Gay marriage

suspiria said:
can you expain why being straight is normal or natural?

Well thats not to difficult. You see the male and female body were designed to fit together. This has a duel purpose, to create intimacy between the two unifying them as one and to create life. Homosexuals do not fit together. they do not create life. hence not natural.

As for normal. as has been pointed out only 2% of the population is homosexual. That means the norm of 98% of the population is being straight. and Hence homosexuality is not normal by definition.
Stitchman said:
Ur not black? Then what was all of that stuff about telling black people that they are good at physical labor about?

I never claimed to be black. I was telling how how a choice of words can be offensive.
Stitchman said:
how much younger?
"...The consistency of the median age of death for homosexuals indexed by the obituaries of 18 independent homosexual journals over an eleven year period, suggests an average life span located in the mid 40s if AIDS fails to intervene, late 30s-to-early-40s if it does. The more limited evidence regarding lesbian deaths suggests an average life-span of under 50 years."15
You guys say that gay people contribute greatly to the aids crisis because they have sex so much. Well, if you make gay marraiges legal, gay men would stop having so much sex because they are married.
Trinity said:
"...The consistency of the median age of death for homosexuals indexed by the obituaries of 18 independent homosexual journals over an eleven year period, suggests an average life span located in the mid 40s if AIDS fails to intervene, late 30s-to-early-40s if it does. The more limited evidence regarding lesbian deaths suggests an average life-span of under 50 years."15
eighteen gay people does not represent the whole gay population.
suspiria said:
I dont know why anyone would want to be friends with someone they think is so gross?

Then maybe you shouldnt be so intolerant to people you disagree with.
Stitchman said:
eighteen gay people does not represent the whole gay population.

HHHEEELLLLOOOOO, read, 18 journals not gay people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :duh3:
Stitchman said:
You guys say that gay people contribute greatly to the aids crisis because they have sex so much. Well, if you make gay marraiges legal, gay men would stop having so much sex because they are married.

That is baseless. They could be monogamous without marriage. I would say that the promiscuity found among homosexual men contributes greatly to the spread of AIDS. Amazingly there are many churches that would happily sanctify a homosexual relationship, yet the promiscuity still exists. Government recognition doesn't change the "sanctity" of the relationship or the wisdom of monogamous relationships, nor will government recognition of marriages among homosexuals change the social norm among homosexuals. They would need to regulate their actions according to common sense regardless of the status of government recognition of their monogamy and there is no evidence that "marriage" would do that.
suspiria said:
Being gay is not destructive

Then why do they have a life expectancy of almost half of normal people? Why do they have higher rates of abuse? Why are they pedaphiles at a higher rate than normal people?

Love creates life, lust destroys it.
Stitchman said:
You guys say that gay people contribute greatly to the aids crisis because they have sex so much. Well, if you make gay marraiges legal, gay men would stop having so much sex because they are married.

Not the frequency - it's the nature of their sex. The anus and rectum is quite fragile, and prone to tears, etc. If a) evolution as taught in schools is true and b) Homosexuality is 'natural' we'd have as thick of a rectum as a woman does a vaginal wall. At least some portion of the population would, no?
Stitchman said:
what exactly do you mean by journals

I'm wondering what school system stitch and suprina attend...geez my grandaughter is only a freshman in H.S..she has a 3.89 gpa into sports,has a job,rides dirt bikes and horses....and still has the time to comprehend reading skills and vocabulary....sigh....sure feel sorry for these kids...

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