Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

He's not going to budge. And the longer he doesn't, the less honest he looks. The only reason he'd go through all this shit is if there would be even more shit if he divulged.
He's not going to budge. And the longer he doesn't, the less honest he looks. The only reason he'd go through all this shit is if there would be even more shit if he divulged.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing according to multiple fact checkers and news organizations. There is no requirement that Romney release anything more than what he already has. This is nothing more than a fishing expedition using "He's too RICH!" as bait.

July 16, 2012 - Louis C.K. - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

"Nobody cares that Mitt Romney is rich. It's Romney's inability to understand the institutional advantage that he gains from the government's tax code largess. That's a little offensive to people, especially considering Romney's view on anyone else who looks to the government for things like, I don't know, food and medicine."

The man paid $3 million in taxes last year and somehow he's benefiting from 'government largess'?
July 16, 2012 - Louis C.K. - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

"Nobody cares that Mitt Romney is rich. It's Romney's inability to understand the institutional advantage that he gains from the government's tax code largess. That's a little offensive to people, especially considering Romney's view on anyone else who looks to the government for things like, I don't know, food and medicine."

The man paid $3 million in taxes last year and somehow he's benefiting from 'government largess'?

Yes, and clearly you don't get it, just like Mittens doesn't get it. Are you telling me that someone like Romney, whose money makes more money than the entire sum of this entire board's members make in five years or more, should only be paying $3 million in taxes? The whole point in all of this, in why we say the rich should pay their fair share is that even though it looks like they're paying a lot, and certainly they are, they are using every hole and advantage they have, holes and advantages that you can only use if you're insanely wealthy.

And it's like Stewart says, it's not that he's rich. Who gives a fuck? It's that he fucking comes off as ENTITLED to it. As if he deserves to have all the loopholes and benefits simply because he has more money. And then to add insult to injury, he tells poor people that they can't expect ANY help from the government. He's the personification of evil rich guys. And that's something the Republicans are coming to grips with.

More and more Republicans in Congress and Republican state governors are joining the call for Mitt to release his taxes. Mitt has an image problem, despite what the Limbaugh/Fox News crowd is told. And the longer he waits to release his taxes, the more that image problem grows.
After Mittens released 23 years of tax returns to McCain, McCain decided not to choose him as his running mate. And, recently, the WP gave him three Pinocchios for his answers to the tax return question.

As for Bain - what Mittens is saying is that it took three years to change the letterhead and that he "retired retroactively". "Sole shareholder" but not working there?

He's a liar.

Maybe the R should be paying more attention to this ...

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File

And, as usual, Jon Stewart nails it ...

Jon Stewart Rips Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, Tax Return Defense (VIDEO)
Why the way the repubs/conservatives talk on this board, all their politicans are heaven sent, even the GOP leader Rush.
Why not ask John McCain for Romney's Returns then? Problem solved.
After Mittens released 23 years of tax returns to McCain, McCain decided not to choose him as his running mate. And, recently, the WP gave him three Pinocchios for his answers to the tax return question.

As for Bain - what Mittens is saying is that it took three years to change the letterhead and that he "retired retroactively". "Sole shareholder" but not working there?

He's a liar.

Maybe the R should be paying more attention to this ...

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File

And, as usual, Jon Stewart nails it ...

Jon Stewart Rips Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, Tax Return Defense (VIDEO)

OK, so where are the 23 years worth of tax returns if Romney released them to McCain? :confused:
mittens STILL stonewalling? :(

But this might have a bad outcome for the patriots, i.e. liberals.

If Romney doesnt shed this tax issue by convention date, he may not get the nom and someone like christie, could...that fat phuking piece of garbage might actually get all the votes romney cant get from xtians and other indies who really hate having a Black prez but cant get themselves to vote for the moron, uh i mean mormon

Better the fascist piece of shit you know...

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