Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... or the pictures and videos of the weapons taken from the ship where all of these "peaceful protesters" came from.



YouTube - Weapons Found on the Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Used by Activists Against IDF Soldiers

From úäéì"ä - ãó äáéú Israeli government site photo complete with Hamas flag.


BUT anything the KNOWN terrorists that blow up children say is absolutely the truth RIGHT? You are a FUCKING JEW hater. Plain and simple, you prove it with EVERY post where you deny Israel exists and claim terrorists have the right to murder women and children and lob rockets mortars and missiles into cities indiscriminately. Every time you post one of your hate filled posts is proof you are an apologist for murderers and scum. Even other ARABS want nothing to do with these murderous scum. Every Arab Country has tossed their murdering psycho asses out. Egypt has blockaded the Border with Gaza.

You are scum like they are.

Nice rant! Keep it up, Israel can use all the spin it can get.
obama could save his whole, currently shit presidency by siding with turkey and publicly condemning israel.
What would that do, other than further alienate Israel and appear to be the ass kissing of Muslims that he is famous for?

show israel that they no longer have a free pass

They never had you stupid fuck! In fact they have had the exact opposite. They have always had to live under the microscope, deal with double standards, lectures from countries that commit far worse and actual atrocities, unreasonable demands in the face of annihalition and ruthless terrorism and a MASS amount of propaganda believed by people without question, because the target is the JOOOOSSSS!
What would that do, other than further alienate Israel and appear to be the ass kissing of Muslims that he is famous for?

show israel that they no longer have a free pass

They never had you stupid fuck! In fact they have had the exact opposite. They have always had to live under the microscope, deal with double standards, lectures from countries that commit far worse and actual atrocities, unreasonable demands in the face of annihalition and ruthless terrorism and a MASS amount of propaganda believed by people without question, because the target is the JOOOOSSSS!

Perhaps it would be easier for them if they would get out of Palestine.

BTW, it has nothing to do with being Jews.
(...)peaceful civilians.(...)

They were first of all civilians. Harrassed and terrorized in Internations waters.
Maybe even I would resist an intruding terrorist-pirate on open seas.

Nice twist, similar to how your country twists the Armenian Genocide! Twisting facts must be a Turkish trait.

The so-called civilians where head toward Israeli controlled territory, they knew they would be stopped and boarded and they attacked during the PRE-STATED THOROUGH inspection request. Unfortunate people died, but they died of their own doing and own stupidity!
Vladivostok citizens havent attacked Russia
There is no support group in the US for people from Vladivostok
There is no embargo on the eastern part of Russia
There is no concern of Americans supplying terrorist items to people in Vladivostok

So aside ffrom being completely different they are totally analogous

And that is what it comes down terrorist items..

So let me get this straight...
This flotilla that has openly courted international media attention probably had hidden weaponry onboard, knowing that at some stage Israeli forces would probably search the vessel, and more likely than not find any contraband, and make themselves look like complete dickheads? Yeah, right.....:cuckoo:

it is has not been made clear yet whether they were armed or disarmed members of the boarding party. there have been no reports of weapons as cargo.

No one knows if there are weapons or not unless they get checked! No country in the world would allow ships to enter their territories uninspected. Yet arrogant leftist expect Israel to allow this. Israel was fully within their rights to inspect the ships and fully within their rights to fight back when attacked!
And that is what it comes down terrorist items..

So let me get this straight...
This flotilla that has openly courted international media attention probably had hidden weaponry onboard, knowing that at some stage Israeli forces would probably search the vessel, and more likely than not find any contraband, and make themselves look like complete dickheads? Yeah, right.....:cuckoo:

it is has not been made clear yet whether they were armed or disarmed members of the boarding party. there have been no reports of weapons as cargo.

No one knows if there are weapons or not unless they get checked! No country in the world would allow ships to enter their territories uninspected. Yet arrogant leftist expect Israel to allow this. Israel was fully within their rights to inspect the ships and fully within their rights to fight back when attacked!

