Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

More retarded shit from retards. The blockade is against Hamas. Hamas is the reason the people of Gaza are deprived of certain items, Ohh and last I checked the people of Gaza SUPPORT Hamas, so they have no reason to complain. Dumb fucking retards.

Really? They all support Hamas? Care to provide proof of that claim?
Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.

Nice edit. Classy. Care to cite some evidence thats why they voted in Hamas?

This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.

I don't give a fuck whether they know or not. My statement was care to cite some evidence thats WHY they voted them in.
Nice edit. Classy. Care to cite some evidence thats why they voted in Hamas?

This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.

I don't give a fuck whether they know or not. My statement was care to cite some evidence thats WHY they voted them in.

Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?
Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.

Nice edit. Classy. Care to cite some evidence thats why they voted in Hamas?

This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.

They voted for Hamas because Fatah sold out to Israel.
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This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.

I don't give a fuck whether they know or not. My statement was care to cite some evidence thats WHY they voted them in.

Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?

"Terrorist" is a meaningless, bullshit, political term with no consistent meaning.
You don't seem to understand how debate works. If YOU make a claim it is YOUR responsibility to back it up. It is YOU doing the work because YOU want to prove your point. If you don't want to do the basic amount of work to back up your bullshit assertions, then kindly fuck off and die. And a list of countries and what percentages of them use the internet just doesn't cut it. If you want to be treated like you aren't a fucking moron, then be willing to work to provide even a minimal amount of evidence for the bullshit you constantly spout.

Oh. And have a nice day.

OKay You didn't really substantiate you claim. Ooooooo.... aren't we a touchy arrogant little pissant. I don't get why you can't get the concept that people have been recalled home all the time. You hear it all the time in the news, ambassador or so-and-so attache or sos-and-so member of some foreign committee called home for such and such. Jesus Christ! Do you not read the paper or watch the news?! How hard is that for your little pea brain to absorb. What fucking bubble do you live in?
You really need to work on you cognitive and deductive abilities which so far have proven wanting.
Dude you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

What claim would you like me to substantiate?

Ambassaors are recalled because they are a direct representative of the country. Of course if you are WORKING for the government they can recall you. However if you are just a citizen, they can't.

I know that, if that person is a citizen of a free country. If they are a citizen of a not-so-free country then frequently the government has some sort of hold over that person that will force them to return if the government recalls them from vacation or work out of country. How freakin hard is that to understand??!!
This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.

I don't give a fuck whether they know or not. My statement was care to cite some evidence thats WHY they voted them in.

Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?

No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.
OKay You didn't really substantiate you claim. Ooooooo.... aren't we a touchy arrogant little pissant. I don't get why you can't get the concept that people have been recalled home all the time. You hear it all the time in the news, ambassador or so-and-so attache or sos-and-so member of some foreign committee called home for such and such. Jesus Christ! Do you not read the paper or watch the news?! How hard is that for your little pea brain to absorb. What fucking bubble do you live in?
You really need to work on you cognitive and deductive abilities which so far have proven wanting.
Dude you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

What claim would you like me to substantiate?

Ambassaors are recalled because they are a direct representative of the country. Of course if you are WORKING for the government they can recall you. However if you are just a citizen, they can't.

I know that, if that person is a citizen of a free country. If they are a citizen of a not-so-free country then frequently the government has some sort of hold over that person that will force them to return if the government recalls them from vacation or work out of country. How freakin hard is that to understand??!!

Ah. I see. So your argument isn't that ALL citizens can be recalled, but that SOME citizens can be recalled.

Any evidence this Tunisian citizen could be recalled? Or are you just making shit up?
I don't give a fuck whether they know or not. My statement was care to cite some evidence thats WHY they voted them in.

Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?

No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.
Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?

No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.

Right. Because blacks have a well known tendency to get elevated in this country. I mean look at how many black senators there are. Look at how many black House Members. Look at how many black lawyers/doctors. Look at how many black CEO's of fortune 500 companies.

Fuckwit. If people voted for individuals because they were black you think maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't be grossly underrepresented in Congress?
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.

Right. Because blacks have a well known tendency to get elevated in this country. I mean look at how many black senators there are. Look at how many black House Members. Look at how many black lawyers/doctors. Look at how many black CEO's of fortune 500 companies.

Fuckwit. If people voted for individuals because they were black you think maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't be grossly underrepresented in Congress?

MORON ALERT. Moron Alert.
What claim would you like me to substantiate?

Ambassaors are recalled because they are a direct representative of the country. Of course if you are WORKING for the government they can recall you. However if you are just a citizen, they can't.

