Gay Pride Flag vs. Confederate Flag

This is a good thing. If I had Gay kids I would be really pleased that the school is looking out for their welfare.
Good? Damn, don't you people follow the rules you force on others? Who are YOU to decide what is "good".
I am obviously a bit higher up the food chain than yourself. What dont you like about it ?
Just because you consume more food than he does, does not put you higher up on the food chain!
Since we are in the era of snowflakes, which the left by the way has brought us, then if these students feel offended, the flag should go.
That's why it all should have been left alone, it was a matter of respect for different beliefs and opinions about symbols.

The left has gone full retard and the... rude side of the right is unleashed to turn their own arguments upon them. Frankly some of us are so sick of it we're not even going to hold them back.

No more respect, no more politely ignoring, no more tolerance from either side and the whole fucking shebang will be whitewashed and boring lest anyone be offended. Like darkness saps the color from a beautiful painting, these idiots place binders on the vibrant melting pot culture of America.
Some beliefs are not worthy of respect.

And who is the arbiter of this decision?
Why dont you decide ?

On this side we have a symbol of tolerance,inclusivity and diversity.
It says we can all get along nicely.

On the other side we have a symbol of oppression, rape,slaughter and perversity.
It says we can all get along if you ******* get back to the plantation.

Now which is worthy of respect ?
This is a good thing. If I had Gay kids I would be really pleased that the school is looking out for their welfare.
Good? Damn, don't you people follow the rules you force on others? Who are YOU to decide what is "good".
I am obviously a bit higher up the food chain than yourself. What dont you like about it ?
Offended because I'm throwing the same bullshit ideology back at your side? Tough. Those kids have a right to have the offensive flag removed. Matters not what it means to you. We must treat everyone's feelings equally. And hurt feelings override you. Welcome to liberal utopia.
This is a good thing. If I had Gay kids I would be really pleased that the school is looking out for their welfare.
Good? Damn, don't you people follow the rules you force on others? Who are YOU to decide what is "good".
I am obviously a bit higher up the food chain than yourself. What dont you like about it ?
Offended because I'm throwing the same bullshit ideology back at your side? Tough. Those kids have a right to have the offensive flag removed. Matters not what it means to you. We must treat everyone's feelings equally. And hurt feelings override you. Welcome to liberal utopia.
Offending bigots is the price of progress. Lets hope that the school can bring these youngsters into the C21st.
On this side we have a symbol of tolerance,inclusivity and diversity.
It says we can all get along nicely
Those colors don't represent diversity of the human race. Who the fuck is green? They represent the various sexual fetshies enjoyed by the gay community. Each color is assigned to one of the various sexual fetishes practiced by the gay community.
Since we are in the era of snowflakes, which the left by the way has brought us, then if these students feel offended, the flag should go.
THATS ALL I WAS DOING. Using the snowflake defense. He doesn't like it thrown back at him. I wasn't defending the flying of the Battle Flag in the classroom.
On this side we have a symbol of tolerance,inclusivity and diversity.
It says we can all get along nicely
Those colors don't represent diversity of the human race. Who the fuck is green? They represent the various sexual fetshies enjoyed by the gay community. Each color is assigned to one of the various sexual fetishes practiced by the gay community.
Did you invent that idea? Explain what fetish each color represents.
If there is to be no bias based on religion or sexual affiliation, both should be able to be represented equally.

Right now, homosexual marriage is legal, however, it is still inappropriate to display flags representing that in a school. It just doesn't fit or belong. It would be equally inappropriate to hang a flag representing heterosexuality.
The two flags are completely opposite.
I think you will see a lot of this nonsense over the next few months.

Based upon your opinion, stoopid...........your "diversity" is repulsive to tens of millions of Americans. Many tens of millions............who btw have displayed a HUGE amount of tolerance. But now they are getting sick and fucking tired of progressives fucking with the culture.........

