Gay Teacher fired

seems clear

Discrimination Law: Hiring & Firing | eHow

Workplace Discrimination Based on Religion -

Sea is right, that school had no right to have that clause in the contract, therefore they owe him money

nope, they do not.

exactly a year ago a SCOTUS decision was almost about IDENTICAL situation - and SCOTUS decided 9-0 ( unprecedented) to upheld the church's right to fire a teacher because of her disability ( sic!!!) - because they have the right to do so - check the links on the previous page.

Roberts said the ruling was confined the facts of the case

Try firing someone solely for their religious beliefs...or not hiring them because of them.

you are mixing apples and oranges. I am not hiring anybody and firing anybody based on their beliefs, but II am not a church as well.

However, I don't think there is any point in discussion, since you clearly see what you want to ( your comments on Pope Francis and what he will change in the Church doctrine is the best example. because,just FYI he can not change a word )), so let's just leave it there and wait and see what will happen.
seems clear

Discrimination Law: Hiring & Firing | eHow

Workplace Discrimination Based on Religion -

Sea is right, that school had no right to have that clause in the contract, therefore they owe him money

nope, they do not.

exactly a year ago a SCOTUS decision was almost about IDENTICAL situation - and SCOTUS decided 9-0 ( unprecedented) to upheld the church's right to fire a teacher because of her disability ( sic!!!) - because they have the right to do so - check the links on the previous page.

Roberts said the ruling was confined the facts of the case

Try firing someone solely for their religious beliefs...or not hiring them because of them.

Apparently far left propaganda trumps facts.
nope, they do not.

exactly a year ago a SCOTUS decision was almost about IDENTICAL situation - and SCOTUS decided 9-0 ( unprecedented) to upheld the church's right to fire a teacher because of her disability ( sic!!!) - because they have the right to do so - check the links on the previous page.

Roberts said the ruling was confined the facts of the case

Try firing someone solely for their religious beliefs...or not hiring them because of them.

you are mixing apples and oranges. I am not hiring anybody and firing anybody based on their beliefs, but II am not a church as well.

However, I don't think there is any point in discussion, since you clearly see what you want to ( your comments on Pope Francis and what he will change in the Church doctrine is the best example. because,just FYI he can not change a word )), so let's just leave it there and wait and see what will happen.

How is it mixing apples and oranges? Are you not following the thread or something? I said that religion is Federally protected from workplace discrimination, that I can't fire someone for being Christian but they can fire me for being gay. You decided to bring up a true canard with the SCOTUS narcolepsy case which was unrelated and confined to the facts of that case only.

Frankie is changing attitude which is much more effective than doctrine.
They weren't "proclaiming sexual exploits", they just got a marriage license.

The church will change or die, just watch.

i dont know Wytch....its been around for a few thousand years and what saw there are still billions on the planet who follow it....

I do know. Look at Pope Frank...he's already paving the way. Membership is down here in the good old US of A and one of the primary reasons given is the that organized religion is seen as intolerant.

"Kids these days" still want that old time religion, they just don't like hanging on to the old time bigotries.

Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

However, Putnam says the percentage of "nones" has now skyrocketed to between 30 percent and 40 percent among younger Americans.

Putnam calls this a "stunning development." He gave reporters a first glimpse of his data Tuesday at a conference on religion organized by the Pew Forum on Faith in Public Life.[...]
"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

The Pope is not reversing millenia old strictures on homosexuality. Not if he expects to live a long time, or be head of a church. The faggots are none too popular in South America and Africa, which are core constituencies in the church.
Young people seldom have religious ties. However ask how many consider themselves "religious" and the number goes way up.
Wishful thinking on your part. Just lke the 10% meme gays are constantly spouting.
It is a sin to lay down with someone of the same sex. It is not a sin to be gay it is a sin to practice it.

I don't for a moment challenge your right to feel that way but I would be sincerely interested to know whether Jesus expressed - or was ever alleged by a contemporary - to have expressed that thought. If so, under what circumstances?

Jesus would have looked at 2 gay guys and just shook his head and said...."fascinating".....

Jesus would have bitch-slapped you for your ignorance and stupidity. The Bible condemns gay sex as a stoning offense. Jesus said he was not there to replace it and that nothing would change.
Imagine for a moment if Catholic institutions fired gay priests at all levels? The church would lose thirty percent of their men and women. I know several people at Holy Ghost and this hopefully will be fixed. Parents will need to speak out, every family has gays.
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Imagine for a moment if Catholic institutions fired gay priests at all levels? The church would lose thirty percent of their men and women. I know several people at Holy Ghost and this hopefully will be fixed. Parents will need to speak out, every family has gays.

I am not sure Catholics have a problem with gays, just gay sex.
Imagine for a moment if Catholic institutions fired gay priests at all levels? The church would lose thirty percent of their men and women. I know several people at Holy Ghost and this hopefully will be fixed. Parents will need to speak out, every family has gays.

I am not sure Catholics have a problem with gays, just gay sex.

Yes, because sexually repressed gays are really much better.