I know that, if that person is a citizen of a free country. If they are a citizen of a not-so-free country then frequently the government has some sort of hold over that person that will force them to return if the government recalls them from vacation or work out of country. How freakin hard is that to understand??!!

Ah. I see. So your argument isn't that ALL citizens can be recalled, but that SOME citizens can be recalled.

Any evidence this Tunisian citizen could be recalled? Or are you just making shit up?

Specific evidence?! Of course not. We were talking in general possibilities. But let me ask you a question. How free is Tunasia? What is the culture like? Both of those would give strong clues as to whether it would be possible or not.
And damn dude! How many times did I have to rephrase it before you finally caught on??!! If you had decided to find out what I meant first instead of simply attacking what you misunderstood all of this could have been avoided. But then what would have been the fun in that? :lol:
Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.

Right. Because blacks have a well known tendency to get elevated in this country. I mean look at how many black senators there are. Look at how many black House Members. Look at how many black lawyers/doctors. Look at how many black CEO's of fortune 500 companies.

Fuckwit. If people voted for individuals because they were black you think maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't be grossly underrepresented in Congress?

MORON ALERT. Moron Alert.

Wow. This is what you've been reduced too?

Umm, ok then.
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.

Right. Because blacks have a well known tendency to get elevated in this country. I mean look at how many black senators there are. Look at how many black House Members. Look at how many black lawyers/doctors. Look at how many black CEO's of fortune 500 companies.

Fuckwit. If people voted for individuals because they were black you think maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't be grossly underrepresented in Congress?

You're right. He did not get elected because he was black. He was elected because he espoused a mantra of hope and change and he wasn't GWB in the person of McCain.
I know that, if that person is a citizen of a free country. If they are a citizen of a not-so-free country then frequently the government has some sort of hold over that person that will force them to return if the government recalls them from vacation or work out of country. How freakin hard is that to understand??!!

Ah. I see. So your argument isn't that ALL citizens can be recalled, but that SOME citizens can be recalled.

Any evidence this Tunisian citizen could be recalled? Or are you just making shit up?

Specific evidence?! Of course not. We were talking in general possibilities. But let me ask you a question. How free is Tunasia? What is the culture like? Both of those would give strong clues as to whether it would be possible or not.
And damn dude! How many times did I have to rephrase it before you finally caught on??!! If you had decided to find out what I meant first instead of simply attacking what you misunderstood all of this could have been avoided. But then what would have been the fun in that? :lol:

No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.
Ah. I see. So your argument isn't that ALL citizens can be recalled, but that SOME citizens can be recalled.

Any evidence this Tunisian citizen could be recalled? Or are you just making shit up?

Specific evidence?! Of course not. We were talking in general possibilities. But let me ask you a question. How free is Tunasia? What is the culture like? Both of those would give strong clues as to whether it would be possible or not.
And damn dude! How many times did I have to rephrase it before you finally caught on??!! If you had decided to find out what I meant first instead of simply attacking what you misunderstood all of this could have been avoided. But then what would have been the fun in that? :lol:

No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.
Specific evidence?! Of course not. We were talking in general possibilities. But let me ask you a question. How free is Tunasia? What is the culture like? Both of those would give strong clues as to whether it would be possible or not.
And damn dude! How many times did I have to rephrase it before you finally caught on??!! If you had decided to find out what I meant first instead of simply attacking what you misunderstood all of this could have been avoided. But then what would have been the fun in that? :lol:

No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.

Right. I should get off my high horse because you don't know how to communicate above the level of a 4th grader?

Don't blame me for your failings.
Are you claiming the people of Gaza are to fucking stupid to know that Hamas is a Terror Organization? Is that really what you are claiming?

No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

Actually Obama only got elected because he was black. Thanks for proving the point.

and he isn't even really black. isn't that special?
No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.

Right. I should get off my high horse because you don't know how to communicate above the level of a 4th grader?

Don't blame me for your failings.

don't feed the trolls

you just empower them
Specific evidence?! Of course not. We were talking in general possibilities. But let me ask you a question. How free is Tunasia? What is the culture like? Both of those would give strong clues as to whether it would be possible or not.
And damn dude! How many times did I have to rephrase it before you finally caught on??!! If you had decided to find out what I meant first instead of simply attacking what you misunderstood all of this could have been avoided. But then what would have been the fun in that? :lol:

No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.


you have just been awarded today's best performance by a troll derailing an important thread about an important world shaping event in the ongoing conflict category.

where shall we send your medal?

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