Gender identity

That would not be a situation I would be ok with, but my friends are not me. My co-worker is 100% behind it and was excited when her spouse started choosing a female name. When the spouse told their mother, her response was "well, now things make sense".

They are not hurting anyone, so why would I care?

The co-worker with the wife that just sort of randomly changed her name are in a Polyamorous Relationship, meaning they both have other partners outside of their marriage. For a while they even shared the same girl friend. They would to things as a trio sometimes, other times the two women would go away for the weekend or the man and the woman not his wife would go away. The two women are now no longer in a relationship but the husband and other woman are.

I totally do not understand it, I could never have that sort of a relationship, but it seems to make them happy so who am I to judge
I guess that makes your co-worker a lesbian now, doesn't it?

Has she known from the time she was a toddler that she was a lesbian?
Who is erasing women? No one
You haven't heard that meme? Sure ----- men taking Title IX funds simply by claiming they women is a way to erase women as a category. There are no women; just "people," all with a right to the same monies. Men can switch and "become" women, supposedly, therefore there are so such things as women.

But I bet they'd be mad if whites applied for black scholarships.
That would not be a situation I would be ok with, but my friends are not me. My co-worker is 100% behind it and was excited when her spouse started choosing a female name. When the spouse told their mother, her response was "well, now things make sense".

They are not hurting anyone, so why would I care?

The co-worker with the wife that just sort of randomly changed her name are in a Polyamorous Relationship, meaning they both have other partners outside of their marriage. For a while they even shared the same girl friend. They would to things as a trio sometimes, other times the two women would go away for the weekend or the man and the woman not his wife would go away. The two women are now no longer in a relationship but the husband and other woman are.

I totally do not understand it, I could never have that sort of a relationship, but it seems to make them happy so who am I to judge
What is she going to say???

She HAS to be supportive, in the name of the hallowed spirit of "inclusiveness".

That is the society you have created. Not only are the mentally ill coddled...but saying the emperor has no clothes will get you cancelled and ostracized.

You are drowning in a soup of self reinforcing mental illness my friend.

Like the proverbial frog in the pot...the heat just seems normal to you now.

Get out of the city before it's too late.
You have been on this board since 2007 which is almost twice as long as me. Do you remember all sorts of people pushing this tranny agenda back then?

What a statement on the malleability of opinion, eh?
I don't remember what I posted in 2007 much less what anybody else posted. I don't see how it is relevant what the attitudes were then. What is pertinent is what the attitudes are now.
I don't remember what I posted in 2007 much less what anybody else posted. I don't see how it is relevant what the attitudes were then. What is pertinent is what the attitudes are now.
It is pertinent because it shows how far removed people are from the views they held quite recently.

This is a MANUFACTURED issue and people need to understand that it is and to question what agenda it serves.
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Drug addled sleeping in the streets would cause traffic accidents that would harm other people.

My co-workers spouse feeling like they are a female hurts nobody.
Anything in society affects it. Did you know that divorce is "catchy"? That 25 years ago, the US had exactly one trans gender clinic, and now there are hundreds? Or that whole cliches of high school girls feel like they are now boys?

Don't fool yourself. We all affect each other.
What you choose to believe has no bearing on them being facts.

Riddle me this, if a married man with multiple children of this own also is a pedophile that has molested little boys, is he straight or gay?
He is gay. Or at least bi-sexual. And what you believe is not a fact either.
Wow, Truth, facts and honesty, not to mention competency. Dems throw all that out the window. It's all about inclusion and diversity. You get a blind black lesbian RTD Bus driver with Aubergers syndrome driving you home. Yeay.

As a one-legged black lesbian Mexican woman with Asian parents, I endorse this message. We need more of us driving school busses. Any of your little poop factories give me any problems I'll beat them with my cane, and you will have nothing to say about it, cuz rayacissisms n homophobia n stuff.
That would not be a situation I would be ok with, but my friends are not me. My co-worker is 100% behind it and was excited when her spouse started choosing a female name. When the spouse told their mother, her response was "well, now things make sense".

They are not hurting anyone, so why would I care?

The co-worker with the wife that just sort of randomly changed her name are in a Polyamorous Relationship, meaning they both have other partners outside of their marriage. For a while they even shared the same girl friend. They would to things as a trio sometimes, other times the two women would go away for the weekend or the man and the woman not his wife would go away. The two women are now no longer in a relationship but the husband and other woman are.

I totally do not understand it, I could never have that sort of a relationship, but it seems to make them happy so who am I to judge

Ohhhhhhh , excited was she?

Now we know it’s a bunch of crap.

You can’t make this 💩 up!

Yes, dear, now we can share panties. 🤦‍♂️
This is a MANUFACTURED issue and people need to understand that it is and to question what agenda it serves.
It serves as a loyalty oath: if you can get people to believe or pretend to believe truly impossible, crazy things, like transsexualism or transubstantiation then you know who is an ally for sure. Then you can start to work compelling the people who don't believe the crazy to one by one go along with the crazy. Then you know you have control of them.