All "Free Gaza" boats are government inspected at the port of departure as requested by the movement to ensure there are no weapons. Israel knows this.

BTW, if Israel requested to inspect the cargo in international waters by unarmed inspectors, the request would probably be honored.
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it is has not been made clear yet whether they were armed or disarmed members of the boarding party. there have been no reports of weapons as cargo.

No one knows if there are weapons or not unless they get checked! No country in the world would allow ships to enter their territories uninspected. Yet arrogant leftist expect Israel to allow this. Israel was fully within their rights to inspect the ships and fully within their rights to fight back when attacked!

All "Free Gaza" boats are government inspected at the port of departure as requested by the movement to ensure there are no weapons. Israel knows this.

Trusting soul, aren't you.
No one knows if there are weapons or not unless they get checked! No country in the world would allow ships to enter their territories uninspected. Yet arrogant leftist expect Israel to allow this. Israel was fully within their rights to inspect the ships and fully within their rights to fight back when attacked!

All "Free Gaza" boats are government inspected at the port of departure as requested by the movement to ensure there are no weapons. Israel knows this.

Trusting soul, aren't you.

Shipping weapons would destroy their credibility and would remove them from the protection of innocent civilian status. They are advised by international law experts to ensure that they are completely legal. Anything else would destroy their mission.
it is has not been made clear yet whether they were armed or disarmed members of the boarding party. there have been no reports of weapons as cargo.

No one knows if there are weapons or not unless they get checked! No country in the world would allow ships to enter their territories uninspected. Yet arrogant leftist expect Israel to allow this. Israel was fully within their rights to inspect the ships and fully within their rights to fight back when attacked!

All "Free Gaza" boats are government inspected at the port of departure as requested by the movement to ensure there are no weapons. Israel knows this.

BTW, if Israel requested to inspect the cargo in international waters by unarmed inspectors, the request would probably be honored.

NO country would rely on other countries doing their inspections for them. NO COUNTRY. Nevertheless, after departure the Flortilla could have easily met up with another boat at sea and stocked it with arms, terrorist, missiles, bombs or anything!

Also no country in the WORLD would rely on 3rd parties for inspection.

You make unreasonable demands on Israel and pass them off as reasonable. You call for Israel's destruction and make it like your unbaised. Your a hack and a douche bag.
All "Free Gaza" boats are government inspected at the port of departure as requested by the movement to ensure there are no weapons. Israel knows this.

Trusting soul, aren't you.

Shipping weapons would destroy their credibility and would remove them from the protection of innocent civilian status. They are advised by international law experts to ensure that they are completely legal. Anything else would destroy their mission.

You really do live in some polliannish bubble. Your naivety is astounding.
Trusting soul, aren't you.

Shipping weapons would destroy their credibility and would remove them from the protection of innocent civilian status. They are advised by international law experts to ensure that they are completely legal. Anything else would destroy their mission.

You really do live in some polliannish bubble. Your naivety is astounding.

No his naivety is typical and expected. What if Israel did as P F Douche Bag demands? Then tomorrow hundred upon hundred of boats would be streaming into Gaza and without a doubt a good chunk of them would be armed with weapons, missiles, bombs, terrorists and probably WMDs! If Israel didn't do as they did, they they would be utterly incompetent and stupid!

Bowing to the left will get them nowhere. Those people won't approve of them no matter what they do. They will still call for their destruction, promote propaganda, ignore facts and well push double standards. I say Israel should say the hell with the left and ONLY do what is best for their country. They are Jews! They already lost the PR battle!
The only one cuckoo here is you, who still has an axe to grind with Israel after 40+ years. Retired makles a good point: you go looking for trouble, you'll likely find it. They went to be provocative. I don't know what they expected. Maybe coming from Europe they expected Israel to roll over just like the Euroweenies do.
Imagine if they had tried going to Iran like that.

you go looking for trouble

I think it was Israel who went to them.

