Gay marriage

Stitchman said:
first, dont just make asumptions. Second, my friends dad was straight when he had a kid, but turned gay later.

Ok :wtf: re-read what you just posted!
Stitchman said:
first, dont just make asumptions. Second, my friends dad was straight when he had a kid, but turned gay later.

Turned Gay.


Started Enjoying Gay Sex.

Homosexual Mafia would have us believe that such an occurance means they were gay all along, and somehow decided to stop 'living a lie'.

lol :)
-=d=- said:

"Turned Gay"

yes, he did turn gay, but he did not CHOOSE to be gay. As he told me, it kinda just "happened."

hey OCA, this is gonna sound weird, but are you black?
suspiria said:
People are not OPENLY gay there whole lives because they are mistreated, unaccepted ect...

Yes they are unaccepted and rightly so. If I choose to start shooting heroin right now(homosexuality is equally as destructive) would you hire me or treat me as a normal person?
OCA said:
Yes they are unaccepted and rightly so. If I choose to start shooting heroin right now(homosexuality is equally as destructive) would you hire me or treat me as a normal person?

what the HELL are you talking about?!?!?! Being gay never killed anybody!!
Stitchman said:
yes, he did turn gay, but he did not CHOOSE to be gay. As he told me, it kinda just "happened."

Queers won't admit the choosing part because of political and social ramifications but suffice it to say that if you were attracted to women at one time you definitely made a conscious choice to bang men somewhere along the line. Sorry every single human on earth is born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex, can't get around that undeniable fact.
Stitchman said:
what the HELL are you talking about?!?!?! Being gay never killed anybody!!

Well I know of one person who was gay, got AIDS and died, guess it did kill someone huh!
Stitchman said:
what the HELL are you talking about?!?!?! Being gay never killed anybody!!

It didn't? Ever hear of the beginning of the AIDS crisis? I know , I know, its not pc to mention this but yeah, overwhelmingly AIDS is a queer disease and as a matter of fact would not be the epidemic it is today in America if queers had changed their promiscuous lifestyles way back when.
Stitchman said:
yes, he did turn gay, but he did not CHOOSE to be gay. As he told me, it kinda just "happened."

hey OCA, this is gonna sound weird, but are you black?

What the fuck does this question have to do with the topic? I'm begginning to think you are retarded.
OCA said:
It didn't? Ever hear of the beginning of the AIDS crisis? I know , I know, its not pc to mention this but yeah, overwhelmingly AIDS is a queer disease and as a matter of fact would not be the epidemic it is today in America if queers had changed their promiscuous lifestyles way back when.
yeah and staight people dont contribute to the AIDs crisis

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