Like Henry VIIIth's loyalty oath which required everyone to swear that they accepted Anne Boleyn as Queen and Henry as the head of the Church. In fact, of course, pretty much everyone hated Anne Boleyn and certainly didn't think Henry ought to hold himself out as their Pope! But given the punishment if they didn't swear, one by one they caved.

Let's don't cave on the idea that men can turn into women and women into men. The next loyalty test will be even worse: that the country should have completely open borders, that a World Government should rule and divide up resources equally by population, that only blacks should hold office and any high-paying job, as reparations.
If the stats are anything close to that, even 50%, probably better to stop the kids before they do themselves irreparable harm. Kids do lots of rebellious things to become independent that we try to stop --- many take drugs, should we encourage that? Hey, he's free to be a drug addict if he wants!! Should we let schools give him the heroin and keep it secret from us? It is the same thing we're talking about.
Published literature reports that 45%–88% of children with gender concerns in childhood go on to identify with their birth-assigned sex in adolescence and adulthood

You haven't heard that meme? Sure ----- men taking Title IX funds simply by claiming they women is a way to erase women as a category. There are no women; just "people," all with a right to the same monies. Men can switch and "become" women, supposedly, therefore there are so such things as women.

But I bet they'd be mad if whites applied for black scholarships.
You can bet anything you want on something you clearly know nothing about:

THIS is Title IX:

Title IX, also called Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act, clause of the 1972 Federal Education Amendments, signed into law on June 23, 1972, which stated that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” In 2002, following the death of its coauthor, U.S. Rep. Patsy Takemoto Mink, Title IX was officially renamed the Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act.

Although Title IX applies to a variety of programs, it has received the most attention for its impact on athletics, especially at the collegiate level. An amendment introduced in 1974 to exclude income-generating sports from Title IX coverage was rejected, and it was followed by like-minded amendments in 1975 and 1977, both of which also failed. In 1975 provisions that specifically prohibited sex discrimination in athletics and provided educational institutions with three years to fulfill the requirements of Title IX were signed into law. Attempts to curtail Title IX enforcement continued into 1978, but the following year the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) issued a final interpretation of Title IX’s effect on intercollegiate athletics, in which HEW mandated that educational institutions provide equal opportunity to men and women in athletic programs. Upon its establishment in 1980, the Department of Education was given the responsibility of overseeing compliancewith Title IX through its Office for Civil Rights.

Opponents of Title IX achieved a short-lived victory in the 1984 lawsuit Grove City v. Bell, the decision of which stated that Title IX affected only those programs that directly receive federal assistance; this eliminated the clause’s applicability to athletics programs. In 1988, however, the Civil Rights Restoration Act overrode Grove City v. Bell, stating that Title IX applied to all programs and activities of any educational institution receiving federal financial assistance. Beginning in 1996, under the terms of the 1994 Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, all coeducational colleges and universities participating in federal student financial aid programs were required to submit annual reports with information about their intercollegiate athletics programs to determine Title IX compliance.

Anything in society affects it. Did you know that divorce is "catchy"? That 25 years ago, the US had exactly one trans gender clinic, and now there are hundreds? Or that whole cliches of high school girls feel like they are now boys?

Don't fool yourself. We all affect each other.
Catchy? What you have caught is the Ignorant's Flu. Take care of it.
Anything in society affects it. Did you know that divorce is "catchy"? That 25 years ago, the US had exactly one trans gender clinic, and now there are hundreds? Or that whole cliches of high school girls feel like they are now boys?

Don't fool yourself. We all affect each other.
Just saw two yesterday. Two teeny bopper girls with butch hair cuts at Red Robbin hanging all over each other play acting like they were going to get it on in the restaurant.

This is what leftoids promote.
It serves as a loyalty oath: if you can get people to believe or pretend to believe truly impossible, crazy things, like transsexualism or transubstantiation then you know who is an ally for sure. Then you can start to work compelling the people who don't believe the crazy to one by one go along with the crazy. Then you know you have control of them.

Like Henry VIIIth's loyalty oath which required everyone to swear that they accepted Anne Boleyn as Queen and Henry as the head of the Church. In fact, of course, pretty much everyone hated Anne Boleyn and certainly didn't think Henry ought to hold himself out as their Pope! But given the punishment if they didn't swear, one by one they caved.

Let's don't cave on the idea that men can turn into women and women into men. The next loyalty test will be even worse: that the country should have completely open borders, that a World Government should rule and divide up resources equally by population, that only blacks should hold office and any high-paying job, as reparations.
Don't believe it all you like. Just leave them alone, that is all they want. It does NOT after any of your lives, ANY of you on the boards.

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