Gay Marriage May Have Cost Obama Floridah

I will also add that I think Obama's Gay marriage debacle is in the process of backfiring on him as he and his team appear to be growing more desperate with each passing week. Hopefully his polls will begin to tank soon and we as American citizens can stop treading water while we wait for the amateur to be thrown out of office so we can begin to improve ourselves and the country again.

You know if you were not so hateful when it came to religion you might have a different opinion about Romney.

Um, nope.

Mormonism was started by con men who wanted to have sex with children. It deserves every bit of contempt I have for it.

And actually, Obama's poll positions have improved in recent weeks.. People took a look at ROmney, considered it for a minute and said, "Ummm, nope."

Nope, I think it's just the calm before the storm. Axelrod is even starting to panic. It is still early yet but Romney is getting into a good position as Obama's team is showing signs of desperation.

I think you need to stop listening to R ush Limbaugh and learn to think for yourself.

Both Romney and Obama are rallying their base supporters right now, because they know that elusive 10% in the middle isn't even paying attention right now.
Well Joe, not to be a smart alec but what you think doesn't matter to me. What I think is that Romney can do a much better job then Obama has done and that will be helpful to our country.

But what do you base that on?

Romney's only poltiical office was govenror of Massachusetts. He held it for one term, was the least popular governor in the country (even coming in behind Rod Blagovoich) and his state was ranked 47 out of 50 in job creation. He didn't even try to run for a second term.

And this was during a time when the economy wasn't so bad, his performance was pathetic.

If Past is Prologue, then really, Romney's past doesn't say good things.

Now, he'll talk about the Olympics (where he begged for and got a big government bailout) or Bain (where he ruined a lot of lives) but he isn't talking about the one job that was about as close to the one he is actually running for and was his most recent professional experience.

Obviously he has more experience then a Community Organizer who's only claim to fame is that he has spent more money then anyone in their right mind would which has done nothing but dig the hole deeper. Obama has to go or the country will soon be following Greece into the abyss. At this point Mitt Romney is our best hope.
Obviously he has more experience then a Community Organizer who's only claim to fame is that he has spent more money then anyone in their right mind would which has done nothing but dig the hole deeper. Obama has to go or the country will soon be following Greece into the abyss. At this point Mitt Romney is our best hope.

YOu barely understand the dynamics of this country, please don't go talking about Greece, where you probalby understand even less.

Yes, the debt has gotten bigger under Obama, just like it got bigger when Bush turned CLinton's 200 billion dollar surplus into a 400 billion deficit. But a lot of that is Bush's tax cuts and Bush's wars and the fact that people are retiring at a faster rate. Please explain what Obama PERSONALLY did to own that debt.

Incidently, Obama was a lawyer, a state legislature and a Senator before becoming president.

Romney was a guy who made a lot of money trading on Daddy's connections.

in terms of experience, they are about equal.

I want to hear ideas. And frankly, I haven't heard anything from Romney that we haven't heard before.
LOL Joe, you have already shown me that you do not have much of a clue. So please stop trying to tell people you don't even know what and who they are. I'm a voter Joe and I vote for who I think will do the better job. As of now the democrats tax and spend government scares me very much. Obama is spending us into a crevasse that will be amazingly difficult to recover from. His divisive policies in my opinion have been and continue to be a disaster and he is hurting our country so badly that it isn't funny. The man disgusts me and I want him out of office as soon as possible. Mitt Romney is the best hope for that.

As far as Obama being a Lawyer that's pretty much a joke or he would not have spent several hundred thousands dollars on hiding his transcripts. The man likely does not want anyone to see what his records were for a reason. He is nothing more then the liar he has shown himself to be as president. He has to go before our country heads down the road to where Spain and Greece are heading.
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And to try and stay on of the few things I respected about Obama when he was elected is that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a women. Now that has shown to be nothing more then another of his lies. He is a whore that will say and do anything to try and benefit himself. No one should support marriage between a bunch of degenerates, it is a disgusting position to hold and it makes me think much less of the man.
And to try and stay on of the few things I respected about Obama when he was elected is that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a women. Now that has shown to be nothing more then another of his lies. He is a whore that will say and do anything to try and benefit himself. No one should support marriage between a bunch of degenerates, it is a disgusting position to hold and it makes me think much less of the man.

Gee...I can't imagine how you feel about Dick Cheney who has also "evolved" on this issue. How about Laura Bush? She's evolved too. Does she "disgust" you for her position on marriage equality?

How come y'all can't get your talking point (pardon the pun) straight when it comes to the President's position on marriage equality. On one hand you say it's hurting him and on the other you say he took the position to get votes. Which is it?

Or are these just more questions you will refuse to the one I asked about how the President's policies have hurt you personally.
I think he was going to lose Florida anyways.

I think the reason for his flip flop on gay marriage is that he wanted to appear as a freedom crusader in the wake of all the liberties he's stomping.

At the risk of taking the Crazy-Train, which "liberty" are you talking about?

