Gen. Milley Apologizes

Sack him....Trump is his CIC

He's obviously another SJW and I'd never want him over command of my children

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

Therefore I will get involved in domestic politics....

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.
They do. We do. I do. It is known trump is anti-military except for smiling words (an sometime he even fails at that) and this is why other General active and retired have also condemned the action. This goes all the way back to his bone spur days. Our military isn't a banana republic military sworn to the El Presidente in charge. Luckily most Officers and Enlisted take it more serious than that.
Even if General Milley is correct in all he charges, which I do not believe for a moment, one does not come out in a big public show throwing the Commander in Chief under the bus, while exonerating himself (the President made me do it) the way this man has done.

It's 100% improper and goes against all military protocol and chain of command hierarchy. Maybe he is bating Trump hoping he will be fired. That certainly is how it looks.
There is no other reason to become self martyred in his own sad story. The whole thing stinks.
The country’s top military official apologized on Thursday for taking part in President Trump’s walk across Lafayette Square for a photo op after authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the area of peaceful protesters.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a prerecorded video commencement address to National Defense University. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

Gotta give Trump an extra wide berth. Get too close and you're soiled by the buffoonery.
Even if General Milley is correct in all he charges, which I do not believe for a moment, one does not come out in a big public show throwing the Commander in Chief under the bus, while exonerating himself (the President made me do it) the way this man has done.

It's 100% improper and goes against all military protocol and chain of command hierarchy. Maybe he is bating Trump hoping he will be fired. That certainly is how it looks.
There is no other reason to become self martyred in his own sad story. The whole thing stinks.

Trump brings out the worst in people. He shows Trump no respect. And nor should he. Trump is a sack of shit. Those Deplorables that support him are of the same ilk.
Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

That's what the Nazis said at the Nuremberg trials. "I was only doing what I was told". It didn't wash then, and it doesn't wash now. When you have an idiot in charge, it is the responsibility of those that have clout to speak up. The Joint CoS staff did so. Good for him.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

I've heard about this "I was just doing what I was told" somewhere before

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.
They do. We do. I do. It is known trump is anti-military except for smiling words (an sometime he even fails at that) and this is why other General active and retired have also condemned the action. This goes all the way back to his bone spur days. Our military isn't a banana republic military sworn to the El Presidente in charge. Luckily most Officers and Enlisted take it more serious than that.

They are a mlitary with a commander in chief. So long as they get that through their heads they can play democrat politics on the side all they like.

Maybe this is one of the results of setting aside 50% pf academy admissions for women and blacks?
Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

That's what the Nazis said at the Nuremberg trials. "I was only doing what I was told". It didn't wash then, and it doesn't wash now. When you have an idiot in charge, it is the responsibility of those that have clout to speak up. The Joint CoS staff did so. Good for him.

Your nazi fantasies aside in the US the military does what the president says. It doesnt matter if you think he s an idiot. You arent an American. It only matters that he is the president. They do what they are told or they retire or get fired. Apparently the military needs some cleaning up.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

I've heard about this "I was just doing what I was told" somewhere before

All liberals they do what they are told. Thats what militaries do. What they are told. God help us you poorly educated cliche mouthing liberals who read feminist fiction rather than American literature and history.
The country’s top military official apologized on Thursday for taking part in President Trump’s walk across Lafayette Square for a photo op after authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the area of peaceful protesters.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a prerecorded video commencement address to National Defense University. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

not the first time a general has been wrong

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.
Was the General in the photo? No. I bet 99% of the population doesn’t even know who he is, much less that he was even there. He’s virtue signaling. Sad to see a General be so weak.

Agree. ^^^

another Mattis wannabe.

What will General Milley do next?

Take a knee? wearing a pink pussyhat??

Very, very disappointing.

Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.
They do. We do. I do. It is known trump is anti-military except for smiling words (an sometime he even fails at that) and this is why other General active and retired have also condemned the action. This goes all the way back to his bone spur days. Our military isn't a banana republic military sworn to the El Presidente in charge. Luckily most Officers and Enlisted take it more serious than that.

They are a mlitary with a commander in chief. So long as they get that through their heads they can play democrat politics on the side all they like.

Maybe this is one of the results of setting aside 50% pf academy admissions for women and blacks?
They do their job, fk you very much. They just don't like being a part of cheap political stunts. It ain't the job. You don't get, casual you never done it. Peddle you fish somewhere else.
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Generals are turning against Trump, one by one.

“I should not have been there,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said .... “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Generals do not like to be used as props to shape public opinion, nor do they like troops being used for show, to shape public opinion. It is disrespectful to all troops that have worn the uniform, living and dead.

Then why is he attacking Trump in the media? Ill grant you come from a different age. But its time to face reality.
The reality is GENERALS DO NOT LIKE TO BE USED AS PROPS TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, NOR DO THEY LIKE TROOPS BEING USED FOR SHOW, TO SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION, ESPECIALLY AS A POLITICAL POINT. This isn't because I am older than you. It is because it is not right. The military has it's own set of conservative values and traditions. Officer's may be more likely to speak out against the bad actions of the president, as our oath was to the Constitution of The United States, not the president. You are probably confusing the Enlisted oath, or do not have much experience in the military. It is sad, you were not aware.

Who cares what they like? In our system they do what they are told.

I've heard about this "I was just doing what I was told" somewhere before

All liberals they do what they are told. Thats what militaries do. What they are told. God help us you poorly educated cliche mouthing liberals who read feminist fiction rather than American literature and history.

Even in the military you are not supposed to follow illegal commands.

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