Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attacked, 2 killed 50 Injured - Israeli Murder and Piracy

sometimes it seems like you're the only middle east poster child that can give me a straight answer except one thing: is your avatar you and is that an oboe in your mouth?:cool:

marcy is being awful quiet today. you think she's feeling some remorse for being so foolish?

why was the ship being boarded and why did they resist the boarding?

the kiddies here seem to think there might be weapons as cargo.
what exactly are they trying to deliver?

keep up the good work, bro.

you're no avrum natan, but i appreciate the media you lay in here.

The boarders were repelling from helicopters. Before they even hit the deck they were under attack by protesters wielding long metal pipes and swarming the boarders. There were claims of knives being used to stab the boarders.
Oh and before anyone again says all passengers were screened, knives and guns could have been hidden in unchecked cargo or knives quickly fashioned from most anything already on board.

In fact, I saw video of the terrorists throwing a soldier overboard.

It was a staged propoganda event.

If they truely wanted to send humanitarian aid. They could have sent the ships to the port in Tel-Aviv, it would have been unloaded and sent there.

How would Turkey react if Greece sent a bunch of boats into Turkey, after Turkey told them not to do so, with a good chance that their are missiles for terrorists on the ships?

They probably would have sunk all the ships.

There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.
Yeah, the UN that put Libya and Iran on the human rights committee. They are really credible :cuckoo:

States don't serve on the human rights committee, only individuals do.

Winner of the Clueless Award in posting for the day. Congratulations. Here's your sign.

Are you really this much of a fuckwit?

Get educated about what the human rights committee is. Hint: Its not the same as the human rights council. Neither Libya nor Iran served on the Human Rights committee...countries cannot serve on it, only individuals can. And if you knew even a basic amount about international law, you would realize the difference.
Yeah, the UN that put Libya and Iran on the human rights committee. They are really credible :cuckoo:

UN is the only muti-national, multi-cultural body in this world that has legitimacy.
There is nothing besides the UN, preferably a reformed one demolitioning the 5-Power system to a further basis, adjusted from WW2 to the 21st century circumstances.
In such a reformed UN off course Muslims also have a strong say with 1.X Billion people in this world.
Either this way, or the failed Neo-Con way with selective standards varrying to the Interests of just a few.

NATO has no legitimacy? I wonder why countries have been trying to join it then.

The U.N is corrupt and filled with 3rd world despots and human rights abusers. The US could no better than leave that sad org and turn the headquarters into something as useful as a gay disco.

NATO has no legitimacy when it comes to human rights matters, no.
Countries are appointed to the UN human rights countries, and those countries chose the individuals.

Some of the most notorious offenders of human rights such as Iran and Libya were elected tot he UN human rights committees. That means they mean nothing.
The US should pull out of the UN, and just continue to let the thugs run it.
The boarders were repelling from helicopters. Before they even hit the deck they were under attack by protesters wielding long metal pipes and swarming the boarders. There were claims of knives being used to stab the boarders.
Oh and before anyone again says all passengers were screened, knives and guns could have been hidden in unchecked cargo or knives quickly fashioned from most anything already on board.

In fact, I saw video of the terrorists throwing a soldier overboard.

It was a staged propoganda event.

If they truely wanted to send humanitarian aid. They could have sent the ships to the port in Tel-Aviv, it would have been unloaded and sent there.

How would Turkey react if Greece sent a bunch of boats into Turkey, after Turkey told them not to do so, with a good chance that their are missiles for terrorists on the ships?

They probably would have sunk all the ships.

There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.

You try to beat me to death with a club and I have a gun then you're just stupid or purposely suicidal.
And despite your claim, Egypt and Israel had a legal blockade in place. The flotilla attempted to break it, the Israelis stopped it. End of story.
Countries are appointed to the UN human rights countries, and those countries chose the individuals.

Some of the most notorious offenders of human rights such as Iran and Libya were elected tot he UN human rights committees. That means they mean nothing.

Jesus Christ. What are you all trying to win an award for stupidity?

Human Rights Committee - Members

"Human Rights Committee - Members

The Human Rights Committee is composed of 18 independent experts who are persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the field of human rights.

