Gender identity

Coming from an abject failure in basic biology, I am indeed flattered!

I sure hope thee grandkids have someone better than you to teach them the birds and the bees!
Why don't you tell us again what about the nature of homosexuals makes them unable to breed so we can all have a laugh. 😂
Why don't you tell us again what about the nature of homosexuals makes them unable to breed so we can all have a laugh. 😂
Full quote as to where I claimed such a thing grandpa.

I expect the same side step you’ve been doing all day.
I got a HUGE problem here. We have thousands of years, and many cultures and countless generations that have accepted gender norms across the millennium. Across the years, and the history, SUDDENLY there are "new" undiscovered genders all of a sudden? Gender Dysphoria by any other name. Read Oliver Sacks, the mind does strange things.
Just another nail in our coffin.
Here you go. Maybe you should re- take biology, boy. 😂

Um, two men cannot breed together and either can two females.

Maybe I gave you too much credit, maybe nobody ever told you this.

By the way, the milkman was pissed when they took him off your route? 🤷‍♂️
Um, two men cannot breed together and either can two females.

Maybe I gave you too much credit, maybe nobody ever told you this.

By the way, the milkman was pissed when they took him off your route? 🤷‍♂️
They can still breed.
Definition of BREEDING

Here, maybe this will help you out, boy. 😄


And here’s the definition of a key word within the definition, Propagation:




  1. Multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction.
  2. The process of spreading to a larger area or greater number; dissemination.
  3. The act or process of propagating, especially the process by which a disturbance, such as the motion of electromagnetic or sound waves, is transmitted through a medium such as air or water.

God, you really look stupid now. AND YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!


And here’s the definition of a key word within the definition, Propagation:




  1. Multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction.
  2. The process of spreading to a larger area or greater number; dissemination.
  3. The act or process of propagating, especially the process by which a disturbance, such as the motion of electromagnetic or sound waves, is transmitted through a medium such as air or water.

God, you really look stupid now. AND YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!

Gay men can father children and gay women can have their eggs fertilized. Learn basic biology you Simp. 😂

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