Gender identity

Not with each other. Unless this gay couple is one a male and the other female, the two breeding with each other is physically impossible.
Straight males can't breed with straight males either and no one was suggesting they could. What I am saying is that gay men can father children and gay women can have their eggs fertilized.
Straight males can't breed with straight males either and no one was suggesting they could. What I am saying is that gay men can father children and gay women can have their eggs fertilized.

And not a single post said otherwise!

So what in hell is your friggen point!
I told you previously that I'm a grandfather, you really don't know how any of this works do you? 😄

Oh, now gay men can’t father children? You have got to get your stories straight!

And prove to us you aren’t gay. What is the distinguishable physical trait?

Or are we to use gaydar?
My wife.... 😂
Gays men often call their partners wife?

And gay men have been marrying gay and straight women since marriage first occurred.

No, I’m pretty sure you’re gay. Might be closeted, but most likely gay. Only gays try to say they procreate the same way as straights.

As they say in poker, that’s a “tell”
I don't know what you're referring to but the white straight makes make up the vast majority of pedo convictions.
Since white straight males make up a huge section of the population, anything less would be surprising. Maybe as a percentage of a group, homosexual men commit more of these types of offenses.
The answer to the identity crisis is stand in front of the mirror naked and you'll see what you are

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