Gay marriage

OCA said:
Lolita nobody said that CURRENTLY only queers spread AIDS but that they are directly to blame for the current parameters of the epidemic here in America because of their inaction and denial. Am I speaking to fast for you? I know you had a difficult time before.

Martha, no one has come up with any proof!! So many allegations from people on this board
Stitchman said:
The reason that they turn straight again is because they might want to be closer to the god of the old testament, for he thinks that gay marraige is wrong. And Jeff, could you please show me the part of the bible that states that gay marraige is "wrong"

First, marriage was instituted by God. Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Notice that it was one man and one woman.

Second, homosexual behavior is universally condemned in the Bible. Two examples:

Leviticus 18:22: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

So marriage is explictly defined as a covenant between a man and a woman, and homosexual behavior is condemned. Therefore, one can infer that homosexual marriage is also a sin.
Stitchman said:
The reason that they turn straight again is because they might want to be closer to the god of the old testament, for he thinks that gay marraige is wrong. And Jeff, could you please show me the part of the bible that states that gay marraige is "wrong"

You're being foolish. The bible is CRYSTAL-CLEAR where God stands on the issue of Homosexuality. Just as it's clear on the issue of Beastiality. Lying. Killing.

homosexuality is sinful - marriage of gay 'sanctions' their behaviour.
suspiria said:
Martha, no one has come up with any proof!! So many allegations from people on this board

Lolita the links and proof are all over this board on too many threads to remember, its up to you to find them.
suspiria said:
so im guessing no one here has any gay friends?

I have children and look out for their well being, so naturally no homosexual lifestyle choice perversionists are allowed around just like no crackheads.
OCA said:
I have children and look out for their well being, so naturally no homosexual lifestyle choice perversionists are allowed around just like no crackheads.
I bet your childeren are really open minded
suspiria said:
PROOF???? so no " normal straight people have aids???

I believe I answered that in my post to you...what part did you not understand....just the way what grade are you in?You seem to lack crucial reading skills!
archangel said:
I believe I answered that in my post to you...what part did you not understand....just the way what grade are you in?You seem to lack crucial reading skills!
thats not proof twit, that was crap coming out of your mouth, you do know the difference between an opinion and facts right??
suspiria said:
yeah and staight people dont contribute to the AIDs crisis

Generally AIDS was passed into the straight population from those who were "bisexual" (a euphemism for really horny and will poke anything that moves so long as it is human) and on the "down-low" (Those who marry or go out with women to hide their sexual escapades under cover of legitimacy).
no1tovote4 said:
Generally AIDS was passed into the straight population from those who were "bisexual" (a euphemism for really horny and will poke anything that moves so long as it is human) and on the "down-low" (Those who marry or go out with women to hide their sexual escapades under cover of legitimacy).

suspiria said:
thats not proof twit, that was crap coming out of your mouth, you do know the difference between an opinion and facts right??

Twit, my my now we are resorting to name calling I see!
suspiria said:
Martha, no one has come up with any proof!! So many allegations from people on this board

It is well documented that the gay community was the first subgroup to get hit hard by aids.

Currently it is the African American Community or Gay Community that is suffering the mostly from aids. I don't no for sure
Stitchman said:
Aids can be spreaded through sperm of vaginal secretions, and therefore can be spread through straight people as well. Magic Johnson got aids from one of his sexual partners, who were FEMALES.

Please enduldge me read my post once et al ring a bell?
suspiria said:
thats not proof twit, that was crap coming out of your mouth, you do know the difference between an opinion and facts right??

Uh...point of order. He was 'typing' not 'speaking' so anything must have come from his FINGERS.

and how is this:
Only the straight people who have bi sexual partners...engadge in risky sexual behavoir...or take drugs... sharing needles...what about the unfortunate ones who receive blood tranfusions that are contaminated...

Merely 'Opinion'. It's 95% accurate. Factual. Plenty of facts in there. I'll point a few out:

Some people got HIV thru sharing needles.
Some people got HIV thru contact with former gays
Some people got HIV thru blood transfusions.

I think 'you' need to learn the difference between 'opinion' and 'fact'. :)

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