Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

Yes it does speak for itself.

It shows civilians defending themselves from an Israeli attack.
You must be looking at the edited Hamas verson on Al Jeezera.

The attackee views it as an attack and does not care about the stupid excuse of the attacker.

IF what you say is true, and the Israelis attacked peaceful civilians at sea, murdering 9 of them and wounding 50, then we will see Israel prosecuted for war crimes. Ill bet my membership on USMB that that will NEVER happen. Sorry, you are wrong, we are right and in the end the world will agree with us, not lies from Hamas and its sympathizers.

Suck it biatch. :lol:
Hey! How about some: Incoming perspective...?


Thanks for a 60 second video that has no context to it released by IDF forces that we've all seen over and over again.

Any evidence as to what happened before that? or after that?

Some protestors are saying Israelis threw bombs onto the ships before boarding it. Hmm...I wonder why Israel didn't release the footage of what happened before they boarded the ships....
And of course there is nothing to contradict the videos from the gobbling Turkeys.

The video speaks for itself.

Israel confiscated all of it. Of course there isn't.
You must be looking at the edited Hamas verson on Al Jeezera.

The attackee views it as an attack and does not care about the stupid excuse of the attacker.

IF what you say is true, and the Israelis attacked peaceful civilians at sea, murdering 9 of them and wounding 50, then we will see Israel prosecuted for war crimes. Ill bet my membership on USMB that that will NEVER happen. Sorry, you are wrong, we are right and in the end the world will agree with us, not lies from Hamas and its sympathizers.

Suck it biatch. :lol:

Really? Please specify exactly what court would have jurisdiction to prosecute Israel for those crimes.
You must be looking at the edited Hamas verson on Al Jeezera.

The attackee views it as an attack and does not care about the stupid excuse of the attacker.

IF what you say is true, and the Israelis attacked peaceful civilians at sea, murdering 9 of them and wounding 50, then we will see Israel prosecuted for war crimes. Ill bet my membership on USMB that that will NEVER happen. Sorry, you are wrong, we are right and in the end the world will agree with us, not lies from Hamas and its sympathizers.

Suck it biatch. :lol:

Armed commandos in ski masks board your ship in the dark with the stated mission to steal, kidnap, destroy, and possibly kill. How can you say with a straight face that this was not an attack?

If someone attacks you, does it matter to you who it is? Do you care what excuse they may have for attacking you? No, you defend yourself.

I remember Ruby Ridge where a man killed a Federal Agent. Of course the government prosecuted him for murder. The jury came back with a not guilty because it was self defense. Self defense is a basic human right even if the attacker is a Federal Agent with excuses or some country with excuses.

As far a prosecution, it can range from South Africa to Pinochet.
A little honesty (instead of your usual fare of propaganda and denial of objective reality) would inform you that Jerusalem is inside Israel. And there's not even a dispute that Beersheba, for example, is in Israel.

You remain quite dishonest. Factually speaking, your posts are a void when it comes to accuracy.


The Armistice Agreement of 1949 defines the status of Israel as of that time. It took place after the end of the Palestine Mandate, after UN Resolution 181, after Israel declared itself to be a state, and after the 1948 war.

The armistice was called by UN resolution. There was no surrender. No country lost any land in that war.

All of the internationally recognized borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

The "green line" (that was specifically stated to NOT be national or political borders) defined areas of occupation. It did not change Palestine's internationally recognized borders.

The cease fire was between "Israeli forces" and the forces of the other countries. "Israel" was not mentioned.

Article I in all the agreements started with: "With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace in Palestine..."

The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949

The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, to get to the nub of it more quickly than your pantload of propaganda would get us there: your contention is that there are no borders for the State of Israel so nothing can occur "inside" Israel by your dishonest daffynition.

As I suggested, you are merely a dishonest propagandist. Your posts are of absolutely no value.

Show me a map of Israel. Do not use Palestine's borders and don't use the 1949 armistice lines. Only use Israel's defined borders. No one can attack Israel or attack inside Israel if no one knows where it is.
Last edited:

The Armistice Agreement of 1949 defines the status of Israel as of that time. It took place after the end of the Palestine Mandate, after UN Resolution 181, after Israel declared itself to be a state, and after the 1948 war.

The armistice was called by UN resolution. There was no surrender. No country lost any land in that war.

All of the internationally recognized borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

The "green line" (that was specifically stated to NOT be national or political borders) defined areas of occupation. It did not change Palestine's internationally recognized borders.

The cease fire was between "Israeli forces" and the forces of the other countries. "Israel" was not mentioned.

Article I in all the agreements started with: "With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace in Palestine..."

The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949

The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, to get to the nub of it more quickly than your pantload of propaganda would get us there: your contention is that there are no borders for the State of Israel so nothing can occur "inside" Israel by your dishonest daffynition.