Far more people are offended by that Rainbow flag than the confederate flag. That's just a fact. Its just not said in this PC world..........but the dynamic is changing, curiously, due to progressives being intolerant of fringe stuff when mostly they are fringe. s0n.........youre a fringe asshole.........cant change it either. The worm is turning on all this shit.......and its assholes like you that are going to bring the backlash on yourselves. You are one of those dickheads that lumps Trump supporters with racist/haters.......100% certain you will soon regret the sentiment. Should have just left well enough alone s0n..........
That's why it all should have been left alone, it was a matter of respect for different beliefs and opinions about symbols.

The left has gone full retard and the... rude side of the right is unleashed to turn their own arguments upon them. Frankly some of us are so sick of it we're not even going to hold them back.

No more respect, no more politely ignoring, no more tolerance from either side and the whole fucking shebang will be whitewashed and boring lest anyone be offended. Like darkness saps the color from a beautiful painting, these idiots place binders on the vibrant melting pot culture of America.
Some beliefs are not worthy of respect.

And who is the arbiter of this decision?
Why dont you decide ?

On this side we have a symbol of tolerance,inclusivity and diversity.
It says we can all get along nicely.

On the other side we have a symbol of oppression, rape,slaughter and perversity.
It says we can all get along if you ******* get back to the plantation.

Now which is worthy of respect ?
That's why it all should have been left alone, it was a matter of respect for different beliefs and opinions about symbols.

The left has gone full retard and the... rude side of the right is unleashed to turn their own arguments upon them. Frankly some of us are so sick of it we're not even going to hold them back.

No more respect, no more politely ignoring, no more tolerance from either side and the whole fucking shebang will be whitewashed and boring lest anyone be offended. Like darkness saps the color from a beautiful painting, these idiots place binders on the vibrant melting pot culture of America.
Some beliefs are not worthy of respect.

And who is the arbiter of this decision?
Why dont you decide ?

On this side we have a symbol of tolerance,inclusivity and diversity.
It says we can all get along nicely.

On the other side we have a symbol of oppression, rape,slaughter and perversity.
It says we can all get along if you ******* get back to the plantation.

Now which is worthy of respect ?
I'm not qualified to decide for other people who they should like, how they should act and think.

I have respect for everyone and their personal decisions.

Until an individual violates my freedom I will leave them to their own devices or demise.

I see it as the tolerance you are demanding.
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But one ideology is offensive. The other promotes diversity and equality. People who have a problem with that should take a good look at themselves and their values.

The presence of the flag is not necessary to promote learning and understanding but it may aid the teacher in getting across the information.

The rainbow flag is now a universal symbol and is mainstream. It is great that educators are helping to turn the tide of ignorance and poison.

Jesus guy, what is it you can't get in your brain that pushing LGBT in the class room IS OFFENSIVE to a large part of society. I already said to you that you are unable to get beyond what YOU believe is right and wrong and just assume you are right and everyone who doesn't agree just needs to.
It doesn't work that way.
There are people who believe in God. And they also believe that the bible is the rule and guide of their faith, and that bible is crystal clear on homosexuality, therefore a flag representing homosexuality in the classrooms of those people are absolutely going to offend them.
Confederate flag represents a cause of oppression, the rainbow flag represents unity of all....Yeah, no difference in meaning..All you poor saps getting pissed over a flag should put more focus on weed extraction and bug fumigation in yer life..

You have a flag that offends a large number of people, you have another flag that offends a large number of people.

They don't understand that........proving once again that the PC thinking is highly intolerant. The lack of reflection in the thinking is fascinating. Its actually mental case.......these folks cannot comprehend a bell curve. Their social construct has nothing to do with reality......and never will.( well unless 95%+ of the population suddenly goes homo :disbelief:) Thankfully........the thinking is fringe!:2up:
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But one ideology is offensive. The other promotes diversity and equality. People who have a problem with that should take a good look at themselves and their values.

The presence of the flag is not necessary to promote learning and understanding but it may aid the teacher in getting across the information.

