Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

mittens STILL stonewalling? :(

But this might have a bad outcome for the patriots, i.e. liberals.

If Romney doesnt shed this tax issue by convention date, he may not get the nom and someone like christie, could...that fat phuking piece of garbage might actually get all the votes romney cant get from xtians and other indies who really hate having a Black prez but cant get themselves to vote for the moron, uh i mean mormon

Better the fascist piece of shit you know...

Liberal as a patriot.

What are you smoking dumb ass?
MSNBC TV: "Pres. Obama (black Obamney) & Romney (white Obamney) trade jabs on economy and taxes"

WTF is going on, with getting white Meat Obamney to get out some damn tax returns, so we can see why John McCain didn't choose him for shit, either!?

What is black Obamney waiting for, Meat to quit dragging, so the sack race can continue?
After Mittens released 23 years of tax returns to McCain, McCain decided not to choose him as his running mate. And, recently, the WP gave him three Pinocchios for his answers to the tax return question.

As for Bain - what Mittens is saying is that it took three years to change the letterhead and that he "retired retroactively". "Sole shareholder" but not working there?

He's a liar.

Maybe the R should be paying more attention to this ...

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File

And, as usual, Jon Stewart nails it ...

Jon Stewart Rips Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, Tax Return Defense (VIDEO)

OK, so where are the 23 years worth of tax returns if Romney released them to McCain? :confused:

Ask McCain.

It's funny to see the left shoot so many blanks.

See a urologist about that.

Maybe you should disprove the above with facts. That is if you want anybody to pay attention.

Why are YOU asking another poster to Do your heavy lifting? Typical leftist moron.

MY lifting??? Follow the bouncing ball, right winger. She is the one that said the left shoots so many blanks. Based on what??? You people love to make negative comments with no rhyme or reason. Back up your statements!! And next time mind your own business when you don't know what you're talking about.
The dumb ass lefties haven't realized yet that for every bogus smear they put out about Romney, there are numerous authentic failures we can point to by Obama.
All we want is the tax returns to see all the loopholes Romney almost most definitely used.

As long as he didn't break the law, what business is it of yours?

what is a loophole.
A tax loophole is an exploitation of a tax law which can reduce or eliminate the tax liabilities of the filer. Quite often the original wording of a tax break is used to justify the use of a tax loophole. Several years ago, for example, a substantial tax break was offered to small companies who invested in SUVs and other heavy vehicles for their transportation fleets. Because the tax law allowed for 50% personal use, small business owners could upgrade their own personal vehicles to SUVs and still receive a tax credit. This exemplifies a tax loophole -- the original intent is not illegal, but the definition can be exploited for personal gain.

Few legislators would ever define a tax code change as a 'tax loophole.' After the changes have been adopted, savvy tax code experts and tax lawyers may discover flaws in the wording of the new law. Sometimes an obvious or potentially costly tax loophole is duly reported to lawmakers and the law is rewritten to close the loop. Other times the tax loophole may exist for years until a federal overseer or IRS agent discovers the mistake or exploitation.
What is a Tax Loophole?
May not be illegal, but make him dishonest. I believe there is much more than we could ever imagine going on with Mitt.
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The dumb ass lefties haven't realized yet that for every bogus smear they put out about Romney, there are numerous authentic failures we can point to by Obama.

and yet you dont.

Obama's Jobs Council hasn't met for 6 months, yet Obama has attnded 106 fundraisers in that time. What's your opinion of that?

born this way, I see...there are meds out there you can use you know
What is obvious about Mittens' tax returns is that he has decided that hiding them will cost his campaign less than it would cost him to make them public.

Even though he is a failure as a candidate, he's a good sneak and this is a calculated risk that he has decided to take.
The dumb ass lefties haven't realized yet that for every bogus smear they put out about Romney, there are numerous authentic failures we can point to by Obama.

and yet you dont.

Obama's Jobs Council hasn't met for 6 months, yet Obama has attnded 106 fundraisers in that time. What's your opinion of that?

Youve posted it in at least two threads in the span of five minutes. My opinion on that is Youre a spammer.
No Presidential candidate has released their college transcripts and no one has ever been asked for a birth certificate that Obama has already released. Those are just smokescreens put up to deflect from the issue that Romney won't release his tax returns. Also, all the insults do the same thing.

Romney showed McCain 23 years worth of tax returns in 2008 so he can release them anytime. Not only did he not release them but McCain passed him up for VP.

Romney's own father released 12 years in 1967.

Why won't Romney just do it? I think this is a fair question and the fact that he won't is very suspicious. I think all the right wing foaming at the mouth over this is the height of hypocrisy. I mean, they are screaming for frickin' college transcripts but are giving a pass over tax returns.

Makes no sense at all.
No release, of Bain-relevant tax returns? No 2010 FBAR form? What could Willard Meat (white) Obamney be thinking? Does he think he and his rats are adorable vermin, when they run, after college transcripts, while blocking all their swell, offshore CHEEEESE?

The hot rumor is Willard Meat Obamney didn't pay jack, for income tax, during his Bain-contracted years. He won't come up with his 2010 FBAR, since it shows he was banking at a corrupt, Swiss bank, so now, he wants into the White House, without a proper audit or an SEC bust or voter credibility. What a guy! Would you be in this schmuck's rat-pack?

Maybe you are the filthy-rich, corrupt Zionist, Sheldon Adelson!


No release, of Bain-relevant tax returns? No 2010 FBAR form? What could Willard Meat (white) Obamney be thinking? Does he think he and his rats are adorable vermin, when they run, after college transcripts, while blocking all their swell, offshore CHEEEESE?

The hot rumor is Willard Meat Obamney didn't pay jack, for income tax, during his Bain-contracted years. He won't come up with his 2010 FBAR, since it shows he was banking at a corrupt, Swiss bank, so now, he wants into the White House, without a proper audit or an SEC bust or voter credibility. What a guy! Would you be in this schmuck's rat-pack?

Maybe you are the filthy-rich, corrupt Zionist, Sheldon Adelson!



That FBAR is rapidly becoming a FUBAR.

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