Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

The blockade is against Hamas, not the civilians. Are we supposed to ignore Hamas becuse they hide behind women and children?

Right. Because the only two options are ignoring Hamas completely or letting them get chocolate through.
There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.

What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.
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What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box.

I know. Good thing the Israelis would never do such dastardly things like kill civilians...


What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.

Nice edit. Classy. Care to cite some evidence thats why they voted in Hamas?
Umm, no. A country can't recall any of it's citizens for whatever reason they deem appropriate. I'm not even sure if you mean citizens who are serving in the UN or citizens in general, but either way you are wrong.

Yeah sure. You haven't been around long have you? Are you sure you're not still in Jr High? Or are you judging other countries by our standards? That would be a big oops!

Please do give examples of a country "recalling" its citizens so I can figure out wtf your deluded ass is referring too.

Specifics? That'll take a while so I'm not going to do your work for you unless you want to pay me but in general, throughout history here is a list of countries of which many have recalled representative and in some cases regular citizens home. I don't think the USSR or Nazi Germany are listed here any longer but they had a habit of recalling people they held some leverage over. Still happens today in many other countries.

The "UN Commissioner for Human Rights" is not a position within the UN. If you are referring to the UN Human Rights official quoted before, she has a Law Degree from Natal University and a LLM from Harvard. If you are referring to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, that again is Pillay, and I have already described her educational pedigree.

What authority does she have under international law to declare anything illegal. I checked her CV and saw nothing to indicate any knowledge of maritime law.

She doesn't any any authority. But merely because a judge hasn't ruled on something doesn't make it legal or illegal. And we aren't talking about maritime law, genius. We are talking about blockades, which fall under the laws of war.

Which would make the blockade legal, genius.

Regardless, Israel, and every country on Earth that maintains a navy, reserves the right to board any ship for inspection when it is bound for its territorial waters. As the official UN position is that Israel is in charge of Gaza, that makes what they did legal
What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.

Hamas are only terrorists here. They are not terrorists there. And they were elected there.
Yeah sure. You haven't been around long have you? Are you sure you're not still in Jr High? Or are you judging other countries by our standards? That would be a big oops!

Please do give examples of a country "recalling" its citizens so I can figure out wtf your deluded ass is referring too.

Specifics? That'll take a while so I'm not going to do your work for you unless you want to pay me but in general, throughout history here is a list of countries of which many have recalled representative and in some cases regular citizens home. I don't think the USSR or Nazi Germany are listed here any longer but they had a habit of recalling people they held some leverage over. Still happens today in many other countries.


You don't seem to understand how debate works. If YOU make a claim it is YOUR responsibility to back it up. It is YOU doing the work because YOU want to prove your point. If you don't want to do the basic amount of work to back up your bullshit assertions, then kindly fuck off and die. And a list of countries and what percentages of them use the internet just doesn't cut it. If you want to be treated like you aren't a fucking moron, then be willing to work to provide even a minimal amount of evidence for the bullshit you constantly spout.

Oh. And have a nice day.
Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box.

I know. Good thing the Israelis would never do such dastardly things like kill civilians...



Yeah, and a good thing terrorists don't either............
At least Israel doesn't specifically target civilians on purpose. Now if only those misunderstood terrorists wouldn't fight hiding amongst civilians while happily killing Israelis.
Right. Because the only two options are ignoring Hamas completely or letting them get chocolate through.

I believe Israel's options are actually to either blockade Hamas ro allow them to be freely supplied with weapons.
okay ladies and germs, this blurb is from the current AP wire on yahoonews.
and was this a legitimate attempt at enforcing a blockade that doesn't exactly have world consensus on its legitimacy or was this a commando raid with the objective of killing people?

why, pray tell, are israeli combatants designated commandos and arabs called terrorists?

The pre-dawn commando operation, which killed nine pro-Palestinian activists, was also sure to strengthen Gaza's Islamic militant Hamas rulers at the expense of U.S. allies in the region, key among them Hamas' main rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Egypt and Jordan.

"The attack on a humanitarian mission ... will only further alienate the international community and isolate Israel while granting added legitimacy to Hamas' claim to represent the plight of the Palestinian people," said Scott Atran, an analyst at the University of Michigan.
What authority does she have under international law to declare anything illegal. I checked her CV and saw nothing to indicate any knowledge of maritime law.

She doesn't any any authority. But merely because a judge hasn't ruled on something doesn't make it legal or illegal. And we aren't talking about maritime law, genius. We are talking about blockades, which fall under the laws of war.

Which would make the blockade legal, genius.

Regardless, Israel, and every country on Earth that maintains a navy, reserves the right to board any ship for inspection when it is bound for its territorial waters. As the official UN position is that Israel is in charge of Gaza, that makes what they did legal

Umm, no. Something is not legal just because it hasn't been ruled illegal in a court of law. This is especially true in the international sphere since there aren't very many courts, and none in the traditional sense.
Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

The blockade is against Hamas, not the civilians. Are we supposed to ignore Hamas becuse they hide behind women and children?

Right. Because the only two options are ignoring Hamas completely or letting them get chocolate through.

