Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.

Right. I should get off my high horse because you don't know how to communicate above the level of a 4th grader?

Don't blame me for your failings.

But it's ok for you to blame me for yours. Riiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt...........
Can you say hypocrisy? I knew you could.
Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.

Right. I should get off my high horse because you don't know how to communicate above the level of a 4th grader?

Don't blame me for your failings.

But it's ok for you to blame me for yours. Riiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt...........
Can you say hypocrisy? I knew you could.

And what exactly was my failure? That I'm not magical and couldn't scry through the nonsensical bullshit that is your sad attempt at writing?

Well, ok, fair enough. I admit fair and square, I am not magical. It is one of my failings.
No, you were talking about generalities. I've been talking about specifics and I've provided evidence because I try not to make shit up. You apparently don't feel the need to bother yourself with petty things like the facts.

The Tunis representative holds multiple prestigious posts around the world. He could flee to another country with boatloads of cash on a whim if he wanted, and he could emigrate to any first world country.

And yes, it was difficult to read your horrible prose. Please do try to be clearer in the future, it is painful to wade through your convoluted inarticulate sentences. Further please note that there is a difference between ALL and SOME.

Anyhow. Until you've provided some actual evidence that Abdelfattah Amor can be recalled by Tunisia, your claim is just you making more shit up.

Like I said I was talking in generalities and yes if he wants to flee to another country then that's his choice, I don't care. I was trying to make a simple point and you decided to get freaky about it, don't blame me. To be honest though, since you were being such an asshole about the whole thing it was nothing to treat you the way you seem to want to treat anyone who disagrees with you. I was purposely vague because it became fun leading you around by the nose, the more of an ass you became the more I treated you as you deserved.
So get off you fucking high horse you arrogant prick. You too easy of a mark.


you have just been awarded today's best performance by a troll derailing an important thread about an important world shaping event in the ongoing conflict category.

where shall we send your medal?

Ya know, I've been around the forum for a while and that vast majority know my posting style. They've come to realize when I'm not being a jokester I'm slaying partisan hacks and whiny arrogant asses. You and Nik fit the later all to well. So it looks like we won't get along unless you decide to grow some balls and thicken up that parchment skin of yours. Until then
this is for you.

No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Hamas has consistently stated they would never recognize Israel's "right" to occupy Palestine.
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Hamas has consistently stated they would never recognize Israel's "right" to occupy Palestine.

You admit that your opinion is total bullshit, good to know.
My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Hamas has consistently stated they would never recognize Israel's "right" to occupy Palestine.

You admit that your opinion is total bullshit, good to know.

What opinion?
Right. I should get off my high horse because you don't know how to communicate above the level of a 4th grader?

Don't blame me for your failings.

But it's ok for you to blame me for yours. Riiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt...........
Can you say hypocrisy? I knew you could.

And what exactly was my failure? That I'm not magical and couldn't scry through the nonsensical bullshit that is your sad attempt at writing?

Well, ok, fair enough. I admit fair and square, I am not magical. It is one of my failings.

Yup, you're the paragon of perfection. :lol: Your ability to ascertain others meanings in a logical, respectful manner is unmatched by anyone else in the world. We all bask in your self adulating glory! :rolleyes:
Here are the facts:
(1) The Flortilla ships had no permission to enter Israeli territory and were doing it without permission. NO country in the WORLD would allow this, including the hypocritical Arab, Persian and Turkish countries bitching today.
(2) Israel announced that they would allow the ships in ONLY AFTER they thoroughly inspected each ship! Not at ALL an unreasonable demand.
(3) Israel demanded that the organizers coordinate with them, they refused.
(4) These ships entered the Israeli waters without permission
(5) Gaza is a hostile entity to Israel which has committed numerous terrorist attacks and thousands upon thousands of missile attacks. They wouldn't hestiate to detoniate a WMD in Israel!
(6) If Israel allowed this defiant ships to break the blockade uninspected, then it would lead to thousands of copy cats and million of weapons of war storming into the country. NO country would allow that!
(7) The Flortilla ships were to be stopped and inspected thoroughly. The IDF requested the boat to halt. IT DIDN'T more than enough to raise suspicions that their were terrorist or arms on the boat. Upon stopping and entering the boat the IDF soldiers were attacked. Under any rules of international law, this allows for retaliation. So they retaliated and some hypocrits were killed!

Why would they try to take the weapons away from the troops who came aboard to search the vessels? The only possible reason to do that is that they were insane, or that they were deliberately trying to provoke an incident. If it was the latter, they got what they deserved.

They attacked the troops, they didn't try to take there weapons!
Israel has not only shot and killed over twenty people On a ship in International waters,They also have done terrible damage to thier own Image, the mask has slipped people will see them for what they are

TO YOU? Who gives a fuck what you think about them. Anyone who see this as unjust is a hopeless liberal or someone who hates Israel no matter what she does. Her image will stay what it is.

