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"The expression of sexuality between two consenting adults, which leads to no harm to themselves, or others (as would adultery, or everyone's favorite catchall here...pedophilia) is no business of the state, or anyone else. "

Tell that to the people who get STDS every year or the child who has no daddy because he got what he wanted and ran.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I dont know whats worse...believing 30 year old outdated, opinionated books....or the stats that Big D spouts...If gay folks are born that way...and it aint a disese, aint a psychological disorder...then why aint we all born that we....they dont choose to be the gay way so what causes it...they just wake up and say...I going to go get me some hairy ass today??? wake up Bully
you can put the DSM right next to the non-living blastocyst...

The DSM is updated yearly. It's not opinion. It is a manual used throughout the country as an aid in diagnosing psychiatric disorders. Homosexuality hasn't been listed in nearly 30 years.
Originally posted by eric
Bully, since you are so knowlegeable and wise about medicine, answer me one simple question; is a Virus a living thing ?

Depends on who you talk to. Its just some DNA wrapped in protein that inserts itself into a living cell and hijacks the host cells DNA into reproducing it. It doesn't reproduce by cellular fission as single celled organisms do.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The DSM is updated yearly. It's not opinion. It is a manual used throughout the country as an aid in diagnosing psychiatric disorders. Homosexuality hasn't been listed in nearly 30 years.
hey dickhead what do you do for a living?
anything inthe psychological field?
Originally posted by Moi
Your argument isn't logical. Euthanasia is consensual. Suicide is consensual. Having sex on the steps of the white house could be consensual.

The acts you describe are injurious to oneself, or another, or to both. Consent is irrelevant in these cases. It is the consequences that matter. Death, death, and public humiliation at least, and bruises at worst, are the consequences of the examples you cite. Regardles of whether both parties consent to acts leading to their, or others, harm cannot be condoned.

As for you taxes, write your Congressional rep and see where that gets you. They've already been bought and paid for.
Originally posted by eric
The reason anti-biotics are sometimes prescribed during a viral infection is to lighten the load on the immune system. The anti-biotics will kill a lot of the bacteria the immune system normally must fight on its own, thereby allowing the immune system to focus on the virus !

Also, bacterial infections are often secondary to viral infections. For example...A case of the flu giving rise to a bacterial pneumonia.
Originally posted by Johnney
hey dickhead what do you do for a living?
anything inthe psychological field?

If you need psychiatric help, just check your phone book. Your local mental health agency will know where to direct your call. And do it soon. ;)
i see you still cant some up with a intelligent post. try again tomarrow after youve had some sleep.
Originally posted by Johnney
i see you still cant some up with a intelligent post. try again tomarrow after youve had some sleep.

<blockquote>" hey dickhead what do you do for a living?
anything inthe psychological field?" </blockquote>

And you call this intelligent? Your delusions are catching up with you. You need help worse than I thought.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
<blockquote>" hey dickhead what do you do for a living?
anything inthe psychological field?" </blockquote>

And you call this intelligent? Your delusions are catching up with you. You need help worse than I thought.
oh ineed help alright, but nothing more beer wont cure for the time being. i was trying to see what your background was. seeings as you were spouting updates. thought you may actually know what you were talking about for a second. guess i should have went with my gut instict that thought you are jsut a dickhead that knows a <i>little></i> about nothing like the rest of the looser racist here
Originally posted by Johnney
oh ineed help alright, but nothing more beer wont cure for the time being. i was trying to see what your background was. seeings as you were spouting updates. thought you may actually know what you were talking about for a second. guess i should have went with my gut instict that thought you are jsut a dickhead that knows a <i>little></i> about nothing like the rest of the looser racist here

Just to make you happy, I'm a registered nurse with a psych background. I work in hospice now.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Just to make you happy, I'm a registered nurse with a psych background. I work in hospice now.
well dont do anything that would hurt you. i know it took an effort to answer my question. being the low brow you are and all. so tell me, how does one with your racism survive in the medical field when you have to treat/ diagnos someone other than the superior white? or are you next going to tell me that only white people get sick?
Originally posted by Johnney
well dont do anything that would hurt you. i know it took an effort to answer my question. being the low brow you are and all. so tell me, how does one with your racism survive in the medical field when you have to treat/ diagnos someone other than the superior white? or are you next going to tell me that only white people get sick?

I really wish I knew what you're talking about. If you're confusing me with Big D, William Joyce, et al...Don't.

I don't care about the race, gender, sexuality, religion or economic status of my patients. I give them my all...I'm there when they draw their last breath... I grieve for them and with their families, if they have any...I have been the only person at their memorial service.

So just don't lump me in with those pathetic examples of humanity. But if it came down to it, I would give them the same care too. They are, after all, human and thus deserving of my best.
thats where you are wrong, not everyone deserves to live. not everyone is human, regardless of how many feet they walk on
Originally posted by Johnney
thats where you are wrong, not everyone deserves to live. not everyone is human, regardless of how many feet they walk on

Well, that's your opinion...But it's not for you or me to decide whether they deserve to live or not. Folks like William Joyce, Big D, and others of their ilk will die in horrible fear...Just as they've lived their lives. They've lived in a hell of their own creation, and they'll be dragged down to a hell of their own making as they die. Pity them...
its people like that that have fucked up this country from day one. the sooner they learn that they need to be judging people on their merrits instead the color the better off they will be. until then, they are the shit on the bottom of my boots, and deserve far less
Originally posted by deciophobic
legitimate polls, not ones from conservative websites or fox news.
Here is an updated one:

Poll: Most Oppose Gay Weddings

New York, Feb. 28, 2004

(CBS) According to a CBS News poll, most Americans oppose gay marriage - and opposition appears to be increasing.

However, support for a constitutional amendment rises and falls with the way that the amendment is worded. The issue seems likely to play a role in the fall presidential election, particularly for those who are opposed to same-sex marriages.


In a CBS News poll conducted immediately after President Bush endorsed a constitutional ban on gay marriage, 59% of Americans said they would favor an amendment to the Constitution that would "allow marriage only between a man and a woman," up slightly from 55% last December.

In a separate question that asked if they would support a constitutional amendment that would "allow marriage only between a man and a women and outlaw marriages between people of the same sex," support declines, but 51% would still support such an amendment.

When a question is asked without reference to a possible constitutional amendment, even more oppose legalizing gay marriage. Sixty-two percent of Americans oppose a law that would allow homosexual couples to marry and obtain the same legal rights as other married couples; just 30% favor gay marriage.

The public seems to have become even less receptive toward gay marriage in the past seven months. Although a majority has always opposed gay marriage, last July, 40% said they would favor allowing homosexual couples to legally marry, as did 34% in December. That figure is now 30%.

Republicans, conservatives, and people in the South are the most likely to support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage – about three-quarters of each group does. Majorities of Democrats, Independents, moderates, those without a college degree, and those in the Midwestern and Western regions also favor a marriage amendment.

Opponents of the constitutional amendment include liberals (62%) and those who have a college degree or higher education (51%). Northeasterners are slightly more likely to oppose the amendment than support it, 49% to 45%. Young Americans under age 30 are more likely than older people to oppose the amendment, but a majority of them still favors it.

Link to remaining article
...Are you familiar with the term "Tyranny of the Majority" ? It's a result of John Stewart Mills' worn out and hackneyed belief in the "Greatest good for the greatest number..." You can use that to justify the sacrifice of interests of any minority to the interests of the majority.

How's about the greatest good for all?
Originally posted by OCA

At its base level homosexuality is a vile, disgusting and dispicable act needing at the very least condemnation and at the most friendly intervention and help.

well that's your oppinion.

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