Gay "marriage", the Left's Cowardice regarding Islam and One Flesh

I don't believe in false Gods.

Agnosticism is the only honest path.

You need to grow some rocks and go Liberate the Gays in the Middle East.

Islam is the only "Faith" Executing Homosexuals you Ignorant Wigger. :thup:



Why would I risk my life for anyone other than my friends or family, you ignorant hick weirdo?

You wouldn't risk your Life for anyone, you Sucker Punching Faggot. :thup:


You need to grow some rocks and go Liberate the Gays in the Middle East.

Islam is the only "Faith" Executing Homosexuals you Ignorant Wigger. :thup:



Why would I risk my life for anyone other than my friends or family, you ignorant hick weirdo?

You wouldn't risk your Life for anyone, you Sucker Punching Faggot. :thup:



your memes are

*fell asleep*
The sodomy sin is one of 613-620 (depending on who's list you use.) Being guilty of one does not disqualify you from the afterlife.
The Torah states that sodomy is an abomination and those who practice it should be stoned to death. So it doesn't sound like G-d is too found of sodomites.

btw I am in the 613 camp because I once bought a pomegranate, cut it open, and then counted the seeds.....there was exactly 613 ..... :cool:

Yes it does. But then it also says a number of other sin-crimes are death penalty offenses as well. Good page here detailing them:

Actions punishable by death in the Old Testament - RationalWiki

* Worshiping idols (Exodus 22:20, Leviticus 20:1-5, Deuteronomy 17:2-7).
* Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:14-16,23).
* Breaking the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14, Numbers 15:32-36).
* Practicing magic (Exodus 22:18).
* Being a medium or spiritualist. (Stoning) (Leviticus 20:27).
* Trying to convert people to another religion. (stoning) (Deuteronomy 13:1-11, Deuteronomy 18:20).
* Apostasy - If most people in a town come to believe in a different god. (Kill everybody, including animals, and burn the town.) (Deuteronomy 13:12-15)[6]
* Giving one of your descendants to Molech. Probably refers to human sacrifice, which is not now as commonly practised. (Leviticus 20:2)
* Non-priests going near the tabernacle when it is being moved. (Numbers 1:51)
* Being a false prophet. (Deuteronomy 13:5, Deuteronomy 18:20, Zechariah 13:2-3)

* Striking your parents (Exodus 21:15).
* Cursing your parents (Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9).
* Being a stubborn and rebellious son. And being a profligate and a drunkard. (stoning) (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

* Murder. However if a slave is beaten to death the owner is “punished” — not necessarily killed. If the slave survives the beating then there is no punishment-unless the slave's tooth or eye is damaged (Exodus 21:26-27). This is part of a wide range of slavery laws in the Old and New Testament. (Genesis 9:6, Exodus 21:12, Numbers 35:16-21)
* Kidnapping and selling a man. (Exodus 21:16).
* Perjury (in certain cases) (Deuteronomy 19:15-21).

Deuteronomy 19:20 explicitly identifies that the purpose of this is deterrence. "The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing (malicious and false testimony by one man against another) be done among you." Presumably all the other death penalties are assumed to be for deterrence as well.

* Ignoring the verdict of a judge – (or a priest!) (Deuteronomy 17:8-13).
* Not penning up a known dangerous bull, if the bull subsequently kills a man or a woman. Both the animal and the reckless owner of the dangerous bull are to be put to death. (Exodus 21:29)

Love to see the Perjury one enforced. Would make Court TV watchable. :)
100% of the time Homosexuality is referenced in the Old and New it is called Sin and Abomination.

Christ's Blood did not OK Sin...

Christ did Define Marriage as One Man and One Woman and One Flesh... Homosexuals are Incapable of this.

Homosexuality and Christianity are not Compatible...

Good news for those who don't want to stop Defying their Natural Design?...

Nobody is Forcing you into a Christian Church. :thup:


"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
Sam Keen: In The Absence of God -

.............................................^^ just another pro fudge packer cut & paste .... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

mal said:
Cutting and Pasting Falsehoods and Misrepresentations is Badm, mmmkay...

Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer
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Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.
I'm not just picking on homo's.

I also hate pedophiles, rapists, and people who are into beastiality and necrophilia. ... :cool:
The sodomy sin is one of 613-620 (depending on who's list you use.) Being guilty of one does not disqualify you from the afterlife.
The Torah states that sodomy is an abomination and those who practice it should be stoned to death. So it doesn't sound like G-d is too found of sodomites.

btw I am in the 613 camp because I once bought a pomegranate, cut it open, and then counted the seeds.....there was exactly 613 ..... :cool:

who have you stoned lately

Gay marriage and legalized pot happened in the same Election in Washington. Apparently we've been misinterpreting the "stoning" section for centuries.
Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.
Aren't you guilty of the same thing? There's nothing wrong with being revulsed by some behaviors, it's perfectly normal and human. What isn't normal or human is telling people that they are hateful if they feel any natural revulsion.

But that has nothing to do with gay marriage. If two men can marry then there's no reason three men can't marry. Or four or five, etc. Gay marriage isn't about equality, a society has the right to define unions or marriage as they see fit, but lately have been told they are intolerant in this particular case. That's how gay marriage gets passed, propaganda and intimidation.

Same sex unions are not and never will be equally valuable to any society due to simple biology. That isn't how we reproduce.

That said, the waters have been so muddied and so many brainwashed by politically correct militants that I think it's time for the government to get out of marriage altogether. Anyone should marry whoever, whatever any time they want with no government participation whatsoever. Marriage would just be whatever you want it to be, draw up legal contracts if you want. or not.
Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.
I'm not just picking on homo's.

I also hate pedophiles, rapists, and people who are into beastiality and necrophilia. ... :cool:

Even Animals have the good sense to disregard their dead when it comes to sex...

But are Human's "Born that way" simply because they do it?...

Oh!... Those other things, aside from Homosexuality, ARE Choices... But Homosexuality, even though it negates our Existence and Defies our Natural Design...

It's not a Choice.

They can't Control themselves. :thup:


Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.
I'm not just picking on homo's.

I also hate pedophiles, rapists, and people who are into beastiality and necrophilia. ... :cool:

You "hate" them.

Hate them!


What a fucking tool.
Hatred is so obvious a human trait. It is interesting that what others do in the privacy of their lives is of concern to some people? It says a lot about the person and nothing about the subject. Humans engage in a wide variety of beliefs and behaviors most of which would seem alien to another. That some dwell on other's actions but do not consider their behaviors in this case, hatred and revulsion, is an interesting denial of the complexity of life, a fear that something they are uncomfortable with will infect them, a denial of their own humanness.
I'm not just picking on homo's.

I also hate pedophiles, rapists, and people who are into beastiality and necrophilia. ... :cool:

You "hate" them.

Hate them!

What a fucking tool.
So you are OK with child molesters, rapists, and people who are into banging animals and the dead?? ..... :eek:
Not getting into a bible debate but the honophobe stuff was in the Old Testament and Jesus died and came back for the New Testament. So if you are going to revert back the Old Testament and say "Jesus died...whatever" thats fine. Died for nothing.

But I'd love to see this bible thumpers give up their shellfish and animal skin clothing....but they dont really want to follow the old testament they are just doing it for play play

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