Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Obama simply GAVE my money, your money, and our neighbors' money to another to create jobs in the Peoples Republic of China. I'm sure those Chinese are quite grateful to Obama for that.

Totally different. And much worse than someone who did outsource some jobs but created far more on shore.


Its not a defense as Romney doesn't need defending from your false allegations BDboop, its just simply showing the hypocricy of such a claim by those who support obama at the same time as making said claim.

False allegations!? Are you FUCKING kidding me.

Yes you are repeating false allegations, look at

No I'm not kidding you, its not my problem you are too partisan to see the truth.
Why is Obama not releasing his transcripts?

Why is obama lying about romney and outsourcing while not pointing to his own outsourcing of american tax money to create jobs for other country's citizens?

Okay, ENOUGH. Mitt PERSONALLY, as a business (flim-flam) man, had a hand in destroying the livelihood of many Americans. HE did that.

Obama is not a businessman, owner, CEO, CFO, or anybody else that had a hand in sending jobs overseas therefore OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, this is THE most lame-ass excuse for a defense all y'all have EVER come up with.

Actually Mitt wasn't there anymore when all that happened, he had left the decision making process at bain to go off to do the olympics.

Oh and...yeah.....obama outsourcing tax dollars to create jobs in other countries? Just ask Chuck

[ame=]80% Of Green Jobs Stimulus Money Going Overseas - YouTube[/ame]
"Tax the rich?!!" WTF could you be thinking?

On the other hand, we could let all the trick CEOs sit on a slew of boards, do dirt, at great expense, gather millions and billions, put it offshore, hide behind a trustee, and then pay 15% on the withdrawals

Or you could just bring those CEOs into your jobs council and say their business is the model for america....such as obama has done with Jeffrey Immelt from GE, who has outsourced FAR MORE JOBS in other countries than he has let his company create inside the USA.
Romney said in CNN interview that he will only release ONE more year of income tax returns - 2011, and that's it. He said there is no way he will release previous income tax returns.

What's he hiding?

Exactly what do his tax returns have to do with his ability to be the next President?

Just curious why its such a big deal to the obama fans.
si modo, you do know the entire planet considers you a bigot, does that bother you?
Really. :lol: Pray do tell, against what is it I am bigoted? Make sure you have some links.

Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is Obama hiding?

LOL he kept calling me a racist in a thread the other day when he had no counter to the facts I used to back up my argument :p

That guy is funny.
si modo, you do know the entire planet considers you a bigot, does that bother you?
Really. :lol: Pray do tell, against what is it I am bigoted? Make sure you have some links.

Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is Obama hiding?

LOL he kept calling me a racist in a thread the other day when he had no counter to the facts I used to back up my argument :p

That guy is funny.

I am not sure who you are, but I am sure of this

there is NO way you can criticize Obama "from the right"

as opposed to "from the left"

unless you first qualify it by spending an hour about how much you despise reagan, bush and bush way

do that, and we can talk
wont matter, he could go on live tv, shoot in the head, 100 infant babies with a 44 magnum, they will still vote for him

anybody but the Black Man, anybody but a liberal (boy do I wish Obama was one) who might help all people instead of JUST white racists

I wish obama was a liberal too man, unfortunately his comments about successful people and small businesses the other day exposed that he is not a liberal, nor a conservative, but more closely related to a Marxist.....and i'm that guy who used to call the conservatives on this board calling him a marxist wrong and stupid, that is until Obama's own words proved me wrong.
Really. :lol: Pray do tell, against what is it I am bigoted? Make sure you have some links.

Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is Obama hiding?

LOL he kept calling me a racist in a thread the other day when he had no counter to the facts I used to back up my argument :p

That guy is funny.

I am not sure who you are, but I am sure of this

there is NO way you can criticize Obama "from the right"

as opposed to "from the left"

unless you first qualify it by spending an hour about how much you despise reagan, bush and bush way

do that, and we can talk

I'm not from the right or from the left I'm just an American, registered independant.

I don't despise Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush2, or Obama so I'm not sure what you want me to do to be "qualified" in your mind.
got it, appreciate your honesty, you are against Obama but really you are an independent etc

wrong, you are a con, as bad as Obama is in that he is way to far to the right, for you not to admit that it is entirely and completely right wing agendas that destroy everything

is the tell
It seems fairly obvious to me why Mitt is not releasing his tax returns.

As the head of Bain he participated in one of the most egregious parts of our tax code which is the ability of hedge fund managers to classify a large portion of their income as capital gains.

As a result the total taxes paid by Mitt equals 15% which is about what the rest of us pay just for Social Security taxes. Democrats have been trying to close this provision of the tax code for years and Republicans have kept it open. The last thing Mitt wants is his tax return being used as exhibit "A" as to why the current tax code actually favors the wealthy relative to the middle class.

No way Mitt releases his tax returns while he was at Bain.
It seems fairly obvious to me why Mitt is not releasing his tax returns.

As the head of Bain he participated in one of the most egregious parts of our tax code which is the ability of hedge fund managers to classify a large portion of their income as capital gains.

As a result the total taxes paid by Mitt equals 15% which is about what the rest of us pay just for Social Security taxes. Democrats have been trying to close this provision of the tax code for years and Republicans have kept it open. The last thing Mitt wants is his tax return being used as exhibit "A" as to why the current tax code actually favors the wealthy relative to the middle class.

No way Mitt releases his tax returns while he was at Bain.
Oh, my the left has the perfect chew toy--a man who earned his way to the top and must be taken out in order to relieve him of his wins.

What a buncha lock-steppers!

Left (hut) Left (hut) Left left left (hut)

got it, appreciate your honesty, you are against Obama but really you are an independent etc

wrong, you are a con, as bad as Obama is in that he is way to far to the right, for you not to admit that it is entirely and completely right wing agendas that destroy everything

is the tell
You're dead wrong, ConzHateUSA. The Pilgrim says what he thinks, and sometimes he simply lands on the Idiot of the Day like he just did on YOU in your great desperation to play whack-a-mole to anyone who doesn't carry YOUR party line. :lmao:
Tell me. why are you so afraid to discuss Obama's record? Or the issues? Why do you have to try to stir up anger and distrsut based on absolute nonsense?

First of all, both parties see Obama's record differently - so there is no discussing anything. It's all politics. It's all lying. We have one distortion machine speaking to another distortion machine with no underlying reality. Facts are for sale. Each side has different, heavily financed data crunchers. On one side, ObamaCare saves money because it brings more people into the health care system; on the other side it grows the deficit. One party sees Obama saving the US Auto industry as well as expanding health care to hard working Americans, the other sees socialism and death panels. Meaning: nobody is interested in discussing anything. Each party is hermetically sealed in an echo chamber of bullshit.

Second. It is 100% customary for presidential candidates to release their tax returns to the American people. This is part of the vetting process. Period. The citizenry wants to see how the most powerful man in the world has made his money, and whether or not he has lied about anything. This is standard. If Mitt cannot stand 100% behind his financial history, he should not be president.

But yes, I can see why you would be worried about someone distorting his record. Your side has taken the health care plan advanced by Dole and passed by Romney, and turned it into Nazi Death Camps under Obama. So yes, it's only logical that you would be worried about someone using your tactics on you.
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Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

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