Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

Jorden and Egypt initiated the War and lost. Let me be clear; They with the Help of the U.N. initiated the War deliberately BLOCKING the Straits of Tiran, ignoring Israel’s valid complaint, and deliberately leaving the area knowing what Nasser was going to do. THEY LOST !! “ International Law” is a joke.
What does Jordan and Egypt have to do with Palestinian rights?

Israel was the Victor in a War started by the Arabs who did NOT respect “ International Law” They won that land fair and square from their aggressors If the “ International Community” did not recognize Israel’s Borders then Israel does not have to accept them now
Israel won Palestinian land from Egypt and Jordan?

Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Nice deflection.

Nice duck.
So basically if I stay in my yard I can cover Your loan with grenades and You will call it a hug?

Neither facts, nor logic are Your friends:cuckoo:
If my home was 300 meters from your home, I wouldn't care what you tossed towards my lawn.
Jorden and Egypt initiated the War and lost. Let me be clear; They with the Help of the U.N. initiated the War deliberately BLOCKING the Straits of Tiran, ignoring Israel’s valid complaint, and deliberately leaving the area knowing what Nasser was going to do. THEY LOST !! “ International Law” is a joke.
What does Jordan and Egypt have to do with Palestinian rights?

Israel was the Victor in a War started by the Arabs who did NOT respect “ International Law” They won that land fair and square from their aggressors If the “ International Community” did not recognize Israel’s Borders then Israel does not have to accept them now
Israel won Palestinian land from Egypt and Jordan?

Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Nice deflection.

Nasser vowed to destroy Israel. The U.N. actually cooperated with them by leaving the area and ignoring the Fact they deliberately blocked Israel’s right to the Straits . If they had won does anyone in their right mind believe that Israel wouldn’t be “ occupied” and totally destroyed? Nice deflection
Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Conquer by conquest was made illegal after the end of WWII.

Why anyone would want to be associated with Nazi Germany, is beyond me.

Another stupid comment. Israel did not “ conquer by conquest” unlike Germany. Germany initiated the War. Germany was NOT attacked . Get it? Of course not
What does Jordan and Egypt have to do with Palestinian rights?

Israel was the Victor in a War started by the Arabs who did NOT respect “ International Law” They won that land fair and square from their aggressors If the “ International Community” did not recognize Israel’s Borders then Israel does not have to accept them now
Israel won Palestinian land from Egypt and Jordan?

Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Nice deflection.

Nasser vowed to destroy Israel. The U.N. actually cooperated with them by leaving the area and ignoring the Fact they deliberately blocked Israel’s right to the Straits . If they had won does anyone in their right mind believe that Israel wouldn’t be “ occupied” and totally destroyed? Nice deflection
:offtopic: That was Egypt not Palestine.
Israel was the Victor in a War started by the Arabs who did NOT respect “ International Law” They won that land fair and square from their aggressors If the “ International Community” did not recognize Israel’s Borders then Israel does not have to accept them now
Israel won Palestinian land from Egypt and Jordan?

Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Nice deflection.

Nasser vowed to destroy Israel. The U.N. actually cooperated with them by leaving the area and ignoring the Fact they deliberately blocked Israel’s right to the Straits . If they had won does anyone in their right mind believe that Israel wouldn’t be “ occupied” and totally destroyed? Nice deflection
:offtopic: That was Egypt not Palestine.

Nice duck.

So basically if I stay in my yard I can cover Your loan with grenades and You will call it a hug?

Neither facts, nor logic are Your friends:cuckoo:
If my home was 300 meters from your home, I wouldn't care what you tossed towards my lawn.
Would You also sell Your woman not to get into a fight,
or do You just stick that empty head into a hole, waiting with Your ass up hoping for thing to pass by?
New York Times Video on Twitter

Medical Neutrality refers to a principle of noninterference with medical services in times of armed conflict and civil unrest: physicians must be allowed to care for the sick and wounded, and combatants must receive care regardless of their political affiliations; all parties must refrain from attacking and misusing medical facilities, transport, and personnel. Concepts comprising the principles of medical neutrality derive from international human rights law, medical ethics and humanitarian law. Medical neutrality may be thought of as a kind of social contract that obligates societies to protect medical personnel in both times of war and peace, and obligates medical personnel to treat all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or political affiliation. Violations of medical neutrality constitute crimes outlined in the Geneva Conventions.

Thousands at funeral for Gaza volunteer medic killed on Israel border

thats the norm,its actually extremely unusual when a day goes by that an Israeli sniper does NOT do that. All these paid shills that have penetrated this site defending them saying they are victems defending themselves,they will be horrified someday by what they have done when they have to deal with their karma they are bringing down on themselves trolling for money.
Ya Israelis defend themselves and THEY are the criminals. Just admit you hate Jews and will attack them for any reason.
Israel was the Victor in a War started by the Arabs who did NOT respect “ International Law” They won that land fair and square from their aggressors If the “ International Community” did not recognize Israel’s Borders then Israel does not have to accept them now
Israel won Palestinian land from Egypt and Jordan?

Yes, they lost it. Land is owned by those are able to defend it. Land is lost in wars all the time. Why are Muslims suddenly exempt from this rule?
Nice deflection.

Nasser vowed to destroy Israel. The U.N. actually cooperated with them by leaving the area and ignoring the Fact they deliberately blocked Israel’s right to the Straits . If they had won does anyone in their right mind believe that Israel wouldn’t be “ occupied” and totally destroyed? Nice deflection
:offtopic: That was Egypt not Palestine.

Not off topic. They won that land with those who initiated War. It’s that simple. It’s NOT “ off topic” that Israel was denied access to their Holy Sites . That will never happen again.
BTW, Jordan had control of E. Jerusalem, the W. Bank and formed an alliance with Egypt. That is NOT “ off topic”
The Palestinians also want a bridge running from Gaza to the W. Bank linking the two and have total control of it which would LEGALLY be within the “. 67 Borders” we hear so much about. Tell us please why Israel is LEGALLY bound to do this. The bridge for almost all of the W. Bank, all of Gaza and the Arab Sections of E. Jerusalem? Sounds like “ negotiation” to me!!
I forgot; you don’t believe in negotiation.
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Another stupid comment. Israel did not “ conquer by conquest” unlike Germany. Germany initiated the War. Germany was NOT attacked . Get it? Of course not
Israel was not attacked. Israel attacked Egypt. No different than German tanks rolling into Poland.
Another stupid comment. Israel did not “ conquer by conquest” unlike Germany. Germany initiated the War. Germany was NOT attacked . Get it? Of course not
Israel was not attacked. Israel attacked Egypt. No different than German tanks rolling into Poland.

Gee whiz. The history you’re taught at the madrassah must come from the same publisher who supplies the Hamas Hitler Youth style Camps.

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