Note: If ships coming to America denied access to the Coast Guard, denied inspections and then attacked the Coast Guard when they boarded, I would hope the Coast Guard would fight back. Furthermore, I would hope the Coast Guard won't just let the boat pass in order not to upset douche bag liberals!
so was the uss liberty...hell if they can attack a us ship and just say...oppsie our bad and pay some money...why cant they attack this?
What rubbish, you can be ignorant all your life, but you can ignore the fact that it was friendly fire all you want if it makes you feel better!

will this damage israel? no...they will spin and twist it..till its rachel corries fault.
If you stand in front of bulldozer that doesn't see or hear you in the middle of a war zone, then YES its your fault your died!
so sgt it is really all about ....might makes right with you, isnt it?

the people who are armed rule?

the meek aint getting anything but their asses kicked and they deserve it......:cuckoo:

The only one cuckoo here is you, who still has an axe to grind with Israel after 40+ years. Retired makles a good point: you go looking for trouble, you'll likely find it. They went to be provocative. I don't know what they expected. Maybe coming from Europe they expected Israel to roll over just like the Euroweenies do.
Imagine if they had tried going to Iran like that.

you go looking for trouble

I think it was Israel who went to them.

Are you dense or JUST plain STUPID. These ships were entering Israeli territory, hell bent on defying Israel! Not ONE COUNTRY would in the WORLD would allow them to come in uninspected. In fact, didn't Iran board and take prisoner British soldiers who did the same by accident. In fact there are many countries which would have sunk the boats!
Why would they try to take the weapons away from the troops who came aboard to search the vessels? The only possible reason to do that is that they were insane, or that they were deliberately trying to provoke an incident. If it was the latter, they got what they deserved.

I just thought I'd requote this.

I am sorry that people died.

But if this is what happened, then it was not unexpected.

The sad part is Israel always said that after the goods were inspected, anything that actually was humanitarian and allowable would be let in.

So the point of the exercise was????

To create an incident.

Jillian, the shipment of aid wasn't going to Israel. Who are they to demand an inspection? Exactly when do the people, a generation of which have been born, lived, and died in that ghetto Israel created, become sovereign? That is not to be allowed? Generations more should be born, live, and die with the neighbors telling them they have to live with less water, food, and human dignity than anyone in this world would stand for in any given DAY? Any abused spouse would rise up in defiance at some point, and you would fully support them, I expect even if they were married to your brother. Why are the Palestinians supposed to bear forever more than anyone else would be expected to tolerate on a bad day? How do you support this?

Then where was it going you fucking idiot? If Israel allowed them in uninspected like your demented Leftist mind expects, then the next day MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of missiles and weapons would be flooding into Gaza hell bent on killing Joooossss, but maybe that is what you want, but no nation in the world would allow this!
I just thought I'd requote this.

I am sorry that people died.

But if this is what happened, then it was not unexpected.

The sad part is Israel always said that after the goods were inspected, anything that actually was humanitarian and allowable would be let in.

So the point of the exercise was????

To create an incident.

Jillian, the shipment of aid wasn't going to Israel. Who are they to demand an inspection? Exactly when do the people, a generation of which have been born, lived, and died in that ghetto Israel created, become sovereign? That is not to be allowed? Generations more should be born, live, and die with the neighbors telling them they have to live with less water, food, and human dignity than anyone in this world would stand for in any given DAY? Any abused spouse would rise up in defiance at some point, and you would fully support them, I expect even if they were married to your brother. Why are the Palestinians supposed to bear forever more than anyone else would be expected to tolerate on a bad day? How do you support this?

Then where was it going you fucking idiot? If Israel allowed them in uninspected like your demented Leftist mind expects, then the next day MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of missiles and weapons would be flooding into Gaza hell bent on killing Joooossss, but maybe that is what you want, but no nation in the world would allow this!

You think calling me a whore in a neg rep is different than on the board? I warned you once.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... or the pictures and videos of the weapons taken from the ship where all of these "peaceful protesters" came from.



[ame=]YouTube - Weapons Found on the Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Used by Activists Against IDF Soldiers[/ame]
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... or the pictures and videos of the weapons taken from the ship where all of these "peaceful protesters" came from.


Yeah, I'll be sure to check everything wrapped up in a green flag from now on!

"There's where they store all their knives! Who? Look at the headwear! it was terrorists! It is still left on the deck as we found it!"

But I seriously think the survivors of those ships should spend some time to really think about what they have participated in. They wanted to prove a point and now some of their freinds are dead. Toying with military in one of the worlds most tense areas... it is not a game of sports going on down there. They should feel some guilt too.

I hope Israel officially can soar above the Osama-Cave PR level...

And Ghook93, no I don't hate jews. You can settle down again.
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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... or the pictures and videos of the weapons taken from the ship where all of these "peaceful protesters" came from.



YouTube - Weapons Found on the Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Used by Activists Against IDF Soldiers

From úäéì"ä - ãó äáéú Israeli government site photo complete with Hamas flag.


BUT anything the KNOWN terrorists that blow up children say is absolutely the truth RIGHT? You are a FUCKING JEW hater. Plain and simple, you prove it with EVERY post where you deny Israel exists and claim terrorists have the right to murder women and children and lob rockets mortars and missiles into cities indiscriminately. Every time you post one of your hate filled posts is proof you are an apologist for murderers and scum. Even other ARABS want nothing to do with these murderous scum. Every Arab Country has tossed their murdering psycho asses out. Egypt has blockaded the Border with Gaza.

You are scum like they are.

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