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By keeping it legal for 12 year olds to get married :rolleyes:
As long as they're happy and everyone in the families are happy, it doesn't bother me because it's none of my business. It's not near as harmful as the trans freaks mutilating children. Minnesota and Washington just passed laws taking authority away from the parents if kids run away to get trans care. You should be concerned about parents having their children stolen by the government.
Which is exactly why I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for the fact that I am trying to protect children by exposing them for what they truly are. This message board does exactly what you just said.

There are grooming supporters everywhere on here so of course they had to come up with a rule that protects them from being exposed. That's why I refuse to let them chase me away without a ban. If I get banned for it so be it. It's the right thing to do. Trump got arrested and he has only ever spoken the truth about what all the left has done so he would completely understand how I feel.
How do you protect children by posting on this forum?
How do you protect children by posting on this forum?

So members will know what kinds of people not to trust their children with. Funny that I have a former mod on my side that believes exactly the same thing I do that this message board is protecting pedophiles and supports my decision for allowing myself to get banned for my beliefs. westwall, you should really get your own message board. I'd join it in a heartbeat. 😁
So members will know what kinds of people not to trust their children with. Funny that I have a former mod on my side that believes exactly the same thing I do that this message board is protecting pedophiles and supports my decision for allowing myself to get banned for my beliefs. westwall, you should really get your own message board. I'd join it in a heartbeat. 😁
I know there really are pedophiles out there. But I have led a pretty...adventurous life, don't know how to say it but I knew some pretty sketchy people. And have had to deal with a few convicted pedos over the years. I do not know of anyone, other than the convicts, that would in any way condone child molesting. You people are crazy. If you really believe all of us not in your cult are pedos you are not helping anyone by sitting around typing on the computer on this forum. This site is not protecting pedos.
I know there really are pedophiles out there. But I have led a pretty...adventurous life, don't know how to say it but I knew some pretty sketchy people. And have had to deal with a few convicted pedos over the years. I do not know of anyone, other than the convicts, that would in any way condone child molesting. You people are crazy. If you really believe all of us not in your cult are pedos you are not helping anyone by sitting around typing on the computer on this forum. This site is not protecting pedos.
You're not all pedos, but if you support the democrat party then you support people who want children under the authority of government instead of their parents.
As long as they're happy and everyone in the families are happy, it doesn't bother me because it's none of my business.

Those are the exact same words those pushing for gender changes for kids use.

It's not near as harmful as the trans freaks mutilating children. Minnesota and Washington just passed laws taking authority away from the parents if kids run away to get trans care. You should be concerned about parents having their children stolen by the government.

I am concerned about that as well.

Both concern me, but you are not allowed to be bothered by the marriage thing since it is your party pushing it
Those are the exact same words those pushing for gender changes for kids use.

I am concerned about that as well.

Both concern me, but you are not allowed to be bothered by the marriage thing since it is your party pushing it
Trans surgery is not the same thing as minors marrying. WTF is wrong with you?
And once again, I ask...............

Because a good many of them are on “Epstein's Client List.” Why else is that list under lock and key?
Trans surgery is not the same thing as minors marrying. WTF is wrong with you?

You are correct it is not the same, but both are bad.

But you are not allowed to be against the latter while I, not being a partisan drone, am allowed to be against both.
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