As I suggested, you are merely a dishonest propagandist. Your posts are of absolutely no value.

Show me a map of Israel. Do not use Palestine's borders and don't use the 1949 armistice lines. Only use Israel's defined borders. No one can attack Israel or attack inside Israel if no one knows where it is.

That's funny. Those attacking Israel and Israelis sure seem to know where to send their homicide/suicide shitheads and the missiles, etc.

How the hell would one show a map of Israel without showing the alleged "Palestine's borders," you imbecile? :cuckoo: That's like saying "show me a map of the United States, but don't show any borders with Canada or Mexico." Since Israel bumps up against the alleged Palestinian "state" and a whole bunch of hostile to moderately unfriendly Arab nations, the map of Israel will necessarily delineate its borders, retard.

Try this one (and I couldn't give a rat's ass if you object to the inclusion of land annexed by the victorious Israel after the 6 day war).
Flotilla passengers: Go back to Auschwitz

audio: IDF soldiers warn flotilla vessels they are nearing area under naval blockade, latter respond with anti-Semitic slurs

Ynet Published: 06.04.10, 19:56 / Israel News

The IDF released on Friday an audio reproduction of the moments before Monday's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

In it, the soldiers can be heard warning the flotilla that its vessels are nearing an area under naval blockade. They are answered by calls of "Go back to Auschwitz" and "Don't forget 9/11 guys".

Sorry i cant post the link because i dont have 15 posts but you can listen to this in youtube under - "Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: "We're Helping Arabs Go Against the US, Don't Forget 9/11 Guys'
So, to get to the nub of it more quickly than your pantload of propaganda would get us there: your contention is that there are no borders for the State of Israel so nothing can occur "inside" Israel by your dishonest daffynition.

As I suggested, you are merely a dishonest propagandist. Your posts are of absolutely no value.

Show me a map of Israel. Do not use Palestine's borders and don't use the 1949 armistice lines. Only use Israel's defined borders. No one can attack Israel or attack inside Israel if no one knows where it is.

That's funny. Those attacking Israel and Israelis sure seem to know where to send their homicide/suicide shitheads and the missiles, etc.

How the hell would one show a map of Israel without showing the alleged "Palestine's borders," you imbecile? :cuckoo: That's like saying "show me a map of the United States, but don't show any borders with Canada or Mexico." Since Israel bumps up against the alleged Palestinian "state" and a whole bunch of hostile to moderately unfriendly Arab nations, the map of Israel will necessarily delineate its borders, retard.

Try this one (and I couldn't give a rat's ass if you object to the inclusion of land annexed by the victorious Israel after the 6 day war).

You won't find a map with Israel's borders because it has none. When Israel declared statehood, it did not define its borders. This is reflected in the 1949 Armistice Agreements where only the borders of Palestine and its neighboring countries were mentioned. Palestine is mentioned many times. There is no mention on an Israel. The armistice line or "green line" or "1967 border" is used to designate Israel but this is no border it merely designates areas of occupation. It does not change Palestine's borders.
Rachel Corrie boarded, equipment jammed

Written by Free Gaza team | 05 June 2010
Posted in Press releases

Press Release - Wed 5th June, 3.30am

The IPSC has been contacted by the MV Rachel Corrie in the past few minutes. Jenny Graham reported that they had been followed by Israeli ships for about 2 hours, and that in the last few minutes 2 ships were approaching from the port side. Ms Graham said that equipment on board had been jammed by the Israeli navy, and that they expected their satellite phone (number below) to be jammed soon as well. The line was bad, and we were unable to determine the exact location of the Rachel Corrie relative to their destination.

On hearing of the news, Freda Hughes of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) said: "We all hope that those on board the Rachel Corrie will remain safe and that there will be no repeat of Monday's terrible attack on the Freedom Flotilla. Our hearts are with you."

The Rachel Corrie is flying their Irish, Malaysian and Filipino flags at half mark as a mark of respect for their murdered comrades from the Mavi Marmama which was hijacked on Monday by Israeli commandos in an attack that left at least 9 people dead.


Freegaza - News section
[ame=]YouTube - israel Intercepts New Gaza Aid Ship - Rachel Corrie[/ame]
Show me a map of Israel. Do not use Palestine's borders and don't use the 1949 armistice lines. Only use Israel's defined borders. No one can attack Israel or attack inside Israel if no one knows where it is.

That's funny. Those attacking Israel and Israelis sure seem to know where to send their homicide/suicide shitheads and the missiles, etc.

How the hell would one show a map of Israel without showing the alleged "Palestine's borders," you imbecile? :cuckoo: That's like saying "show me a map of the United States, but don't show any borders with Canada or Mexico." Since Israel bumps up against the alleged Palestinian "state" and a whole bunch of hostile to moderately unfriendly Arab nations, the map of Israel will necessarily delineate its borders, retard.

