Gay marriage

suspiria said:
by what 20% of the pop???

Lolita you need to pay attention a little bit, queers are celebrated here by the upper crust, especially Hollywood. But mainstream America isn't taking it anymore, we're fighting back this time.
OCA said:
Lolita you need to pay attention a little bit, queers are celebrated here by the upper crust, especially Hollywood. But mainstream America isn't taking it anymore, we're fighting back this time.
who the hell are you talking to?
suspiria said:
actual 1 in 11 people are gay on ave

HLCP leadership propoganda. Independent data from many different sources puts homosexual lifestyle choice perversionists at about 2-3% of the population.
OCA said:
Queers won't admit the choosing part because of political and social ramifications but suffice it to say that if you were attracted to women at one time you definitely made a conscious choice to bang men somewhere along the line. Sorry every single human on earth is born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex, can't get around that undeniable fact.

If you ask any "queer" in the world if they wanted to be gay, they would say no. I get the message that you think that gays wake up one day and say "Gee, i'm gonna turn gay today"
OCA said:
So anyway Stitch or Lolita can you two wingnuts explain to me how homosexuality is normal and natural?
can you expain why being straight is normal or natural?
OCA said:
So anyway Stitch or Lolita can you two wingnuts explain to me how homosexuality is normal and natural?

whoever said that it's normal and natural? all im saying is that it isn't wrong
Stitchman said:
If you ask any "queer" in the world if they wanted to be gay, they would say no. I get the message that you think that gays wake up one day and say "Gee, i'm gonna turn gay today"

Well, there are many people who leave the homosexual lifestyle every day and choose to be straight again. What's stopping those people you refer to?

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