The "liberty" of an insurance company to refuse you treatment you paid good money for?

The liberty of an employer to cheat you out of fair paycheck?

The 'liberty' babble is just a mindless rightwing talking point that these people have been instructed to repeat on a regular basis.
You just don't like the truth Joe, it wurts your feelings.

No, I don't like dealing with stupid people.

I work for a company that is heavily involved in the Auto Industry. The Auto Bailout saved a lot of our jobs, and we know it. We aren't a union shop, we aren't part of GM, but if GM had been allowed to collapse, it would have had a ripple effect that would have been catastrophic.

And frankly, the Weird Mormon Robot isn't offering anything new. It's the same shit that Bush did that got us into this mess. Less regulations and tax cuts for rich douchebags. How many recessions does that have to cause before we realize it's a bad idea?

LOL, I was doing great when Bush was President. Obama is costing all of us big time, you just won't admit it because the black guy is always your hero.
Ah, the Race Card Card. Knew that was in your Hand.
No, I don't like dealing with stupid people.

I work for a company that is heavily involved in the Auto Industry. The Auto Bailout saved a lot of our jobs, and we know it. We aren't a union shop, we aren't part of GM, but if GM had been allowed to collapse, it would have had a ripple effect that would have been catastrophic.

And frankly, the Weird Mormon Robot isn't offering anything new. It's the same shit that Bush did that got us into this mess. Less regulations and tax cuts for rich douchebags. How many recessions does that have to cause before we realize it's a bad idea?

LOL, I was doing great when Bush was President. Obama is costing all of us big time, you just won't admit it because the black guy is always your hero.
Ah, the Race Card Card. Knew that was in your Hand.

LOL, you are ignorant (as usual) as to why I said that. That came from a previous conversation Joe and I had but go ahead and jump to your incorrect conclusions, you seem to love it so.
LOL, I was doing great when Bush was President. Obama is costing all of us big time, you just won't admit it because the black guy is always your hero.

Ah, the Race Card Card. Knew that was in your Hand.

LOL, you are ignorant (as usual) as to why I said that. That came from a previous conversation Joe and I had but go ahead and jump to your incorrect conclusions, you seem to love it so.

You espouse one prejudice. It's hardly a stretch to suspect you may harbor others.
Ah, the Race Card Card. Knew that was in your Hand.

LOL, you are ignorant (as usual) as to why I said that. That came from a previous conversation Joe and I had but go ahead and jump to your incorrect conclusions, you seem to love it so.

You espouse one prejudice. It's hardly a stretch to suspect you may harbor others.

It isn't prejudice to disapprove of degenerates.
And to try and stay on of the few things I respected about Obama when he was elected is that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a women. Now that has shown to be nothing more then another of his lies. He is a whore that will say and do anything to try and benefit himself. No one should support marriage between a bunch of degenerates, it is a disgusting position to hold and it makes me think much less of the man.

Gee...I can't imagine how you feel about Dick Cheney who has also "evolved" on this issue. How about Laura Bush? She's evolved too. Does she "disgust" you for her position on marriage equality?

How come y'all can't get your talking point (pardon the pun) straight when it comes to the President's position on marriage equality. On one hand you say it's hurting him and on the other you say he took the position to get votes. Which is it?

Or are these just more questions you will refuse to the one I asked about how the President's policies have hurt you personally.

They have their opinions on an issue fuck'em if they don't share mine.
Is that why Obama is up 4 points in the Marist poll?

I do think BHO will lose FL to Romney, but i am amazed the Dem candidate for senator is up by 10.
And to try and stay on of the few things I respected about Obama when he was elected is that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a women. Now that has shown to be nothing more then another of his lies. He is a whore that will say and do anything to try and benefit himself. No one should support marriage between a bunch of degenerates, it is a disgusting position to hold and it makes me think much less of the man.

Gee...I can't imagine how you feel about Dick Cheney who has also "evolved" on this issue. How about Laura Bush? She's evolved too. Does she "disgust" you for her position on marriage equality?

How come y'all can't get your talking point (pardon the pun) straight when it comes to the President's position on marriage equality. On one hand you say it's hurting him and on the other you say he took the position to get votes. Which is it?

Or are these just more questions you will refuse to the one I asked about how the President's policies have hurt you personally.

They have their opinions on an issue fuck'em if they don't share mine.

I wasn't asking you, but it's good to know I'm not invisible. :lol:
Gee...I can't imagine how you feel about Dick Cheney who has also "evolved" on this issue. How about Laura Bush? She's evolved too. Does she "disgust" you for her position on marriage equality?

How come y'all can't get your talking point (pardon the pun) straight when it comes to the President's position on marriage equality. On one hand you say it's hurting him and on the other you say he took the position to get votes. Which is it?

Or are these just more questions you will refuse to the one I asked about how the President's policies have hurt you personally.

They have their opinions on an issue fuck'em if they don't share mine.

I wasn't asking you, but it's good to know I'm not invisible. :lol:
I gave it.

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