Gay marriage

-=d=- said:
YOU People??? What are you, some kind of Christianophobe-Racist??

The problem my good man, is what you are saying violates laws of common sense, biology, and reason. :(

no, not christian people, but most of the people who support Bush in this forum.
Stitchman said:
no, not christian people, but most of the people who support Bush in this forum.

....'you people' is something 'my people' aren't used to hearing. Since I left the south, I've not taken too kindly to being called 'boy' or 'you people'. I'm a man. Regardless of the colour of my skin, or my politics. Just stop with the racial stuff, kay?
Here we go again's your link

Lot's more reading there then what I have posted!

Homosexual Statistics

Facts and Statistics About Homosexuals

Some statistics about the Homosexual lifestyle:

One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only one time with over 50% of their partners (3).
One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting (7).
Many homosexuals don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior" (16).
Homosexuals got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27).
Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States (5). They make up only 1-2% of the population.
Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus (27).
73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization (13).
25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics (11).
Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admit to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those partners are total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in the film "The Castro", one minute stands) (3). Also, it is a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to "cruisy areas" and have anonymous sex.
-=d=- said:
....'you people' is something 'my people' aren't used to hearing. Since I left the south, I've not taken too kindly to being called 'boy' or 'you people'. I'm a man. Regardless of the colour of my skin, or my politics. Just stop with the racial stuff, kay?

how the hell was that racial?
Stitchman said:
just gimme a link.

Here is one from the Kaiser Family Foundation. They put out a "manifesto" requesting Gay and Bisexual men be more careful to keep down the spread of AIDS.

And another talking about the spread of the disease:

It seems the disease spread outside of the homosexual community largely by two paths. Intravenous drug use and bisexual men contracting from their homosexual partners then passing the disease on to the hetero partners.
suspiria said:
I dont know why anyone would want to be friends with someone they think is so gross?

I have never said that I think they are "gross". Show me where I have ever stated such a thing.
Stitchman said:
how the hell was that racial?

I tell you time a BlackMan checks your bags, or waits upon your table, say to him "Oh, you-people always were good at physical labor"

Watch what happens.
no1tovote4 said:
I have never said that I think they are "gross". Show me where I have ever stated such a thing.
i never said you did either, talking about other people here
Trinity said:
Here we go again's your link

Lot's more reading there then what I have posted!

Homosexual Statistics

Facts and Statistics About Homosexuals

Some statistics about the Homosexual lifestyle:

One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only one time with over 50% of their partners (3).
One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting (7).
Many homosexuals don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior" (16).
Homosexuals got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27).
Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States (5). They make up only 1-2% of the population.
Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus (27).
73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization (13).
25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics (11).
Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admit to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those partners are total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in the film "The Castro", one minute stands) (3). Also, it is a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to "cruisy areas" and have anonymous sex.

wow staight people do all these things too!!!
-=d=- said:
I tell you time a BlackMan checks your bags, or waits upon your table, say to him "Oh, you-people always were good at physical labor"

Watch what happens.

I didn't say anything about you being black!! I didn't even know you were black!

Also, you probalby hate it like hell whenever some1 discriminates against you because of your skin color. Well, your doing the same to gay people!!! HIPOCRYTE
Trinity said:
Where's your link? Prove it!
are you dumb, you think only gay people do those things??? I never said gay people didnt do those things, and your post does not prove there bad people or destructive
suspiria said:
are you dumb, you think only gay people do those things??? I never said gay people didnt do those things, and your post does not prove there bad people or destructive

No, but I think you need to go back to school!!
-=d=- said:
I tell you time a BlackMan checks your bags, or waits upon your table, say to him "Oh, you-people always were good at physical labor"

Watch what happens.

Now that was a excellent da a nice way!
what happened to -=d=-, and why is he mad at me? i didn't say anything about his skin color?
suspiria said:
i never said you did either, talking about other people here

So when you quoted me on this post:

Then stated that you, "don't know why anyone would want to be friends with someone they think is so gross." you were not answering my post? You didn't quote me to make sure we understood whose post you were answering?

This wasn't a general statement, it was simply one made in ignorance of my opinion with predjudice toward your uneducated opinon that everybody on this site is against homosexuality as a rule and therefore I too must think it is "gross" and shouldn't want to be friends with gay people.

I am Libertarian, I personally believe that anybody should be able to do whatever they wish with another person who is a consenting adult. Key word is consenting.

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