Seriously, some Indigo Girls Albums, some scented candles, she'd have been a much less nasty person.
It is my opinion that Jesus was gay. He was in his 30s and surrounded himself with other men. He was kind to women, but did not pursue marriage or any kind of sexual relationship with them. If that isn't the definition of gay, what is???

Jesus loves me, this I know. :eusa_angel:

He was celibate for a reason. I believe he was gay, too.

i BELIEVE you are a lesbian hooker :lmao: ... :lmao:
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It is my opinion that Jesus was gay. He was in his 30s and surrounded himself with other men. He was kind to women, but did not pursue marriage or any kind of sexual relationship with them. If that isn't the definition of gay, what is???

Jesus loves me, this I know. :eusa_angel:

He was celibate for a reason. I believe he was gay, too.

i BELIEVE you are a lesbian hooker :lmao: ... :lmao:

I believe she's a tranny.
i dont know Wytch....its been around for a few thousand years and what saw there are still billions on the planet who follow it....

I do know. Look at Pope Frank...he's already paving the way. Membership is down here in the good old US of A and one of the primary reasons given is the that organized religion is seen as intolerant.

"Kids these days" still want that old time religion, they just don't like hanging on to the old time bigotries.

Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

However, Putnam says the percentage of "nones" has now skyrocketed to between 30 percent and 40 percent among younger Americans.

Putnam calls this a "stunning development." He gave reporters a first glimpse of his data Tuesday at a conference on religion organized by the Pew Forum on Faith in Public Life.[...]
"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

The Pope is not reversing millenia old strictures on homosexuality. Not if he expects to live a long time, or be head of a church. The faggots are none too popular in South America and Africa, which are core constituencies in the church.
Young people seldom have religious ties. However ask how many consider themselves "religious" and the number goes way up.
Wishful thinking on your part. Just lke the 10% meme gays are constantly spouting.

It's really not wishful thinking when I don't give a shit. It is a fact however that the church will adapt or die. People are not going to church as much these days and one of the biggest reasons is their intolerance. The churches don't exist without money and people not attending their bigoted church loses money. That will win out in the end, just watch.
seems clear

Discrimination Law: Hiring & Firing | eHow

Workplace Discrimination Based on Religion -

Sea is right, that school had no right to have that clause in the contract, therefore they owe him money

Churches are specifically exempted from those laws. Separation of church and state?

And from a justice standpoint, why should churches be forced to hire people who contradict or even violate their religion or belong to another religion?

I object personally to any publicly politically active teacher teaching young children. That doesn't seem to be the case with this guy, he was low key. It's too bad, but it is a direct violation of the views of the catholic church. They certainly had the right to fire him legally and ethically.

The hiring and firing of church leadership is exempt, but employees are not. See how it would go over if the Mormon Church fired their janitor because he's black.

He wasn't politically active, he filed for a fucking marriage license. Only in crazy world is that political.

They can only fire him legally because PA has no workplace protections for the LGBT community and EDNA hasn't passed. Wouldn't matter anyway because EDNA has a religious exemption clause. Churches could still fire the gheys...but not the blacks or the Muslims. :rolleyes:
i dont know Wytch....its been around for a few thousand years and what saw there are still billions on the planet who follow it....

I do know. Look at Pope Frank...he's already paving the way. Membership is down here in the good old US of A and one of the primary reasons given is the that organized religion is seen as intolerant.

"Kids these days" still want that old time religion, they just don't like hanging on to the old time bigotries.

Historically, the percentage of Americans who said they had no religious affiliation (pollsters refer to this group as the "nones") has been very small -- hovering between 5 percent and 10 percent.

However, Putnam says the percentage of "nones" has now skyrocketed to between 30 percent and 40 percent among younger Americans.

Putnam calls this a "stunning development." He gave reporters a first glimpse of his data Tuesday at a conference on religion organized by the Pew Forum on Faith in Public Life.[...]
"Many of them are people who would otherwise be in church," Putnam said. "They have the same attitidues and values as people who are in church, but they grew up in a period in which being religious meant being politically conservative, especially on social issues."

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

The Pope is not reversing millenia old strictures on homosexuality. Not if he expects to live a long time, or be head of a church. The faggots are none too popular in South America and Africa, which are core constituencies in the church.
Young people seldom have religious ties. However ask how many consider themselves "religious" and the number goes way up.
Wishful thinking on your part. Just lke the 10% meme gays are constantly spouting.

WOWEE!!!! :eek:
I object personally to any publicly politically active teacher teaching young children. That doesn't seem to be the case with this guy, he was low key.

He wasn't politically active, he filed for a fucking marriage license. Only in crazy world is that political.

Once again you demonstrate what it's like posting with you. You chastise me for a point I agreed with you on. Yo do it all the time. It's the affect of having a chip on your shoulder. It's why you have a hard time engaging me and probably a lot of other people. You're a sanctimonious gay extremist, and it kills your ability to convince anyone of anything. Though you do a great job with people who already agree with you...