Are you dense or JUST plain STUPID. These ships were entering Israeli territory, hell bent on defying Israel! Not ONE COUNTRY would in the WORLD would allow them to come in uninspected. In fact, didn't Iran board and take prisoner British soldiers who did the same by accident. In fact there are many countries which would have sunk the boats!

The British boats were in Iranian waters. These boats were in International waters.

Slight difference. Oh wait...actually its a huge difference.
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Here you go.

Most Palestinians Believe Hamas Should Change its Position on Eliminating Israel - World Public Opinion

Maybe you should do some research on your preconceived beliefs, eh?
I believe Israel's options are actually to either blockade Hamas ro allow them to be freely supplied with weapons.

And where exactly does the chocolate come in again?

You are the one obsessed with chocolate, you tell me.

Are you actually this retarded?

You are justifying them keeping chocolate from coming into the ports by saying that they can either blockade weapons or not blockade weapons.

What the fuck does blockading weapons have to do with them blockading chocolate?
No you brainless sack of shit. I am not claiming anything. I am asking him to provide evidence for WHY they voted them in.

Christ. Let me draw you asshats a fucking analogy.

Obama is black. Now. People knew this when they voted him in. Does this mean they voted him in BECAUSE he is black? No. It does not.

That someone has a property and they get voted into office does not mean they got voted into office BECAUSE of that property.

My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Here you go.

Most Palestinians Believe Hamas Should Change its Position on Eliminating Israel - World Public Opinion

Maybe you should do some research on your preconceived beliefs, eh?

I saw nothing in that poll about them being happy about the indiscriminate firing of rockets into the Israeli territories. Palestinians are jew hating blood thirsty scum.
Trusting soul, aren't you.

Shipping weapons would destroy their credibility and would remove them from the protection of innocent civilian status. They are advised by international law experts to ensure that they are completely legal. Anything else would destroy their mission.

You really do live in some polliannish bubble. Your naivety is astounding.

Umm, no, you are an idiot who doesn't understand basic politics.

They wanted to provoke an incident and appear sympathetic. They obviously wouldn't try to actually smuggle in arms while doing that.

Israel is just stupid enouigh to believe their own hype and went in there with guns drawn. And you fuckwits defend their stupidity.

Israel got played and fucked up. Badly.
My bet is that they voted them in because they agree with Hamas' goal of destroying Israel. If you have evidence that will serve to educate me that my opinion is wrong you are welcome to present it. If you do not, your opinion is of no more worth than mine, which mean that it is total bullshit.

Here you go.

Most Palestinians Believe Hamas Should Change its Position on Eliminating Israel - World Public Opinion

Maybe you should do some research on your preconceived beliefs, eh?

I saw nothing in that poll about them being happy about the indiscriminate firing of rockets into the Israeli territories. Palestinians are jew hating blood thirsty scum.

With all the racist bullshit about how evil Palestinians are, I wonder why nobody takes you rabidly pro-Israeli folk seriously?
Shipping weapons would destroy their credibility and would remove them from the protection of innocent civilian status. They are advised by international law experts to ensure that they are completely legal. Anything else would destroy their mission.

You really do live in some polliannish bubble. Your naivety is astounding.

Umm, no, you are an idiot who doesn't understand basic politics.

They wanted to provoke an incident and appear sympathetic. They obviously wouldn't try to actually smuggle in arms while doing that.

Israel is just stupid enouigh to believe their own hype and went in there with guns drawn. And you fuckwits defend their stupidity.

Israel got played and fucked up. Badly.

In the initial exchange between him and I we were not discussing this "freedom flotilla", we were discussing how arms are smuggled in the normal ways. Maybe you might want to do a little reading before you stick your foot in you mouth, if that's not too difficult for you. Still can't see past your own nose (except in the presence of a mirror) can you.
The protesters played and fucked up except in the court of public opinion which is what they wanted and strove for in the first place. Provocation and reaction, not sure they wanted it to go as far as it did but they will make the most of it's propaganda value as evidenced in your posts.

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