Try this one (and I couldn't give a rat's ass if you object to the inclusion of land annexed by the victorious Israel after the 6 day war).

You won't find a map with Israel's borders because it has none. When Israel declared statehood, it did not define its borders. This is reflected in the 1949 Armistice Agreements where only the borders of Palestine and its neighboring countries were mentioned. Palestine is mentioned many times. There is no mention on an Israel. The armistice line or "green line" or "1967 border" is used to designate Israel but this is no border it merely designates areas of occupation. It does not change Palestine's borders.

It takes a special kind of moron (and PTF is certainly "special") to claim that you won't find a map of Israel in a post written directly under (and quoting another post containing) a Map of Israel.


If the original borders were undefined, so what? They no longer are.

OUR national borders have fluctuated too, you mutant retard.


According to the imbecile that IS PTF, that would mean he couldn't find a map of the U.S.A. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Flotilla passengers: Go back to Auschwitz

audio: IDF soldiers warn flotilla vessels they are nearing area under naval blockade, latter respond with anti-Semitic slurs

Ynet Published: 06.04.10, 19:56 / Israel News

The IDF released on Friday an audio reproduction of the moments before Monday's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

In it, the soldiers can be heard warning the flotilla that its vessels are nearing an area under naval blockade. They are answered by calls of "Go back to Auschwitz" and "Don't forget 9/11 guys".

Sorry i cant post the link because i dont have 15 posts but you can listen to this in youtube under - "Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: "We're Helping Arabs Go Against the US, Don't Forget 9/11 Guys'

IDF propaganda producers are morons.

Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings

By Mya Guarnieri

Tel Aviv - Ma'an - Israel's military came under intense scrutiny Saturday after releasing a new, heavily edited version of a video it had distributed to journalists in the days following its deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid convoy.

Initially distributing footage of its navy radioing the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara prior to a raid that left nine dead Monday, the military released a new version Friday that it said proves its claims that many aboard were religious extremists.

The audio includes two lines meant to demonstrate fanaticism on the part of Muslim passengers on board the ship, many of whom Israel's army has claimed had "terrorist" ties. "Shut up. Go back to Auschwitz," one man purportedly tells a navy officer via radio before another, with a heavy Southern accent, states that "We're helping Arabs go against the US. Don't forget 9/11 guys."

Bloggers soon picked up on discrepancies between the two. Ma'an also investigated, approaching the army early Saturday and confirming with Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian activist and chair of the Free Gaza Movement, that her voice was used in the recording. She is heard speaking normally via radio.

Saturday's version supposedly came from the Marmara, at least according to the military. But Arraf was actually a passenger on another of the flotilla's boats, the Challenger 1.

Under mounting pressure, the army ultimately released yet another version of the recording late Saturday, bringing to three the total number of different takes on what the military insists is the same event.


Maan News Agency: Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings

And more at Max Blumenthal:
IDF Releases Apparently Doctored Flotilla Audio; Press Reports As Fact
:cuckoo:Those yellow lines are borders

Yes, and if you read the links you will find that they are Palestinian borders. They are not Israel's borders.

Palestine is the fictional state that borders Israel. So the borders of that fictional state are also Israel's borders (on that side of Palestine, that is).

Sorry reality is such an overwhelming obstacle for you, pinhead. :lol:
:cuckoo:Those yellow lines are borders

Yes, and if you read the links you will find that they are Palestinian borders. They are not Israel's borders.

Palestine is the fictional state that borders Israel. So the borders of that fictional state are also Israel's borders (on that side of Palestine, that is).

Sorry reality is such an overwhelming obstacle for you, pinhead. :lol:

Perhaps you should read the documents on the 1949 Armistice Agreements. Your statement conflicts with their findings.
Yes, and if you read the links you will find that they are Palestinian borders. They are not Israel's borders.

Palestine is the fictional state that borders Israel. So the borders of that fictional state are also Israel's borders (on that side of Palestine, that is).

Sorry reality is such an overwhelming obstacle for you, pinhead. :lol:

Perhaps you should read the documents on the 1949 Armistice Agreements. Your statement conflicts with their findings.

Perhaps you should quote and link the relevant parts to formulate a coherent argument, since it appears that you don't understand the things you read. You also seem to focus only on old agreements that have been modified over time by a number of factors, including war.

What you consider a technicality worthy of being trumpeted is therefore actually nothing but historical flotsam and jetsom worthy of no actual concern. The borders of Israel may not be deemed by some Arab states to be "de jure" borders, but that is a huge irrelevancy. Again, those fuckers in Hamas know where to lob their fucking missiles and send their scumbag murderous homicide/suicide camel-suckers. So even if a liar like you can't figure it out, the truth is the rest of the world already well knows where Israel's borders are.

It is no longer the borders that matter. It is the very existence of Israel that so irritates those mindless selfish bloodthirsty savage scumbag goat-fuckers.

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