The last war with Hamas.

Palestinians killed 1400.

Israelis killed 13.

Where is the big threat?

Why is Israel scared shitless of Hamas?
Please do give examples of a country "recalling" its citizens so I can figure out wtf your deluded ass is referring too.

Specifics? That'll take a while so I'm not going to do your work for you unless you want to pay me but in general, throughout history here is a list of countries of which many have recalled representative and in some cases regular citizens home. I don't think the USSR or Nazi Germany are listed here any longer but they had a habit of recalling people they held some leverage over. Still happens today in many other countries.


You don't seem to understand how debate works. If YOU make a claim it is YOUR responsibility to back it up. It is YOU doing the work because YOU want to prove your point. If you don't want to do the basic amount of work to back up your bullshit assertions, then kindly fuck off and die. And a list of countries and what percentages of them use the internet just doesn't cut it. If you want to be treated like you aren't a fucking moron, then be willing to work to provide even a minimal amount of evidence for the bullshit you constantly spout.

Oh. And have a nice day.

OKay You didn't really substantiate you claim. Ooooooo.... aren't we a touchy arrogant little pissant. I don't get why you can't get the concept that people have been recalled home all the time. You hear it all the time in the news, ambassador or so-and-so attache or sos-and-so member of some foreign committee called home for such and such. Jesus Christ! Do you not read the paper or watch the news?! How hard is that for your little pea brain to absorb. What fucking bubble do you live in?
You really need to work on you cognitive and deductive abilities which so far have proven wanting.
Dude you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.

What is your fixation with chocolate? Is it a necessity of life or something? As long as Israel allows everthing needed to sustain life through their blockade what difference does it make that people in Gaza are deprived of chocolate? The aim of the blockade is to force Hamas out of Gaza in order to keep them from firing missiles randomly into Israel. If they don't have chocolate bars while they are setting up missiles I do not particularly care, and it might actually encourage someone there to help get rid of them.

Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

More retarded shit from retards. The blockade is against Hamas. Hamas is the reason the people of Gaza are deprived of certain items, Ohh and last I checked the people of Gaza SUPPORT Hamas, so they have no reason to complain. Dumb fucking retards.
Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box.

I know. Good thing the Israelis would never do such dastardly things like kill civilians...



Yeah, and a good thing terrorists don't either............
At least Israel doesn't specifically target civilians on purpose. Now if only those misunderstood terrorists wouldn't fight hiding amongst civilians while happily killing Israelis.

Israel doesn't target civilians on purpose?

So it killed those 19 civilians by accident? Or what exactly?
Just curious. What would your feelings be if a foreign power stopped you from getting anything on that list. Including chocolate.

Sorry, but humans need more than the bare necessities to have a meaningful existence. Its pathetic that you people justify a blockade against civilians.

Maybe they should have thought about that before they elected to have a terrorist organization be in charge of their people. They dug their own grave at the ballot box. They had an opportunity to bring peace to their people, but they decided murdering jews was more important.

Nice edit. Classy. Care to cite some evidence thats why they voted in Hamas?

This is what youre going with? Really? Do you think the palis didnt know how Hamas operates? If so, you are fucking stupid.
I know. Good thing the Israelis would never do such dastardly things like kill civilians...



Yeah, and a good thing terrorists don't either............
At least Israel doesn't specifically target civilians on purpose. Now if only those misunderstood terrorists wouldn't fight hiding amongst civilians while happily killing Israelis.

Israel doesn't target civilians on purpose?

So it killed those 19 civilians by accident? Or what exactly?

If Israel was in the business of purposely killing palistinian civilians, then there wouldnt be any palis left in the world.
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Specifics? That'll take a while so I'm not going to do your work for you unless you want to pay me but in general, throughout history here is a list of countries of which many have recalled representative and in some cases regular citizens home. I don't think the USSR or Nazi Germany are listed here any longer but they had a habit of recalling people they held some leverage over. Still happens today in many other countries.


You don't seem to understand how debate works. If YOU make a claim it is YOUR responsibility to back it up. It is YOU doing the work because YOU want to prove your point. If you don't want to do the basic amount of work to back up your bullshit assertions, then kindly fuck off and die. And a list of countries and what percentages of them use the internet just doesn't cut it. If you want to be treated like you aren't a fucking moron, then be willing to work to provide even a minimal amount of evidence for the bullshit you constantly spout.

Oh. And have a nice day.

OKay You didn't really substantiate you claim. Ooooooo.... aren't we a touchy arrogant little pissant. I don't get why you can't get the concept that people have been recalled home all the time. You hear it all the time in the news, ambassador or so-and-so attache or sos-and-so member of some foreign committee called home for such and such. Jesus Christ! Do you not read the paper or watch the news?! How hard is that for your little pea brain to absorb. What fucking bubble do you live in?
You really need to work on you cognitive and deductive abilities which so far have proven wanting.
Dude you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

What claim would you like me to substantiate?

Ambassaors are recalled because they are a direct representative of the country. Of course if you are WORKING for the government they can recall you. However if you are just a citizen, they can't.

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