Gaza Pregnant Woman Beaten To Death By In Laws

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Not when it reveals what nutcases they are. No. Next question?

well, at least the jews find humour in the incident.

In Case You Think Your In-Laws Are Bad | Israellycool

LOL...we could all take a lesson from them and learn to laugh and politicise women being beaten by pipes...and judging from this thread, so do evangelical christians.

how much ya wanna bet that i can't find some horrid crime committed by a member of thwe evangelical christian nutcases. shall we begin with their "kill the gays" campaign.

say, do y'all buy your white sheets rom the same outlet store?

Can we at least get some evidence of a kill the gays campaign? We know there is a kill conservatives campaign from liberals.

Christopher Swindell: Gun safety debate is B.S.* - Op-Ed Commentaries - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -

There has been no kill the gays campaign, which is why you didn't post any evidence of that. It might be a wishful thought on your part. You certainly WISH there were a kill the gays campaign. Since there isn't, maybe you can create the perception that there is.

i suppose i could tell you to "learn how to read" or i could just attribute your post to stupidity. i wish no such thing.

while it is off topic, and i merely mentioned it in passing, christian eveangelicals are flooding money into uganda's anti-homosexual legislation and are speaking out in favour of it...also becoming known as the "kill the gays" campaign.


James Peron: Who's Helping Finance Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' Bill? You Are

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your white sheets are ready...extra starch...right?
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What I see illustrated by the story in the OP more than all else is how when a people face great hardships, like holocausts and occupations and apartheid and slavery, women in these injustice inflicted societies often bare the brunt of the suffering.
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The woman in the story is a victim of people who are suffering from injustices in their society? They were terrorists, Sherri. They beat her to death! They ambushed her in her own kitchen. This obviously was just another day to them. Where is the value for human life in this story? Point it out please.
Oh my goodness, calm down Seal. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

stop harrassing me. i am not the topic of this or the other threads where you respond to my posts.

ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.
I guess Christians & Jews just have to learn how to feel the Palestinian pride like Sherri does.

The woman in the story is a victim of people who are suffering from injustices in their society? They were terrorists, Sherri. They beat her to death! They ambushed her in her own kitchen. This obviously was just another day to them. Where is the value for human life in this story? Point it out please.
The woman in the story is a victim of people who are suffering from injustices in their society? They were terrorists, Sherri. They beat her to death! They ambushed her in her own kitchen. This obviously was just another day to them. Where is the value for human life in this story? Point it out please.

The Palestinian people live under Israeli Occupation and suffer extreme daily Injustices, egregious daily human rights abuses. They are human, some responding to it In ways that are not all positive. You calling the ones Zionism teaches you to hate terrorists says nothing about them and everything about you. Commitment of a crime does not make one a terrorist.
The woman in the story is a victim of people who are suffering from injustices in their society? They were terrorists, Sherri. They beat her to death! They ambushed her in her own kitchen. This obviously was just another day to them. Where is the value for human life in this story? Point it out please.

The Palestinian people live under Israeli Occupation and suffer extreme daily Injustices, egregious daily human rights abuses. They are human, some responding to it In ways that are not all positive. You calling the ones Zionism teaches you to hate terrorists says nothing about them and everything about you. Commitment of a crime does not make one a terrorist.

the real and horrible tragedy of this rather isolated incident is the glee almost that evangelicals and jews exhibit at a new piece of propaganda and how they use it to promote hate towards millions of people. they do not give one fig for this woman.

how does this sound...if americans are depicted as depraved child killers because of the newtown massacre. following jerimiah's logic...