Members are elected for a term of four years by States parties in accordance with articles 28 to 39 of the Covenant. Members serve in their personal capacity and may be re-elected if nominated. "

Compare that to the human rights COUNCIL

Human Rights Council - Homepage

"The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the UN system made up of 47 States responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe."
In fact, I saw video of the terrorists throwing a soldier overboard.

It was a staged propoganda event.

If they truely wanted to send humanitarian aid. They could have sent the ships to the port in Tel-Aviv, it would have been unloaded and sent there.

How would Turkey react if Greece sent a bunch of boats into Turkey, after Turkey told them not to do so, with a good chance that their are missiles for terrorists on the ships?

They probably would have sunk all the ships.

There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.

You try to beat me to death with a club and I have a gun then you're just stupid or purposely suicidal.
And despite your claim, Egypt and Israel had a legal blockade in place. The flotilla attempted to break it, the Israelis stopped it. End of story.

Ah, of course. Because you said it was legal, then it must be. Where did you go to law school, by the way? Where did you receive your LLM degree? What work have you done in the field of international law?
The supposedly peaceful protesters are solely to blame for any and all deaths. They CHOSE to attack armed men with sticks and tried to seize their weapons. THEY alone are responsible for every death.

they shouldn't have been attacked in the first place

They were not attacked, they were boarded legally by a blockading Country. Just as we blockade NK ships and used to board ships bound for Iraq.

Learn the difference between the human rights committee and the human rights council, dipshit.

The individuals on the committee AND council are representatives of their respective states. Who's the ignorant dipshit now? Duh!

No. They aren't. The individuals of the committee are appointed as experts of international law. They are NOT representatives of their states.

From Article 28 of the ICCPR which is the treaty that creates the human rights committeee.

"The members of the Committee shall be elected and shall serve in their personal capacity. "

As to who is the ignorant dipshit, that would be you.
There are, at a minimum, 9 dead civilians 0 dead soldiers.

Regardless of what you saw, it is evident and obvious that the use of force against the civilians was MUCH worse than the use of force against the soldiers. You only saw a particular view because the Israeli military has only released the footage they want to release.

You do know that Israel doesn't let in a lot of goods into Gaza, right? Such terrorist implements such as...umm...chocolate....They were trying to bring in things that Israel disallowed them from bringing in, but they clearly weren't bringing in missiles.

You try to beat me to death with a club and I have a gun then you're just stupid or purposely suicidal.
And despite your claim, Egypt and Israel had a legal blockade in place. The flotilla attempted to break it, the Israelis stopped it. End of story.

Ah, of course. Because you said it was legal, then it must be. Where did you go to law school, by the way? Where did you receive your LLM degree? What work have you done in the field of international law?

I posted where you can locate the relevant documents if you choose to do the search. Must you continue to purposely be an ignorant ass or is it genetic?
Learn the difference between the human rights committee and the human rights council, dipshit.

The individuals on the committee AND council are representatives of their respective states. Who's the ignorant dipshit now? Duh!

No. They aren't. The individuals of the committee are appointed as experts of international law. They are NOT representatives of their states.

From Article 28 of the ICCPR which is the treaty that creates the human rights committeee.

"The members of the Committee shall be elected and shall serve in their personal capacity. "

As to who is the ignorant dipshit, that would be you.

You still don't get it do you. Who is being selected and elected for the committee? Members of the representative states, defacto representatives.
Do you honestly think states don't lobby to have specific individuals on these committees that don't have their interests at heart? If so you're fooling yourself.
How naive can you be?
Ah, of course. Because you said it was legal, then it must be. Where did you go to law school, by the way? Where did you receive your LLM degree? What work have you done in the field of international law?

feel free to answer all of those questions.

i look forward to your responses.
:eusa_eh: It was a war footing blockade, i.e. legal. They were warned even before all this happened not to do it. They did it anyway and don't buy the humanitarian aid crap. This was how weapons were being smuggled in before Israel started the blockade.

your logic has a little flaw here.

when was the last time a shipload of arms got so much advance publicity?

they don't even do press releases when the shipment is going somewhere that everybody will be happy to receive it.

what makes you think they are actually smuggling weapons?

the only element of all this that has me questioning the motives of the freedom flotilla people is that they resisted boarding.

that's never healthy regardless of where you may be when a naval vessel orders you to heave to and prepare to receive a boarding party.

to resist is just plain stupid unless you have something to hide.

