Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.

Refusing to obey the law is a sin according to the New Testament. Check out Romans 13

Yes, definitely check out Romans 13. Then when you're done, check out Romans 1 & Jude 1. When you've done all that homework, ask yourself which passages would dominate the other(s) if there was a conflict and a Christian had to choose.
I don’t think you could ever respect religious conviction.

You see religion as the only right protected in the constitution that’s not immutable and hate that your “choice” is not protected as well.

So instead of being honest, you strive to destroy that.

Which is really counter productive. If you leave only immutable rights protected by the constitution, you destroy your own.

Proceed, I actually hope you win at it!

And she is trying to 'destroy it' by insisting that Christians follow the same laws that everyone else has to follow- and which also protect Christians from discrimination.

Now that is some assault on Christianity!

Not just now, it always has been.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.
Any owner of a business should have the right to refuse service. I think they are idiots if they do but the government has no right to tell someone how to run their private business.

Based on what? Race? Gender?
Any of the above also because you don't like the way their face looks. The US doesn't need the antidiscrimination laws anymore the days of overt bigotry the Democrats practiced are over. Government needs to stay out of the way and let the market decide.
You think those bakers are Democrats, retard?

Hmmmm. What do you think the common factors are between the right wing Christian Democrats who discriminated against blacks and the right wing Christian Republicans who discriminate against gays might be?
The old lefty reading comprehension problem. I did not say the bakers were Democrats what I said is the days when the Democratic party's racism was prevalent is over with. There was never a time in history when Democrats were right wing
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: So the South wasn't Right wing...wasn't con-servative? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
And she is trying to 'destroy it' by insisting that Christians follow the same laws that everyone else has to follow- and which also protect Christians from discrimination.

Now that is some assault on Christianity!

Not just now, it always has been.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.

Something I have noticed that you have not said what you said about either at least in this post.

There are some positives in Christianity for everyone. Please name some in Islam for everyone, not just Muslims.
miketx wishes we were more like Muslim extremists.

He misses the old days when America was great.

Looks like a good old Democratic Party rally to me.
In the late 1800s/early 1900s it probably would have been mostly Democrats.
And she is trying to 'destroy it' by insisting that Christians follow the same laws that everyone else has to follow- and which also protect Christians from discrimination.

Now that is some assault on Christianity!

Not just now, it always has been.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.

You hate both. That’s obvious
Refusing to obey the law is a sin according to the New Testament. Check out Romans 13

Yes, definitely check out Romans 13. Then when you're done, check out Romans 1 & Jude 1. When you've done all that homework, ask yourself which passages would dominate the other(s) if there was a conflict and a Christian had to choose.

I get a charge out of avowed sinners preaching about sin.

You can’t make this shit up!
Really...where are the lawsuits of two gays or lesbian suing a muslim merchant for failure to accommodate a "gay wedding" order?
The Left won't say much on Muslims refusing to make gay wedding cakes. For them, it's only about harassing Christians.

If you can find any Muslims who refuse to make gay wedding cakes, I will be glad to condemn them also.

You do realize that the video in the OP is a Right Wing lie designed to fool gullible religious bigots- right? Not one of those bakeries refused to bake a gay wedding cake- one of the bakeries doesn't even make cake.

You were lied to by your Right Wing Fake News generators.

I'm sure it's happened, or will happen. But the Left/Democrats don't care much about it. They're only interested in harassing Christians. They've had a bizarre fixation on hating Christians for years. ..

Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.
Not just now, it always has been.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.

Something I have noticed that you have not said what you said about either at least in this post.

There are some positives in Christianity for everyone. Please name some in Islam for everyone, not just Muslims. to the poor as one of its five main pillars.
If you can find any Muslims who refuse to make gay wedding cakes, I will be glad to condemn them also.

You do realize that the video in the OP is a Right Wing lie designed to fool gullible religious bigots- right? Not one of those bakeries refused to bake a gay wedding cake- one of the bakeries doesn't even make cake.

You were lied to by your Right Wing Fake News generators.

I'm sure it's happened, or will happen. But the Left/Democrats don't care much about it. They're only interested in harassing Christians. They've had a bizarre fixation on hating Christians for years. ..

Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.
What is it that the Left turns the blind eye to with Islam? Throwing gays off buildings? We've got some Righties here who sure like to post pics of that.
LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.

Something I have noticed that you have not said what you said about either at least in this post.

There are some positives in Christianity for everyone. Please name some in Islam for everyone, not just Muslims. to the poor as one of its five main pillars.
The Greeks and the Egyptians and Islam takes credit.
Not just now, it always has been.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

Thought so!

Treating people equally is tough on snowflakes.

Yep- you snowflakes absolutely don't want Christians treated the same as everyone else.

LOL- you snowflakes consider treating Christians equally to be an 'assault on Christianity'
Something I have noticed over my years here....If I say something about muslims....I get accused of "loving muslims....loving islam." I say the exact same thing about christians....I get accused of "hating christians...hating christianity." It's a fun thing to behold.

You hate both. That’s obvious
Nope.....but I'm sure not a fan of patriarchal abuse of people....and support of such things as sexual molestation of young girls being "biblical" or "koranical".
I'm sure it's happened, or will happen. But the Left/Democrats don't care much about it. They're only interested in harassing Christians. They've had a bizarre fixation on hating Christians for years. ..

Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.
What is it that the Left turns the blind eye to with Islam? Throwing gays off buildings? We've got some Righties here who sure like to post pics of that.

Again, just my observation over the years. The Left does seem to treat Christians and Muslims differently. It's especially true of Western Europe's Left. I just find it so odd because Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. In contrast, Christianity has been proven to be very tolerant. So i just don't get all the hostility the Left has for Christians. It doesn't seem very logical.
If you can find any Muslims who refuse to make gay wedding cakes, I will be glad to condemn them also.

You do realize that the video in the OP is a Right Wing lie designed to fool gullible religious bigots- right? Not one of those bakeries refused to bake a gay wedding cake- one of the bakeries doesn't even make cake.

You were lied to by your Right Wing Fake News generators.

I'm sure it's happened, or will happen. But the Left/Democrats don't care much about it. They're only interested in harassing Christians. They've had a bizarre fixation on hating Christians for years. ..

Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.

You are just stating your partisan bigoted bias.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.
Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.
What is it that the Left turns the blind eye to with Islam? Throwing gays off buildings? We've got some Righties here who sure like to post pics of that.

Again, just my observation over the years. The Left does seem to treat Christians and Muslims differently. It's especially true of Western Europe's Left. I just find it so odd because Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior. In contrast, Christianity has been proven to be very tolerant. So i just don't get all the hostility the Left has for Christians. It doesn't seem very logical.

Again just stating my observations in this this thread. You treat Christians and Muslims and gays differently. Gays and Muslims are always bad, and Christians are always right. I just find it so odd because you ignore the blatant lies of the OP- just in order to attack gays and Muslims.

Christianity- has been proven to be so very tolerant- you know - with a 200 year record in the United States of persecuting gays. You know- passing laws to have gays throw in prison or castrated. Throwing them out of the military. Trying to pass laws to have them fired from teaching. Blacklisting them in Hollywood and government jobs.

So damn tolerant that gays were terrified for decades that someone would out them- and they might be thrown in prison- or lose their job- and their families and churches would disown them.

So damn tolerant.
I'm sure it's happened, or will happen. But the Left/Democrats don't care much about it. They're only interested in harassing Christians. They've had a bizarre fixation on hating Christians for years. ..

Yeah- 'harrassing Christians'- by filing a complaint using the exact same law a Christian could use to file a complaint if a Muslim or Gay refused to serve him.

What is funny about the snowflake vicimhood of Christians is for decades Christians actively targeted gays- passing laws to imprison them, even castrate them. During the McCarthy era Christians were responsible for a pogrom that led to thousands of people being fired from the military and government for suspicion of being gay. In the '80's Christians led movements to get homosexuals fired from teaching.

That isn't just 'harrassment'- that is persecution. In contrast- Christians are being asked to follow the same law that applies to everyone else.

And claim victimhood.

Just stating what i've observed over many years. I don't think Left/Democrats will make a big deal out of a Muslim refusing to make a gay wedding cake. They only seem fixated on attacking Christians. Like i said, i don't quite understand their obsession with hating Christians. That's why i asked some Left/Democrats on the Board to weigh in.

Just stating what I have observed in this thread- you have a Conservative creating Fake news- to target Muslims and Gays. And passing this video around claiming it proves that Muslims are refusing to bake wedding cakes for gays- and that the Liberals don't care. He is lying to you.

And stating what i have observed over many years- and in this thread- you on the Right/Republicans- welcome these lies. Like you are doing now. Notice how you haven't once had a problem with the fact that the video in the OP is a lie. That one of the bakeries your fellow Conservative claimed refused to bake him a wedding cake- only makes pita bread.

You only seem fixated on attacking gays and Muslims. I don't quite understand your obsession with hating gays and Muslims.

And as someone who is both on the Left and a Democrat- i will respond how I have always responded so such asinine claims.
  1. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing service to gays or Christians or Jews or blacks.
  2. I will gladly and happily denounce any Muslim for refusing to obey the law- like the Muslim cabbies who refused to give rides to blind riders with guide dogs.
  3. I don't hate Christians- this claim is so asinine- most Democrats are Christians! Hell most of my family and friends are Christians.
You want to have some tiny bit of credibility? Stop just blindly attacking the 'left' and denounce that piece of Conservative propaganda that the OP posted. If you don't- well then you actually are- everything you claim that the Left/Democrats are.

Just stating reality. The Left does treat Christians and Muslims very differently. One, they viciously attack as often as possible. The other, they turn a blind eye to and most often defend. It's a very strange double standard, considering Islam is far more intolerant of Leftist beliefs and behavior than Christianity is.

I suspect much of the alliance is based on a mutual hatred of Christians. I think that's at the heart of the alliance. I think that certainly played a big part, especially with Western Europe's Left. But hey, that's just my observation.
What is it that the Left turns the blind eye to with Islam? Throwing gays off buildings? We've got some Righties here who sure like to post pics of that.

Yep- it isn't the left cheering on Muslim terrorists killing gays here at USMB- that is the contards. See my signature for Tipsy's special Christian wish for gays.

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