Gays Hate America And Other Right-Wing Talking Points On Indiana


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Right-wing talking heads have had a busy week defending Indiana's anti-LGBT "religious liberty" law, which critics say would allow business-owners to deny services to gay, lesbian and transgender people. They've also gone on the offensive, calling LGBT people everything from terrorists to America-haters. Here's a roundup of the most ridiculous reactions to the controversy:

LGBT Folk Are The REAL Bullies

Scratch That; They're Terrorists

In [Insert Middle Eastern Country Here] They Kill Gays!

Opponents of Indiana Law Hate America

LGBT People Want To Close Down All The Churches

Mike Huckabee has LGBT people all figured out. According to the Fox host, "It won’t stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel [...] and I’m talking now about the unabridged, unapologetic Gospel that is really God’s truth."

More: Gays Hate America And Other Right-Wing Talking Points On Indiana

Why don't Christians believe in equality for all? Equality for LGBTs takes nothing away from them.
Huck's god plays music with Ted the "pants-shitting, draft-dodging, underage-pussy-fucking" Nugent. Not overly concern about his predictions.
Those are leftwing talking points about how the right feels about gays. What Indiana has shown us if anything is how intolerant and hate filled the left is the owners a pizza joint give an answer you don't like to a hypothetical question and they are attacked, threatned, and almost run out of business. I strongly suggest the left learns how to show respect and tolerance before you accuse others of not having it.
Ultimately homosexuals hate themselves. And they want everyone else not to notice. The jig is up. We got you pegged. Stop the hate? Let's do that. Starting with the phony hysterical theatric over reactions to people that don't like you. You can't force people to respect your twisted sexual predilections, no matter how much you cajole, whine and bitch. Grow up.
I read some where that Harvey Milk was a homosexual pedophile. Read the same thing about Yasur Arafat, too . Nice. Truth? Look it up. The truth will OUT. I tried posting this on another board, but it died right in front of me. I couldn't give it CPR it just silently slid away is now gone.
Right-wing talking heads have had a busy week defending Indiana's anti-LGBT "religious liberty" law, which critics say would allow business-owners to deny services to gay, lesbian and transgender people. They've also gone on the offensive, calling LGBT people everything from terrorists to America-haters. Here's a roundup of the most ridiculous reactions to the controversy:

LGBT Folk Are The REAL Bullies

Scratch That; They're Terrorists

In [Insert Middle Eastern Country Here] They Kill Gays!

Opponents of Indiana Law Hate America

LGBT People Want To Close Down All The Churches

Mike Huckabee has LGBT people all figured out. According to the Fox host, "It won’t stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel [...] and I’m talking now about the unabridged, unapologetic Gospel that is really God’s truth."

More: Gays Hate America And Other Right-Wing Talking Points On Indiana

Why don't Christians believe in equality for all? Equality for LGBTs takes nothing away from them.

Here's some evidence for you to consider:

Enraged Liberals Call for Murder of Memories Pizza Owners PUNDIT PRESS

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