man, i sure hope your god is different from her, i know he isn't so don't answer. thanks sherri.
Hopelessness and desperation and despair and injustices that never seem to end can unfortunately lead human beings to do horrible things sometimes. It is economic situations that often are the reason extended families live together in often strained circumstances. And speaking of ME cultures, I know of a personal story of a couple living with the husbands parents. When the wife wanted them to leave, the husband refused. So, the wife left alone. She was not allowed to take her baby with her, it is all wrapped up in the rights of men under the law in certain societies. This poor woman was in a terrible situation.
Hopelessness and desperation and despair and injustices that never seem to end can unfortunately lead human beings to do horrible things sometimes. It is economic situations that often are the reason extended families live together in often strained circumstances. And speaking of ME cultures, I know of a personal story of a couple living with the husbands parents. When the wife wanted them to leave, the husband refused. So, the wife left alone. She was not allowed to take her baby with her, it is all wrapped up in the rights of men under the law in certain societies. This poor woman was in a terrible situation.

provide for econoiic equality and justice in a society and social equality and justice will follow.

we get it already. you two don't like dark skinned people or "brown" people as they sometimes call themselves.

i am so glad to be a white paddy, as white people never involve themselves in such hooliganism.

don't ya think it is beyond the beyond to bring up incidents that happen everywhere and focus on one group of people (who are about 20% of the world population).

Wow, the first sentence, what a whiner, LMAO.

You obviously don't follow all the venom you write about Israelis.

Poor poor people. It's ok when they yell "Itbah Al Yahud" but damned be those who dare to criticize them!

The woman in the story is a victim of people who are suffering from injustices in their society? They were terrorists, Sherri. They beat her to death! They ambushed her in her own kitchen. This obviously was just another day to them. Where is the value for human life in this story? Point it out please.

It's not about bashing Israel....

So who cares?
All I did was suggest you calm down for your health & thank you for all the laughs. Is that "harrassing"?

Do the board monitors allow PERSONAL THREATS like this from one poster to another without a severe penalty? Pretty tough words from a man who wears diasposable diapers.

Oh my goodness, calm down Seal. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

stop harrassing me. i am not the topic of this or the other threads where you respond to my posts.

ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.
All I did was suggest you calm down for your health & thank you for all the laughs. Is that "harrassing"?

Do the board monitors allow PERSONAL THREATS like this from one poster to another without a severe penalty? Pretty tough words from a man who wears diasposable diapers.

Oh my goodness, calm down Seal. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.

stop harrassing me. i am not the topic of this or the other threads where you respond to my posts.

ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.

saying "take it to the badlands" is not a threat.
"ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.

All I did was suggest you calm down for your health & thank you for all the laughs. Is that "harrassing"?

Do the board monitors allow PERSONAL THREATS like this from one poster to another without a severe penalty? Pretty tough words from a man who wears diasposable diapers.

stop harrassing me. i am not the topic of this or the other threads where you respond to my posts.

ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.

saying "take it to the badlands" is not a threat.
Sure sounds like a personal threat to me Seal.

"ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands."

"ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.

All I did was suggest you calm down for your health & thank you for all the laughs. Is that "harrassing"?

Do the board monitors allow PERSONAL THREATS like this from one poster to another without a severe penalty? Pretty tough words from a man who wears diasposable diapers.

saying "take it to the badlands" is not a threat.
This is all Israeli propoganda, I don't believe a word of it.

I agree that it's media bs.

I can't even figure out why this stuff is posted in here. Where's the politics?
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Sure sounds like a personal threat to me Seal.

"ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands."

"ya wanna mess with me, ya worthless old fook, take it to the badlands.

Seal, be honest. Why even say that?

the guy follows me around and harrasses me. usually i ignore it but sometimes i don't. if he wants mto harass me and make stupid ass remarks, he should take it to the badlands.

his remark had nothing to do with the topic at all and was baiting.

that's why.

if the worthless old fook wants to mess with me, he should take it to the badlands. if he wants to whine about my post, he should take that to the badlands as well. i am done with any further discussion on this matter.

you deliberately started this inflammatory thread trying to depict an isolated incident as a societal epidemic. that is a two way street...but i am unwilling to go that route. i will take it to the badlands.

Would you put your rep on so I can rep you? (rhet.) :)
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