Gay Pride Flag vs. Confederate Flag

Just thinking out loud here...confeds were part of us, then not, and are now again. So, theses states are the US now, and, are part of these states history. It was a different time then, and, we need to realize that and be adults about it. Not overly sensitive cry baby. The American Indian were our enemy at one time too

Not being a cry baby. I'm sure someday someone will push to have a statue made of Nidal Hassan, the Fort Worth Shooter and say "it was a different time then" and I will be 100% against that being anywhere on government property, and if you want to call out being a cry baby for opposing that, feel free.

Someone someday may want to build a statue of one of our Gulf War vets. They may want to build a statue of Timothy McVeigh and his misguided attempts as a US Citizen to fight for peoples rights and the 2nd amendment. And people will say "that was a different time" and I will be 100% against putting that statue on US Government property to celebrate him and his cause. But if you want to fight for him, that will be your choice.

Yes, they were part of us. Then they turned against the USA, stole federal lands and property, and waged a war against the US. Whether it was a different time or not, that flag was the flag flying by the group that tried to overthrow the government of the USA.

While it is part of their history, my belief is it is not ok to fly the flags of the enemies of the USA on US property. It has nothing to do with who finds it offensive to me or not. It has to do with me being a nationalist and former veteran, anyone who stood up to rip this country apart and wage war against it is someone I don't think this country should celebrate

To me it's plain and simple. The US should not celebrate our enemies, be they foreign or domestic.
As for my opinion, I feel the only flag that should be displayed on its own in a school should be the American flag

And I would be fine with that too to be honest. But literally the last flags we should think of flying are those of our enemies in war and took up arms against the soldiers that fought for that American flag.
Is there a comparison?
Are the folks in Auburn AL justified in petitioning to have this removed? Thoughts?

Alabama high school petition compares pride flag to Confederate flag

riiiiiiiiiight... because one represents people committing treason and fighting their government for the right to own people....

and the other represents treating all people with dignity.

yeah, I can see how in some imbecilic bigoted rightwingnut mind that might be the same.

Just thinking out loud here...confeds were part of us, then not, and are now again. So, theses states are the US now, and, are part of these states history. It was a different time then, and, we need to realize that and be adults about it. Not overly sensitive cry baby. The American Indian were our enemy at one time too

Not being a cry baby. I'm sure someday someone will push to have a statue made of Nidal Hassan, the Fort Worth Shooter and say "it was a different time then" and I will be 100% against that being anywhere on government property, and if you want to call out being a cry baby for opposing that, feel free.

Someone someday may want to build a statue of one of our Gulf War vets. They may want to build a statue of Timothy McVeigh and his misguided attempts as a US Citizen to fight for peoples rights and the 2nd amendment. And people will say "that was a different time" and I will be 100% against putting that statue on US Government property to celebrate him and his cause. But if you want to fight for him, that will be your choice.

Yes, they were part of us. Then they turned against the USA, stole federal lands and property, and waged a war against the US. Whether it was a different time or not, that flag was the flag flying by the group that tried to overthrow the government of the USA.

While it is part of their history, my belief is it is not ok to fly the flags of the enemies of the USA on US property. It has nothing to do with who finds it offensive to me or not. It has to do with me being a nationalist and former veteran, anyone who stood up to rip this country apart and wage war against it is someone I don't think this country should celebrate

To me it's plain and simple. The US should not celebrate our enemies, be they foreign or domestic.

timothy mcveigh was a terrorist... he wasn't trying to save anybody or anything.
Ya'll are totally cool with the anarchist foreign domestic terrorists Antifa's flags, with mexican flags being waved as "we own this," the anarchist flags flying all over, and ya'll support it all - so why the hell can't the south have their so-called "treason" flag flying?

Ya damned hypocrites.
There is no comparison. One flag celebrates diversity and inclusion. The other is representative of slave states.
The flag is also promoting a school club that promotes diversity. This is a good thing. If I had Gay kids I would be really pleased that the school is looking out for their welfare.
"diversity and inclusion." ? You're Joking Right ? The Fag Flag Celebrates a surrender to
1. Sexual Degeneracy
2. Intimidation
3. Mental Illness
4. Disease
5. Brainwashing

Let me ask you pal - are you a faggot or a useful idiot

Fuck off
Is there a comparison?
Are the folks in Auburn AL justified in petitioning to have this removed? Thoughts?

Alabama high school petition compares pride flag to Confederate flag
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.
The two flags represent certain ideologies that many Americans find offensive. If the rebel flag had to come down for the reasons of offending people; then the flag of butt sex and amputating organs to play-act "the other gender" which offends many people, has also to come down.
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.

In your view.
To a person who has religious beliefs, a flag that represents sin to them flying in their childrens school room would certainly be offensive. And the government has absolutely no business pushing social agendas in the class room.
So in that since, it IS the same thing. They both offend people.
Well said.
Is there a comparison?
Are the folks in Auburn AL justified in petitioning to have this removed? Thoughts?

Alabama high school petition compares pride flag to Confederate flag
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.
The two flags represent certain ideologies that many Americans find offensive. If the rebel flag had to come down for the reasons of offending people; then the flag of butt sex and amputating organs to play-act "the other gender" which offends many people, has also to come down.
But one ideology is offensive. The other promotes diversity and equality. People who have a problem with that should take a good look at themselves and their values.

The presence of the flag is not necessary to promote learning and understanding but it may aid the teacher in getting across the information.

The rainbow flag is now a universal symbol and is mainstream. It is great that educators are helping to turn the tide of ignorance and poison.
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.
You're wrong. Laws are being interpreted to include "being offended" to trump the rights of others. In this case, straight kids are offended by the rainbow flag. Ergo, the flag must be removed.

Equal under the law, right?
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.
You're wrong. Laws are being interpreted to include "being offended" to trump the rights of others. In this case, straight kids are offended by the rainbow flag. Ergo, the flag must be removed.

Equal under the law, right?
I am not sure there is any legal basis for "being offended". It also seems absurd to lump the rainbow flag in with that which celebrates slavery. The slave flag is not being flown at that school to the best of my knowledge.

If you want a certain flag to be flown there I would suggest that you contact the school and explain how flying that flag would enhance the education of the youngsters at that school.

What cant be tolerated are attitudes that seek to stigmatise and marginalise Gay kids in their schools. Being a teen is tough enough without bigoted trash making things harder for you.

I went to school in the 70s and there were no gay kids. Since I have left school I have met former school mates who have come out. I always ask the why they didnt come out in school. The answer is always the same.

Are you mad Tommy ?

Lets not return to the dark days.


I see a bar each for:

Nope, don't know anyone purple

no lines for Black or White.
Barney. Duh...

That's why it all should have been left alone, it was a matter of respect for different beliefs and opinions about symbols.

The left has gone full retard and the... rude side of the right is unleashed to turn their own arguments upon them. Frankly some of us are so sick of it we're not even going to hold them back.

No more respect, no more politely ignoring, no more tolerance from either side and the whole fucking shebang will be whitewashed and boring lest anyone be offended. Like darkness saps the color from a beautiful painting, these idiots place binders on the vibrant melting pot culture of America.
Some beliefs are not worthy of respect.

And who is the arbiter of this decision?

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