Of course they wouldn't put weapons on this flotilla, I never said that or insinuated it. Confrontation and publicity was the goal and weapons on board would completely undermine their ploy. That should go without saying.
Past intel had already proven weapons were getting in via this route prior to the blockade or do you think the Israelis set up the blockade because they had nothing better to do?
The blockade was challenged leaving Israel no choice but to enforce it.

i understand and don't have much disagreement with any of your assertions.

you understand that confrontation and publicity is an important element for dissidents of all stripes, violent or non-violent. stage an event in the hope of gaining supporters.
squash the event and suppress media coverage in the hope of preventing the opposition from weakening your authority.

that is the nature of some of the strategies recommended in the classified document making recommendations for government policy and procedure in response to terrorist activities in the thread you chose to dismiss as common fruitcake larouchian ranting.

i'm an accomplished technical writer, chum. most of my work has lots of confusing words and numbers in them and are only of interest to a very narrow audience.

journalism has been a hobby since i was a kid. this group journalism stuff has a lot of potential if people would learn how to disagree with each other by arguing the arguments instead of attempting character assassination on people they don't agree with or understand.
You try to beat me to death with a club and I have a gun then you're just stupid or purposely suicidal.
And despite your claim, Egypt and Israel had a legal blockade in place. The flotilla attempted to break it, the Israelis stopped it. End of story.

Ah, of course. Because you said it was legal, then it must be. Where did you go to law school, by the way? Where did you receive your LLM degree? What work have you done in the field of international law?

I posted where you can locate the relevant documents if you choose to do the search. Must you continue to purposely be an ignorant ass or is it genetic?

Right. I'm going to search for something that I know doesn't exist because you said it is there. Because you've shown yourself to be such a scholar so far, that I'll just waste my time looking for something because you said it was there.
Ah, of course. Because you said it was legal, then it must be. Where did you go to law school, by the way? Where did you receive your LLM degree? What work have you done in the field of international law?

feel free to answer all of those questions.

i look forward to your responses.

I tried to point out to him that little thing called Maritime Law and the referenced applications of historical precedence in the National Archives alone not to mention so many other repositories.
NATO has no legitimacy? I wonder why countries have been trying to join it then.

The U.N is corrupt and filled with 3rd world despots and human rights abusers. The US could no better than leave that sad org and turn the headquarters into something as useful as a gay disco.

Turkey is only one of the small ones challenging the preferential "West" system of this world. Yet, in near future world system will get a total overhaul, it is unavaoidable.
Before this overhaul is being seriously enforced on global scale, different sub-parts of this world will overhaul theirselves with 1-3 regional players in each region competing for power and influence to make the shift from middle-power into global status.
One of that said regions is the West-Asia, Middle-East is in that.
Turkey is the most serious claimant on this "making a shift" in West-Asia.
As we are still too small for a global role, we have to line-up the looser states of immediate Sunnite neighbourhood behind us.
Israel is governed by total amateurs, criminal they are anyway, but also Amateur.
Economic and military power is not enough, you also have to win hearts and minds. Winning hearts is being done through Palestine.

And JILLIAN: The Armenians are no parameter in all this. Armenia is a small, poor nation. Championing Armenians, like USA tried to do with North-Iraqi Kurds, will lead you nowhere. All this must have had come by USA 2-3 decades before when Turkey was weak and a cock-sucker of USA in Soviet times.
Championing Armenians will lead Turks to see Christian-preferential acting by USA in world-politics, it will lead for Turks one step more leaving transatlantic and, JILLIAN, you as a Jew with your motherland Israel best hope USA still keeps preferential relations with the above metioned claimant to the area your beloved Israel resides in.

And off course, you have Turkish blood on your hand. It is what defines your kind from now on.

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