The rainbow flag is now a universal symbol and is mainstream. It is great that educators are helping to turn the tide of ignorance and poison.

Jesus guy, what is it you can't get in your brain that pushing LGBT in the class room IS OFFENSIVE to a large part of society. I already said to you that you are unable to get beyond what YOU believe is right and wrong and just assume you are right and everyone who doesn't agree just needs to.
It doesn't work that way.
There are people who believe in God. And they also believe that the bible is the rule and guide of their faith, and that bible is crystal clear on homosexuality, therefore a flag representing homosexuality in the classrooms of those people are absolutely going to offend them.
It's not pushing it's educating. Are you saying school should not teach sex education?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
But one ideology is offensive. The other promotes diversity and equality. People who have a problem with that should take a good look at themselves and their values.

The presence of the flag is not necessary to promote learning and understanding but it may aid the teacher in getting across the information.

The rainbow flag is now a universal symbol and is mainstream. It is great that educators are helping to turn the tide of ignorance and poison.

Jesus guy, what is it you can't get in your brain that pushing LGBT in the class room IS OFFENSIVE to a large part of society. I already said to you that you are unable to get beyond what YOU believe is right and wrong and just assume you are right and everyone who doesn't agree just needs to.
It doesn't work that way.
There are people who believe in God. And they also believe that the bible is the rule and guide of their faith, and that bible is crystal clear on homosexuality, therefore a flag representing homosexuality in the classrooms of those people are absolutely going to offend them.
It's not pushing it's educating. Are you saying school should not teach sex education?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
They do, surreptitiously under the guise of biology..It's just not as erotic when told at the molecular level..
But one ideology is offensive. The other promotes diversity and equality. People who have a problem with that should take a good look at themselves and their values.

The presence of the flag is not necessary to promote learning and understanding but it may aid the teacher in getting across the information.

The rainbow flag is now a universal symbol and is mainstream. It is great that educators are helping to turn the tide of ignorance and poison.

Jesus guy, what is it you can't get in your brain that pushing LGBT in the class room IS OFFENSIVE to a large part of society. I already said to you that you are unable to get beyond what YOU believe is right and wrong and just assume you are right and everyone who doesn't agree just needs to.
It doesn't work that way.
There are people who believe in God. And they also believe that the bible is the rule and guide of their faith, and that bible is crystal clear on homosexuality, therefore a flag representing homosexuality in the classrooms of those people are absolutely going to offend them.
It's not pushing it's educating. Are you saying school should not teach sex education?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Got it - your a typical narcissistic leftist who thinks everyone should forget their religious beliefs and stop believing in God.
Is there a comparison?
Are the folks in Auburn AL justified in petitioning to have this removed? Thoughts?

Alabama high school petition compares pride flag to Confederate flag

One flag advertises hate, and one advertises love. It is really that simple!
You mean one symbolizes history and the other advertises butt sex. It's that simple.

I wouldn't know about butt sex, I defer to your experience. My opinion was based on the efforts by gay and lesbian couples to have the right to marry, which shows love. and commitment.
SSM is legal, there is no reason to continue pushing the agenda. The left has lost a lot of us LGB's, including myself, because they got what they wanted and had to push the envelope for votes - pushing stupid shit like transgender bathroom use and grooming young children to be gay. I'm all for SSM, but men in the little girls room is unacceptable because it causes concerns for the actual little girls, raising kids gay is frankly not right - it's supposed to be a god damn choice of the individual, not putting little boys in dresses so they can be like their mommies or be "trendy."

If ya'll lefties cannot respect that some folks see the confederate flag as a symbol of southern pride (a point easily proven by looking at it's use and symbolism across the world) then you can no longer whine for "respect" that some folks are offended by the gay pride flag (a point easily proven by the outrage over Obama lighting up the white house to celebrate SSM.) Many religious folks are not only "offended" by the gay pride flag, but they are not at all behind "what it represents" either.

This is what happens when you bastards refuse to respect the opinions/beliefs of others. Someone write up the petition, I'll sign it.

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