Gender identity

Of course we have a problem with you homosexuals and what-not prancing around naked in public! And so we should. The police should arrest everyone dressed inappropriately, which from the photos I've seen would be essentially the whole parade! They're proud of being obscene and perverted, which is like being proud of being a criminal.
Again, basing your beliefs on the snippets of right wing rage porn is really a bad idea.

It’s also a distraction. Are you telling me that you would have no problem with pride parades if everyone their privates covered?
I read in a psychology magazine recently that one of the easiest ways to diagnose one form of mental illness is to look for those who post in oversized fonts.

The malady in question is called histrionic personality disorder.
It's time to define Personality Disorders once again:


A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school.

In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you. And you may blame others for the challenges you face.

Personality disorders usually begin in the teenage years or early adulthood. There are many types of personality disorders. Some types may become less obvious throughout middle age.

Many of these disorders are manifested in Donald Trump, and in the Governors in Texas and Florida. If the readers take the time - a very short time - to read all of the definitions in the first link you might decide on who to not vote for, and those who you might vote for.
Again, basing your beliefs on the snippets of right wing rage porn is really a bad idea.

It’s also a distraction. Are you telling me that you would have no problem with pride parades if everyone their privates covered?
Sure. It's not illegal or indecent to have good-looking, well-dressed men parade around for whatever, as long as they are clothed properly! The usual parade is just some sort of gross sex thing, and is disgusting.
Sure. It's not illegal or indecent to have good-looking, well-dressed men parade around for whatever, as long as they are clothed properly! The usual parade is just some sort of gross sex thing, and is disgusting.

it seems as if you have some pretty extensive experience with these parades.

Why do you go to so many of them?
It may be called liberty though it can't be called freedom. One difference between the two: there is no longer a "whole" person when they decide to betray biological fate because they gave up something that they already had. There will always already be something that was left behind from the truly "whole" biological organism that they used to be.
Sure. It's not illegal or indecent to have good-looking, well-dressed men parade around for whatever, as long as they are clothed properly! The usual parade is just some sort of gross sex thing, and is disgusting.
How would you know what is usual?
This is your problem, not mine. No one has a problem with your presence in public.

I’m not forcing you to stay home, so you don’t get to force anyone else to stay home.

You’re not all that reasonable.
Nice deflection
Of course we have a problem with you homosexuals and what-not prancing around naked in public! And so we should. The police should arrest everyone dressed inappropriately, which from the photos I've seen would be essentially the whole parade! They're proud of being obscene and perverted, which is like being proud of being a criminal.
Oh, real life is much much worse.
All in all they are pretty normal, boring people. The spouse of my co-worker that is now transitioning taught my son how to play the bass back in 19. I have been to their house, they have been to mine.
Sounds to me like these folks have some issues that can't help but leak over to other aspects of their lives.

Can you even imagine that?

Your wife comes to you one day and says "hey sweetie, just want to let you know that you may notice a few tiny changes with me over the next few months that will culminate in me becoming a MAN. Thanks for being understanding." ;)

The reply to gay pride events reminds me of the reaction to "mostly peaceful" riots.

People who support torching the businesses by ANTIFA and BLM call them mostly peaceful to distract away from the agenda they are supporting.

Similarly, those who support the overt sexuality in gay events try to distract away from their own agenda by pointing out that it is not all of them doing it.
That's it!! We're all really men, there are no women. It was just a mind-mistake all along. That must explain my attraction to men, right?

The most interesting thing about this tranny business to me is the eagerness to erase women as a category.
Who is erasing women? No one
Sounds to me like these folks have some issues that can't help but leak over to other aspects of their lives.

Can you even imagine that?

Your wife comes to you one day and says "hey sweetie, just want to let you know that you may notice a few tiny changes with me over the next few months that will culminate in me becoming a MAN. Thanks for being understanding." ;)

Not how it happens. Grow up
The reply to gay pride events reminds me of the reaction to "mostly peaceful" riots.

People who support torching the businesses by ANTIFA and BLM call them mostly peaceful to distract away from the agenda they are supporting.

Similarly, those who support the overt sexuality in gay events try to distract away from their own agenda by pointing out that it is not all of them doing it.
Yet they are all propped up by Big Corporations,MSM and Government propoganda.
Sounds to me like these folks have some issues that can't help but leak over to other aspects of their lives.

Can you even imagine that?

Your wife comes to you one day and says "hey sweetie, just want to let you know that you may notice a few tiny changes with me over the next few months that will culminate in me becoming a MAN. Thanks for being understanding." ;)

That would not be a situation I would be ok with, but my friends are not me. My co-worker is 100% behind it and was excited when her spouse started choosing a female name. When the spouse told their mother, her response was "well, now things make sense".

They are not hurting anyone, so why would I care?

The co-worker with the wife that just sort of randomly changed her name are in a Polyamorous Relationship, meaning they both have other partners outside of their marriage. For a while they even shared the same girl friend. They would to things as a trio sometimes, other times the two women would go away for the weekend or the man and the woman not his wife would go away. The two women are now no longer in a relationship but the husband and other woman are.

I totally do not understand it, I could never have that sort of a relationship, but it seems to make them happy so who am I to judge

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