Gay teacher with HIV has sex with 16 year old student

Recall liberals want to decriminalize transfer of HIV and notification of HIV laws

which ones?

I've posted dozen of links to this before. They say it causes stigma
No I'm pretty sure he means which posters.

You always take the cowards way out by having arguments with some extreme position of a faceless political ideology. Which liberal poster here (a name would suffice) advocates that knowingly exposing others to HIV shouldn't be criminal? I'd be interested to hear who thinks that.
There are two schools of thought predominant in this world today.

Things are not as black and white as you may think, my young Padawan.

I hardly think 50 is young. Though some people say it is.

There are gray areas in what I said and if you'd passed kindergarten, you'd be able to notice that. Let's look at it again:

What a stupid bitch Ashtara is... "Lets all be bisexual, I'm scared of catching HIV...but we all should be bisexual sluts".

Yeah I wasn't too excited about getting tested :-( So what.

But I don't feel fear during sex because I choose not to live my life in fear. I don't live in fear of Hell. I don't live in fear of prison. I don't live in fear of death. I don't live in fear being judged by misguided humans that think I'm a slut for enjoying sex and exploring the inherent bisexuality that all humans possess.

While you're at it, oh kindergartner in the world of spiritual advancement, why not explore all the different ways of eating too? You could try bulimia for awhile. Then anorexia. Then binging. And don't forget the many stages of obesity and overeating too!

When you get out of your haze of obsession with the physical world and all its endless ways you can indulge there; try joining those on the upward march. You think the beginning and end of this world is to roll around like a pig in the mud. Meanwhile most of us believe that instead it is a world where one's spirit is tempered by the fires of temptation to wallow in the mud.

There are two schools of thought predominant in this world today.

1. King-sized indulgers such as yourself who believe that the only holy thing in life is to pursue stimulation, indulgences and the morphine-like addiction of endorphine release upon those behaviors. Of course, you may occasionally through the fate of chance actually perform an act or three that qualify as decent and altruistic in the highway of your rampant self-indulgences. ie; a course of complete spiritual flabbiness.

2. Men and women who realize we are here to be tested against our lower animal drives. Who strive daily to find a higher way of being in their great and small deeds. Who occasionally through the fate of chance, actually fall into that lower existence that qualifies as pigs in the mud in the otherwise wide highway of altruism and spiritual strength.

The two basic types of people run the range. The fundamental difference, though, between the two is one has completely abandoned the idea that we are spirits in the matieral world here to work our muscles of resistance and enlightenment and the other strives to remain ever aware of it.

And you know what type of person you're talking to within usually about 5 minutes of talking to them. As you get older, you learn to recognize the difference between the two.
I think the guy should go to jail
If his health condition was kept to himself, to me, his time in jail however long it is should be spent in the girl's jail if that is possible because then he would't be in the presence of who he would rather be serving his time with.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, punishment is not supposed to be a pleasure.
I hate to admit it... but the only way to "cure" the American population of HIV/ AIDS is to force test every human being in our country, and put to death everyone that has the virus.

Its messed up cause I know people with HIV, and I thought for sure I had it once cause of all the people I've been with, but I got tested a few weeks ago and found out I'm clean.

Man... waiting for those results was seriously the scariest moment of my life. Rarely have I ever experienced fear... but during that waiting period, holy shit. My future seemed clouded, and I actually felt afraid that I would become less than human.

My view would have been the same though.

Would Hitler have allowed HIV to flourish in his country? Hell the fuck no. He would have forced every human to take routine tests and then put to death all the people who'd contracted the virus. And it makes perfect sense. Future generations would not have to suffer through that terrible fate.

But then you are murdering a heap of innocent people. People can stop the spread of HIV by simply being responsible.
I hate to admit it... but the only way to "cure" the American population of HIV/ AIDS is to force test every human being in our country, and put to death everyone that has the virus.... And it makes perfect sense. Future generations would not have to suffer through that terrible fate.

Wow !! I have some pretty extreme beliefs ... but WOW is all I can say to that. I think leper colonies for all practicing Homosexuals would suffice - mass murder is well ... just ...WOW !
I hate to admit it... but the only way to "cure" the American population of HIV/ AIDS is to force test every human being in our country, and put to death everyone that has the virus.

Its messed up cause I know people with HIV, and I thought for sure I had it once cause of all the people I've been with, but I got tested a few weeks ago and found out I'm clean.

Man... waiting for those results was seriously the scariest moment of my life. Rarely have I ever experienced fear... but during that waiting period, holy shit. My future seemed clouded, and I actually felt afraid that I would become less than human.

My view would have been the same though.

Would Hitler have allowed HIV to flourish in his country? Hell the fuck no. He would have forced every human to take routine tests and then put to death all the people who'd contracted the virus. And it makes perfect sense. Future generations would not have to suffer through that terrible fate.

But then you are murdering a heap of innocent people. People can stop the spread of HIV by simply being responsible.

And you really think salivating rabid homosexual perverts can be responsible ? LMAO !
You seem to assume that everyone with HIV is homosexual.

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men represent approximately 2 - 3 % of the population, yet accounted for 72% of new HIV infections.

78% of infections among all newly infected men. From 2008 to 2010 were homosexual.

The balance consisted partially of a small number of IV Drug users, but their numbers can't compete, innocent people who unknowingly contracted HIV from bisexuals or had sex with someone who had sex with ....

So yes basically HIV/AIDS is just another curse homosexuals have placed on society.
Should he face reduced charges? Lgbt groups think the knowing transmission of HIV shouldn't be a crime. Should he only be charged with statutory rape?

Harvey Milk was never charged with statutory rape of the 16 year old minor he sodomized for years before he turned 18 in California.

Maybe they should make a postage stamp of this guy and welcome him into the fold instead as a hero?

Dont' forget, if you're a creepy lurker with that certain glint in your eye around kids, LGBT gives you iconic status, embraces your sexuality as representative of their movement and gets 60+ groups of their faithful together to petition the US Postal Service to commission a stamp in your honor. You can't make this stuff up:


Another very compelling reason why decent people should be doing their long distance communications by internet and couriers.

Hell even smoke signals which would endear people with the rightful owners of North America.

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