Do you have any proof that the exemption only applies to management? I haven't seen that.
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I object personally to any publicly politically active teacher teaching young children. That doesn't seem to be the case with this guy, he was low key.

He wasn't politically active, he filed for a fucking marriage license. Only in crazy world is that political.

Once again you demonstrate what it's like posting with you. You chastise me for a point I agreed with you on. Yo do it all the time. It's the affect of having a chip on your shoulder. It's why you have a hard time engaging me and probably a lot of other people. You're a sanctimonious gay extremist, and it kills your ability to convince anyone of anything. Though you do a great job with people who already agree with you...

Do you have any proof that the exemption only applies to management and they can't put it in employment contracts? I haven't seen that.

Yes, it was a SCOTUS case already cited.

Justices Rule Ministers Exempt From Anti-Bias Laws

Ministers are exempt, not anyone else. Churches cannot fire their secretary because she's Muslim, black, a woman, from Iceland, in a wheelchair, etc. They CAN fire her if she's gay.
He wasn't politically active, he filed for a fucking marriage license. Only in crazy world is that political.

Once again you demonstrate what it's like posting with you. You chastise me for a point I agreed with you on. Yo do it all the time. It's the affect of having a chip on your shoulder. It's why you have a hard time engaging me and probably a lot of other people. You're a sanctimonious gay extremist, and it kills your ability to convince anyone of anything. Though you do a great job with people who already agree with you...

Do you have any proof that the exemption only applies to management and they can't put it in employment contracts? I haven't seen that.

Yes, it was a SCOTUS case already cited.

Justices Rule Ministers Exempt From Anti-Bias Laws

Ministers are exempt, not anyone else. Churches cannot fire their secretary because she's Muslim, black, a woman, from Iceland, in a wheelchair, etc. They CAN fire her if she's gay.

And once again the far left does not have a clue on the subject in which they post.
Once again you demonstrate what it's like posting with you. You chastise me for a point I agreed with you on. Yo do it all the time. It's the affect of having a chip on your shoulder. It's why you have a hard time engaging me and probably a lot of other people. You're a sanctimonious gay extremist, and it kills your ability to convince anyone of anything. Though you do a great job with people who already agree with you...

Do you have any proof that the exemption only applies to management and they can't put it in employment contracts? I haven't seen that.

Yes, it was a SCOTUS case already cited.

Justices Rule Ministers Exempt From Anti-Bias Laws

Ministers are exempt, not anyone else. Churches cannot fire their secretary because she's Muslim, black, a woman, from Iceland, in a wheelchair, etc. They CAN fire her if she's gay.

And once again the far left does not have a clue on the subject in which they post.

Okay...then by all means, point out the inaccuracies in what I said.
Yes, it was a SCOTUS case already cited.

Justices Rule Ministers Exempt From Anti-Bias Laws

Ministers are exempt, not anyone else. Churches cannot fire their secretary because she's Muslim, black, a woman, from Iceland, in a wheelchair, etc. They CAN fire her if she's gay.

And once again the far left does not have a clue on the subject in which they post.

Okay...then by all means, point out the inaccuracies in what I said.

That has already been done, since you have chosen to ignore all those posts, it would be pointless to keep posting them.

You want to argue just to argue fine, but you lost this argument long ago.

I guess now you will want an explanation on why unicorns poop rainbows after all you have proven that is what you believe.
And once again the far left does not have a clue on the subject in which they post.

Okay...then by all means, point out the inaccuracies in what I said.

That has already been done, since you have chosen to ignore all those posts, it would be pointless to keep posting them.

You want to argue just to argue fine, but you lost this argument long ago.

I guess now you will want an explanation on why unicorns poop rainbows after all you have proven that is what you believe.

I've provide facts and've provide, well nothing. I am prohibited by Federal Law from firing a Christian for being a Christian. In many states, despite their being majority approval for such a law, gays do not have the same workplace protections that the religious have and there is currently no Federal Law. What is inaccurate in that statement?
He wasn't politically active, he filed for a fucking marriage license. Only in crazy world is that political.

Once again you demonstrate what it's like posting with you. You chastise me for a point I agreed with you on. Yo do it all the time. It's the affect of having a chip on your shoulder. It's why you have a hard time engaging me and probably a lot of other people. You're a sanctimonious gay extremist, and it kills your ability to convince anyone of anything. Though you do a great job with people who already agree with you...

Do you have any proof that the exemption only applies to management and they can't put it in employment contracts? I haven't seen that.

Yes, it was a SCOTUS case already cited.

Justices Rule Ministers Exempt From Anti-Bias Laws

Ministers are exempt, not anyone else. Churches cannot fire their secretary because she's Muslim, black, a woman, from Iceland, in a wheelchair, etc. They CAN fire her if she's gay.

That article regards the ADA. The discussion is whether they have an exemption for religious issues. Everything you wrote was irrelevant except the red one. And gay is a "religious": issue to the catholic church. You said it only applies to management, I asked for support for that. I never argued churches are exempt from all federal laws. Got a link related to the actual discussion?
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