marriage contract law, which is not necessary for same-sex couples to marry.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

Remember how Elektra keeps talking about 'forcing' children into a 'gay' lifestyle- here are the words of one of those children:

Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.

When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents

Elecktra would deny these children these parents- and cousins- and grandparents and aunts and uncles- and their 4 dogs.....just because well just because she doesn't approve of the parents.

Impossible. She claims to speak for all children. Either she's straight up delusional, or you're quoting Mr. Arden-Sonego incorrectly.

Here's another voice in the choir:

...“I was lucky to be adopted by two guys I can both call ‘Dad,’” he wrote to Roberts. “They give me and my sister so much love…. It’s important that all families are protected and valued. In our country, we may not all be the same but we are all Americans who deserve an equal chance at bettering our lives.”

Daniel Martinez-Leffew, 12

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

So all children but Daniel and Michael then?

“guns and religion are explicit in the document, marriage is not. You can't just lump in the last one with the first two because you feel like it.”

Due process and equal protection of the law are very much explicit in the Constitution, which are the issues under review by the Supreme Court, where 14th Amendment jurisprudence is the same regardless how the states seek to disadvantage a given class of persons, such as gay Americans.

Whether the states seek to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws (Romer v. Evans), refuse to allow them to apply for a vocational or professional license, or deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, the same settled, accepted principles of equal protection rights apply – where in fact state measures seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are indeed un-Constitutional.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

And then there's young man:

And these dozen kidlets;

And this dozen kids;

And this very eloquent young man

And these dozens of kids;

All of which you choose to ignore. But a rational person wouldn't.

Those kids were probably beaten into submission by their gay parents at a early age to accept the vile gay lifestyle. From what I've read, lots of kids are speaking out on the horrors of being raised by same sex parents don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about and are making up your standard array of nonsensical bullshit.

One of the two.
People who have been raised by gay parents have nothing positive to say about the experience
Gay couples children oppose same-sex marriage tell of unpleasant upbringings - Washington Times

what do they know.

4 adult children of gay parents?? Really? You want to make policy based on 4 people's opinions?

And only those 4. All of these kids, who rave about their same sex parent lead families, they don't want you to hear from.

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

Remember how Elektra keeps talking about 'forcing' children into a 'gay' lifestyle- here are the words of one of those children:

Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.

When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents

Elecktra would deny these children these parents- and cousins- and grandparents and aunts and uncles- and their 4 dogs.....just because well just because she doesn't approve of the parents.

Impossible. She claims to speak for all children. Either she's straight up delusional, or you're quoting Mr. Arden-Sonego incorrectly.

Here's another voice in the choir:

...“I was lucky to be adopted by two guys I can both call ‘Dad,’” he wrote to Roberts. “They give me and my sister so much love…. It’s important that all families are protected and valued. In our country, we may not all be the same but we are all Americans who deserve an equal chance at bettering our lives.”

Daniel Martinez-Leffew, 12

Children Of LGBT Parents Speak Out For The Let Love Define Family Series

So all children but Daniel and Michael then?

And why is it that she only claims to be concerned about 'orphans' rather than all children up for adoption?

That is just one more of her bizarre claims.
Since you homo marriage proponents like to misuse the word equality so much, I have one question for you to answer; why should the general public be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking? Simple question. What's your answer?
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?

Marriage isn't about sex. As demonstrated by all the infertile and childless folks that are allowed to marry or remain married.

So the entire premise of your argument is invalid. A classic 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.
Then how can homosexual marriage be defined as homosexual marriage if it isn't about homosexuality? Root word, sex.
Because there is no such thing as 'homosexual marriage' – or 'gay marriage,' for that matter.

There is only one marriage contract law written by the states and administered by state courts, where two equal, consenting adult partners agree to enter into a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex, it makes no difference.

This is why it's un-Constitutional for states to deny same-sex couples access to marriage contract law they're currently eligible to participate in.
Which takes it back to the stipulations within that contract. Homos cannot procreate as heteros can so the tax break for the homos is unnecessary. Why should we all be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking since it is of no consequence beyond the participating people?
For the same reason that male on female anal sex does not influence marriage laws: marriage is about two people joingin together.

Children can be and often are conceived, born, and raised outside of marriage.
For the same reason that male on female anal sex does not influence marriage laws: marriage is about two people joingin together.

Children can be and often are conceived, born, and raised outside of marriage.
I've already addressed that flawed rationale.
Yes, you did and got blown (ha ha) out of the water.

Marriage Equality will be the law of the land in a few months, and you will just be a foolish type of Alan Keyes or Where_r_my_Keys on this issue.
For the same reason that male on female anal sex does not influence marriage laws: marriage is about two people joingin together.

Children can be and often are conceived, born, and raised outside of marriage.
I've already addressed that flawed rationale.
Yes, you did and got blown (ha ha) out of the water.

Marriage Equality will be the law of the land in a few months, and you will just be a foolish type of Alan Keyes or Where_r_my_Keys on this issue.
Laws are often flawed and incomplete. Passed law has nothing to do with the flawed thinking of legal homo marriage. And neither you nor anyone else had yet refuted the logic and facts of my argument. Instead, just another snide comment. I'll respond when you make a legit and analytical post.
Rosh, your ilk are the ones whose legal thinking is flawed, as SCOTUS is going to show you in June. You are the ones with snide comments, and you get whiny when you are forced to eat them? Cry me a river. :lol:

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