Gaza Pregnant Woman Beaten To Death By In Laws

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Eye On The World: Gaza: Pregnant woman beaten to death by in-laws

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A one-and-a-half-year old boy keeps calling for his mother, unaware that he will never she her again, and that his father's family may be responsible for her death.

Nawal Fathi Tafish Qudieh, 25, lived with her family-in-law in the town of Khuza, east of Khan Younis. On Saturday she was allegedly beaten to death by her in-laws. She was seven months pregnant at the time, and the baby also died.

Nawal's brother Ahmad says that his sister was humiliated, insulted, verbally abused and beaten by her mother-in-law and her husband's family.

Nawal's family even offered her a piece of land to build a house on and live in with her husband and family to get away from the abuse, but her husband refused to leave his family.

"Due to the problems she was exposed to, she was banned from entering the kitchen. She used to wait for her mother-in-law to leave the kitchen in order to be able to enter the kitchen," Ahmad told Ma'an.

On the day of her murder she had entered the kitchen without making sure her mother-in-law had left the area, her brother said.

"Her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law began beating her on the head, abdomen and back. They did not feel sorry for her or even for the baby she carried in her womb for the seventh month."

Her brother-in-law then began beating her with an iron pipe, with the family joining in until she lost consciousness, Ahmad said.

They dragged her body into the landing of the house and left her there until an ambulance arrived and tried to resuscitate her, but it was too late.

Both Nawal and her unborn baby died. Medics at Shifa hospital said that the cause of death was bleeding in her brain due to blunt force trauma.

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Don't hold back now! People complaining Sudanese former slave who testified before UN that Israel is not responsible for the brutality being perpretrated on palestinian people. Now you see what is going on here. They are killing each other and if this is what they will do to their own pregnant family member who was a Muslim just imagine what they have in store for the rest of you! - Jeri
I tried to fix the typo in title twice but it isn't changing. Can someone please put the n in pregnant? Thanks!
Don't hold back now! People complaining Sudanese former slave who testified before UN that Israel is not responsible for the brutality being perpretrated on palestinian people. Now you see what is going on here. They are killing each other and if this is what they will do to their own pregnant family member who was a Muslim just imagine what they have in store for the rest of you! - Jeri
this is what happens when a Western Mind wanders into Asia, our Ego Ideals are shattered, but still irelevant to the whys of this conflict.
Just having a closer look at the nature of those peaceful palestinians. I could hear a pin drop now.

we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents that happen everywhere and focus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population).
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This is all Israeli propoganda, I don't believe a word of it.

that's mighty white of ya to say that, boy. don't ya have an inner city to burn down or sumfin.

how's it feel.

i swear, i cannot believe you have truck with some of these racist asses.

do you really actually not think some of these people are racist in their actions and attitudes.
If muslims can do it here, they can certainly do it in Gaza.

i imagine i can dig up and reproduce articles about jews and israelis and make similar comments...

and i imagine such threads, were they to lack the content of this one, would very rightfully be banished to the badlands.

shall i look up the article about the jew who tied his pet dog to the back of his car and dragged it to death and post it.

it would seem an appropriate response in this thread. hell, i could even compliment judaism, saying at least they don't kill their family...

and then...

follow it by an article the jewish settler who dashed his infant son against the wall because the baby had a minor and easily correctable birth defect.

and then

follow that with "if they can do it there, they can do it here."

we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents thaat happen everywhere and ocus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population.

Not when it reveals what nutcases they are. No. Next question?

we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents thaat happen everywhere and ocus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population.

Not when it reveals what nutcases they are. No. Next question?

So...let's get this straight. The rules are...if you can find a psychopath(s) of a particular race, religion, ethnic PROVES that all of that particular race, religion, ethnic group are equally psychopathic.

Is that how it goes, Jeremiah?

we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents thaat happen everywhere and ocus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population.

Not when it reveals what nutcases they are. No. Next question?

well, at least the jews find humour in the incident.

In Case You Think Your In-Laws Are Bad | Israellycool

LOL...we could all take a lesson from them and learn to laugh and politicise women being beaten by pipes...and judging from this thread, so do evangelical christians.

how much ya wanna bet that i can't find some horrid crime committed by a member of thwe evangelical christian nutcases. shall we begin with their "kill the gays" campaign.

say, do y'all buy your white sheets rom the same outlet store?
Oh my goodness, calm down Seal. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

If muslims can do it here, they can certainly do it in Gaza.

i imagine i can dig up and reproduce articles about jews and israelis and make similar comments...

and i imagine such threads, were they to lack the content of this one, would very rightfully be banished to the badlands.

shall i look up the article about the jew who tied his pet dog to the back of his car and dragged it to death and post it.

it would seem an appropriate response in this thread. hell, i could even compliment judaism, saying at least they don't kill their family...

and then...

follow it by an article the jewish settler who dashed his infant son against the wall because the baby had a minor and easily correctable birth defect.

and then

follow that with "if they can do it there, they can do it here."
we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents thaat happen everywhere and ocus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population.

Not when it reveals what nutcases they are. No. Next question?

well, at least the jews find humour in the incident.

In Case You Think Your In-Laws Are Bad | Israellycool

LOL...we could all take a lesson from them and learn to laugh and politicise women being beaten by pipes...and judging from this thread, so do evangelical christians.

how much ya wanna bet that i can't find some horrid crime committed by a member of thwe evangelical christian nutcases. shall we begin with their "kill the gays" campaign.

say, do y'all buy your white sheets rom the same outlet store?

Can we at least get some evidence of a kill the gays campaign? We know there is a kill conservatives campaign from liberals.

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There has been no kill the gays campaign, which is why you didn't post any evidence of that. It might be a wishful thought on your part. You certainly WISH there were a kill the gays campaign. Since there isn't, maybe you can create the perception that there is.
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